

【作者】 刘勇军

【导师】 李俊清;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 行政管理, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 培训是人力资源管理工作的一项重要内容,公务员培训是国家公务员管理制度的重要组成部分,公务员培训促进公务员知识更新和延续,促进公务员能力的提升和水平的提高。公务员是政府管理者,是政府职能的履行者,更是为人民服务的践行者,公务员工作能力和政治修养的提高,对推动政府职能转变、服务型政府建设、和谐社会的建设有着极其重要的意义。可以说公务员的素质的高低,决定了国家经济社会的发展和命运。公务员培训正是提高公务员素质的必要手段。我国的公务员管理和培训制度相对于经济社会的发展还存在一定的滞后性,改革的脚步依然很慢。在中国公务员培训的改革实践依然停留在对原有体制的修补,没有对体制的更新。本文以江西省吉安市为例,通过实地调研、利用和收集资料,按照提出问题—分析问题---解决问题的思路,借鉴国内外公务员培训的经验,,针对江西省吉安市在公务员培训中出现的问题,分析原因,提出对策。提出了公务员培训职能划分的设想,将党校和行政学院的部分职能,作为一种产品推向市场,引进社会力量到公务员培训,促进公务员培训服务和效果的提高。把公务员培训分为政治思想教育、知识培训和能力培训三个部分,将知识培训和能力培训外包,政治思想教育仍然由党校来履行,既保证党的思想理论的,又保证公务员知识和能力的提高。相对于企业界人力资源管理研究和实践水平,我国的公务员人力资源管理,尤其是公务员培训,还是比较滞后的。相关的理论研究不多,但是改革却已经在全国各地开始进入到探索阶段,本文希望通过借鉴西方发达国家在公务员培训方面的经验,结合本地区的实际,进行一些有益的探讨,为改革事业提供一些新的、可以借鉴的思路。

【Abstract】 Training of human resources is an important part of civil servants, civil service training of civil servants, civil service training, to promote knowledge update and an important part of sustainable management, promote the advancement of civil service capacity and level of improvement. The administrator of the government civil servants, the performance of government functions, it is serving the people, the civil service to improve capacity and political accomplishment, for government functions, service-oriented government construction and renovation, the practice of building a harmonious society is very important. Obvious, the quality of the civil is the decision’s fate of economic and social development. Civil service training is an essential means to improve quality. Chinese civil service management and training system with respect to economic and social development, there are still some lag, the pace of reform remains slow. Chinese civil service training in the practice of reform remain in the original system of systems, there is no fixed date. For patients with the Jiangxi Province,through the investigation, collection Metadata, in accordance with the proposed-Analysis-problem solving, learn civil servants experience at home and abroad, analyze the causes and propose a solution.split civil service training and administrative agent functions, as the products on the market, civil service training, promotion, and improve training. Education and training in the civil service training and capacity for political thinking, knowledge of the three-part training, literacy training and proficiency training will be outsourced, political and ideological education is still carried out by the Party School to ensure that the party’s ideology and theory, and to ensure knowledge of civil servants and capacity is improved.Relative to Chinese research in human resources management, the level of civil service training and practices, still lags behind. Related theories, but reform has already entered the stage of exploration, this paper hopes to d Western eveloped countries, civil service training experience, familiar with the region’s reality, carried out some useful discussion, provide some ideas. to reform.

【关键词】 市场化公务员培训吉安市

