

【作者】 赵月梅

【导师】 邢莉;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 民俗学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 本文是一篇记录当代蒙古族牧业生产习俗的民俗志。笔者以田野调查为基础,以黑龙江省杜尔伯特蒙古族自治县克尔台乡布村为个案,研究分析了蒙古族牧业生产习俗所呈现的特点与变迁趋势。论文对建国后、尤其是改革开放以来,布村牧业经济的发展历史、特点以及变迁原因进行了分析探讨。指出生存环境的改变、地方经济政策的落实和村民对民族文化的主体选择是其生产民俗变迁的主要原因。全文包括引论、正文、余论三个部分。其中,正文由四章内容构成。第一章,利用地方志资料和田野调查资料,在对布村所依托的大环境杜尔伯特地区的自然地理概况、历史沿革进行简述的基础上,对布村的形成历史、人口构成、教育文化情况以及生计手段等进行了分析介绍。指出布村大概形成于清末年间,是以牧业经济为主要生计手段的蒙古族牧业村落。第二章,通过呈现布村牧业生产习俗现状来揭示该村牧业经济发展的特点。建国后、特别是改革开放以来,草牧场资源迅速缩减,导致布村牲畜养料获取方式的改变,促使棚圈设施得到普及。该村的牧业生产习俗出现了以定居定牧、定居圈养和畜产品商品化的新发展趋势。第三章,以布村人的村落生活为切入点,分析探讨牧业经济与当代蒙古族村落生活之间的内在联系。从村民生活节律、家庭收支的安排,到游戏娱乐活动,再到人生礼仪,牧业生产深刻影响着当代蒙古族的村落生活。研究牧业生产与村落生活的关系,不仅能够诠释牧业生产习俗对当代蒙古族村落生活的影响,更是我们了解当代蒙古族民族文化特质和变迁趋势的重要线索。第四章,对当代牧业经济以及牧业生产习俗的特点、形成原因、未来发展趋势进行了分体探讨。指出定居生活模式的形成,定牧、圈养牧业生产方式的确立,畜产品的商品化和牧业经营者商品意识的加强是其最突出的特点。生存环境的改变、牧业政策的调整与蒙古族的文化选择是其变迁转型的主要原因。并在此基础上,对当代牧业经济的发展趋势进行了分析与展望。关注蒙古族的牧业生产习俗,研究其在当代所呈现的特点与变迁趋势,从而剖析牧业生产习俗与民族文化整体之间的内在联系,是本文的出发点和落脚点。希望本文能够起到抛砖引玉的效果,引起社会和广大学者对蒙古族牧业生产习俗的广泛关注。

【Abstract】 This paper take village Bu in duerbote monggol nationality autonomous county keertai in Heilongjiang province as a case, based on the field investigation and study in contemporary this particular background, animal husbandry production custom of Mongolian that presents features and change trend of a paper.20th century, especially in the 1950s after the development of animal husbandry production cloth village history, characteristic and the change reason are analyzed and discussed, and points out that the survival environment change, local economic policy implementation is villagers live mode and production mode, and the subject of the choice of living style and ethnic culture of villagers, is the subject of the choice the real internal production folk change.The paper includes three parts, introduction, text and epilogue, among them, the text content by four chapters.Chapter 1, useof local materials and the field investigation, in which the village Bu on big duerbote erea environment of natural geographical conditions and the district on history paper, on the basis of the formation of history of village Bu, population structure, belief profiles and livelihood means were analyzed introduction. Points out that formed in late qing dynasty cloth village probably in animal husbandry economy for years, the main livelihood means of Mongolian nationality villages.Chapter 2, through the present status quo of village Bu, animal husbandry production custom to reveal the characteristics of the animal husbandry economy. Cattle and feed, water, canopy, animal husbandry animal husbandry production activities with is the material basis formation and inheritance. After the founding of PRC, especially since the reform and opening, the rapid shrink, pasture resources caused the change access to cattle nourishment, prompting canopy facilities gained popularity, were structure appeared simplification, the village cattle feed trend to settle way appeared set animal husbandry and settled for the characteristics of new forms of captivity.Chapter 3, take village life of Bu as the breakthrough point, analysis and discussion with contemporary Mongolian village husbandry economy the inner relationship between the life. From the villagers rhythm of life, family income and expenditure of arrangement, the game again to life recreational activities, etiquette, and animal husbandry production profound impact on the contemporary Mongolian village life. Research and animal husbandry production and village life relations, can not only interpretation of animal husbandry production custom the influence of contemporary Mongolian village life, but also we understand contemporary Mongolian national cultural characteristics and change trend important clues.Chapter 4,Take contemporary Mongolian, animal husbandry production as well as the characteristics of animal husbandry production custom, the causes and future development trend for the fission as discussing. Points out that the formation of residency mode and the livestock and the establishment of captive animal husbandry production mode is the contemporary Mongolian and animal husbandry production custom most outstanding two characteristics. Survival environment change, animal husbandry policy adjustment, the development of the change is external causation; Animal husbandry economy development rule restriction and Mongolian culture creation and transformation of choice is its change inner motivation. On this basis, the development trend of contemporary animal husbandry economy are analyzed outlook, namely "the agriculture and promote animal husbandry" is the surviving development necessary way.Focus on animal husbandry production custom of Mongolian, study the characteristics of the contemporary presented with change trend, thus analyze and animal husbandry production custom with the national culture, the inner relationship between the whole of this paper is the starting point and the foothold. We wish to a view to play a valuable effect, cause of Mongolian society and the scholars of animal husbandry production custom attention.


