

Treatment of the Culture-loaded Words in Audiovisual Products in Light of Communicative Principle

【作者】 董重阳

【导师】 何克勇;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 《老友记》是美国著名的情景喜剧,深受我国观众的喜爱。其剧情涵盖了美国社会文化生活的方方面面,给我们了解美国文化提供了一个有效途径。然而,《老友记》剧集的字幕翻译,尤其是其中文化负载词的翻译工作,给中文译者带来了极大的挑战,也引起了本文作者的极大兴趣,想要了解其中的文化负载词所负载的文化含义如何用中文来体现。学者对文化负载词的划分,看法不一,本文作者博采众长,将文化负载词分为四类,即习语类、社会生活类、生态类和语言类。同时,为考察《老友记》汉译字幕这四类文化负载词的翻译是否可取,本文以彼得·纽马克教授的交际原则为理论框架,对《老友记》汉译字幕进行简单分析,发现《老友记》汉译对上述四类文化负载词的一些翻译并不符合交际原则的要求,未能准确传达原文信息,难以使目的语读者与原文本产生共鸣。为了解决上述问题,本文参照交际原则的具体要求,通过对比分析,逐一为各类文化负载词总结了不同的翻译策略,最终得出以下结论:意译是翻译习语类文化负载词的有效策略,添加和意译是翻译社会生活类和生态类文化负载词的有效策略,本士化是翻译语言类文化负载词的有效策略。

【Abstract】 The Friends series is a famous American sitcom, which concern almost every aspect of American social and cultural life and is very popular among the Chinese viewers. However, the subtitles, especially the culture-loaded words in it, bring great challenges to the Chinese translators and also provoke the author’s interest, who would like to learn about how to convey the cultural information of the culture-loaded words into Chinese.Various scholars have given their own classification for culture-loaded words. On the basis of their research, this thesis categorizes culture-loaded words in Friends into four groups, namely: idioms, social culture-loaded words, ecological culture-loaded words and linguistic culture-loaded words. Based on this classification and with Peter Newmark’s communicative principle as the guideline, this thesis makes comparison and analyses on different versions of the Friends series and finds out that some of the translations do not comply with the communicative principle and they fail to completely and correctly convey the original information or produce on its readers "an effect as close as possible to that obtained on the reader of the original." (Newmark,2001:39)To solve the above-mentioned problems, this thesis tries to provide with specific strategies to deal with the translations of different types of culture-loaded words. The author suggests that paraphrase be a very effective translation strategy for idiom translation; as for social culture-loaded words and ecological culture-loaded words, adding and paraphrase are the translation strategies recommended; for linguistic culture-loaded words, localization is an effective translation strategy offered here.

  • 【分类号】H315.9
  • 【下载频次】414

