

【作者】 张超

【导师】 史锦华;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 人口、资源与环境经济学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 面对经济发展中如影随形的高消耗、高污染和资源环境约束问题与矛盾,自然资源减少或枯竭与生态环境的不协调性使城市面临如何发展的困境,人类开始寻求经济发展方式的全面转变,走节约型发展道路。循环经济是一种以资源的高效利用和循环利用为核心,以“减量化、再使用、再循环”为原则,以“新的系统观、经济观、价值观、生产观、消费观”为内涵,是对“大量生产、大量消费、大量废弃”的传统增长模式的根本变革,是对传统的线性经济的革命,是可以带来更大经济效益、更少资源消耗、更小环境污染和更多就业机会的先进经济模式,是符合科学发展观的可持续发展理念。可见循环经济已经成为当今世界的潮流和趋势,也是我国“十一五”与“十二五”以及未来规划的重点之一。当前,内蒙古“高污染、高消耗、低产出”的传统经济发展模式越来越受到资源瓶颈和生态环境的制约,如何提高资源利用率,减少废弃物的产生成为当前需要迫切解决的问题。因此发展循环经济成为内蒙古自治区转变经济增长模式,解决经济发展与环境矛盾的重要手段,是实现内蒙古经济与社会可持续发展的必然选择。虽然内蒙古在发展循环经济的工作方面已经取得了一定成就,在宏观政策、中观产业与微观企业方面已经开展了一系列循环经济的推进工作,但是总体来看在许多方面还存在着问题。比如尚未形成促进循环经济发展的技术支撑体系,缺乏支持循环经济发展的关键技术、发展循环经济所需的经济结构与产业结构不合理、缺乏相应完善的法律法规且法律监督机制不健全等等,如何从循环经济的理论与实践出发,对内蒙古现有的发展循环经济的优势与存在的制约因素进行逐一分析,并找出发展过程中所存在的问题以及提出相应的解决措施成为当务之急。本文以循环经济理论基础为出发点,在对内蒙古在发展循环经济过程中所拥有的有利条件与制约因素进行简要分析的基础上,研究分析了循环经济发展过程中存在的问题并提出了相应的解决对策。

【Abstract】 Facing with more and more problems and contradictions of high consumption, high pollution and resource and environmental constraints going hand in hand with economic development, the incompatibility of depletion of natural resources with the ecological environment has made city face the problem of how to develop, mankind began to seek a comprehensive change in the way of economic development, and began to take saving-development. Circular economy is a highly efficient use of resources and recycling as the core, taking "reduce, reuse, recycle" as the principle, taking "the new system concept, the economic outlook, values, the production outlook, consumption" as meaning, is the fundamental transformation of the traditional growth model of "the mass production, mass consumption, a large number of abandoned", is the revolution to the traditional linear economic system, it can lead to greater economic efficiency, less resource consumption, less environmental pollution and more employment opportunities. And it is in line with the scientific development concept of sustainable development. From above we can see circular economy has become the trend in today’s world, and has became one of the priorities for China’s "Eleventh Five-Year" and "Twelve Five" and future planning.Currently, the traditional model of economic development of "high pollution, high consumption and low output" in Inner Mongolia has been more and more constrained by the bottleneck of resources and ecological environment, how to improve resource utilization and reduce waste generation has become the problem that needs to solve urgently. Therefore the development of circular economy has became the important way of the transformation of economic growth mode in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and addressing the contradiction between economic development and the environment, besides, it is the inevitable choice to achieve sustainable economic and social development of Inner Mongolia.Although Inner Mongolia has made some achievements in the development of circular economy, and has launched a series of promoting-work of circular economy in macroeconomic policy, meso industry and micro enterprises, but overall there are still many aspects of the problem. For example, Inner Mongolia has not yet formed a technical support system of promoting recycling economy development, and lack of the key technologies supporting for the development of circular economy, besides, the economic and industrial structure which the development of circular economy needs are irrational, and it is lack of appropriate laws and regulations and the legal supervision mechanism is not perfect, etc. How to analysis the existing strengths and constraints of the circular economy in Inner Mongolia one by one, from the theory and practice of circular economy, and identify problems and propose appropriate solutions in the development process has been becoming a top priority. This paper takes the circular economy theory as a starting point, analysis the existing problems in the process of recycling economic development and puts up with the corresponding solutions, on the basis of a brief analysis of the favorable conditions and constraints in the development of circular economy of Inner Mongolia.


