

The Research on Collective Forestry’s Property Right Reform Performance Evaluation in Fujian

【作者】 张平海

【导师】 杨建州;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 林业经济管理, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 集体林权改革是以明晰林地使用权和林木所有权的综合性改革,是我国农村土地家庭承包经营制度由耕地向林地的拓展与延伸,对提高林业的经营效率、提高林农的收入具有重大的现实意义。2003年,作为南方重点集体林区的福建省在历次林权改革的基础上,开展以“明晰所有权,放活经营权,落实处置权,确保收益权”为主要内容的集体林权制度改革,对不适应市场经济下林业发展的制度和政策进行了调整和创新,有效调动了林农进行林业生产的积极性,对林业生产经营产生很大影响,为科学分析此次集体林权改革所产生的绩效,客观评价集体林权改革对林业生产经营的促进作用,提出进一步深化集体林权改革的建议。本研究以福建省集体林权改革绩效为主要研究对象,基于对集体林权改革的绩效研究的回顾,通过设计集体林权改革绩效评价指标体系,以永安市集体林权改革为例,通过对林权改革绩效数据的收集和实地调研,采用层次分析和模糊综合评价相结合的方法对福建省集体林权改革的绩效进行评价研究。本研究对集体林权改革绩效评价指标进行设计时,采用专家咨询法、理论分析法和频度分析法相结合,从经济绩效、生态绩效和社会绩效三方面入手,构建了林业生产投入、林业生产产出、林权改革政策效果、生态稳定性、森林经营水平、森林生产力、社会进步、社会公益性、社会稳定9个方面的准则层,共42个指标;在对评价方法的选择上,对现有的绩效评价方法进行分析和比较,选择层次分析法和模糊综合评价法相结合的评价方法,用层次分析法确定集体林权改革指标的权重,用模糊综合评价方法对指标体系进行综合评价,并以永安市的集体林权改革为案例,以2009年的林改数据结合实地调研的问卷数据,综合计算永安市集体林权改革的绩效评价。通过层次分析法和模糊综合评价法,得出永安市集体林权改革绩效评价的结果为“较好”,其中经济绩效“较好”、生态绩效“一般”、社会绩效“较好”,在准则层方面,林业生产投入“较好”、林业生产产出“较好”、林权改革政策效果“较好”、森林稳定性“很好”、森林经营水平“一般”、森林生产力“一般”、社会进步“较好”、社会公益性“较好”、社会稳定“一般”。并在次基础上提出了深化集体林权改革的政策建议:第一,加快政府职能转变,建立新的林业管理体制;第二,健全林地流转,规范森林资源要素流转体系;第三,推进投融资改革,突破林业发展的瓶颈;第四,推广林业科技,提高林业经营效益;第五,加强森林资源管理,创新森林资源保护体系;第六,完善社会服务,培育社会化服务组织。

【Abstract】 Collective forestry’s property right reform is a comprehensive reform of clearing forest land ownership and forest ownership comprehensive reform , and it is the development and outspread of rural land household contract management system from the cultivated land to forest land, it has the significant practical significance to improve the operational efficiency of forestry and improve farmers income. In 2003, Fujian province as the southern key collective forest area,on the basis of all previous collective forestry’s property right reform,launching on the collective forestry’s property right reform that the main contents is basis on "clear ownership rights, Agriculture-related right , Implement disposition, ensure usufruct" ,to adjust and innovate forestry development system and policy that does not adapt to market economy , mobilized effectively imposition on forestry production enthusiasm and forestry production management, have a great influence for the scientific analysis of collective forestry’s property right reform generated performance, an objective evaluation of collective forestry’s property right reform on forestry production management, and puts forward the promoting function of further deepening of collective forest right reform proposal. This study selection collective forestry’s property right reform performance of Fujian province as the main research object, the collective forestry’s property right reform based on performance study reviews, through the design of collective forestry’s property right reform performance evaluation index system, with the collective forestry’s property right reform of Yong’an city as an example, through the data collection and investigation, combining Analytic Hierarchy Process and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method in the performance evaluation research on the collective forestry’s property right reform of Fujian province.This study design the collective forestry’s property right reform performance evaluation indexes, using Delphi method, theoretical analysis and frequency analysis method, Include economic performance, ecological performance and social performance three aspects , constructs the forestry production input and forestry production output, forest tenure reform policy effect, ecological stability, forest management level, forest productive forces, social progress and the social public benefits and social stability in the nine aspects criterion layer, a total of 42 indicator; On the selection of evaluation methods, analyze and compare the existing on performance evaluation method, select the combination of analytic hierarchy process and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, use AHP to determine the collective forestry’s property right reform index proportion, using the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method to evaluate index system, and use collective forestry’s property right reform of Yong’an city by 2009 as a case, collective forestry’s property right reform data based on the investigation of the questionnaire data, integrated computation Yong’an city collective forestry’s property right reform of performance evaluation.Through the analytic hierarchy process and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, it is concluded that the collective forestry’s property right reform of Yong’an city performance evaluation result is "better", including economic performance is "better", ecological performance is "general", social performance is "better", in the rule layer, forestry production input is "better" and forestry production output is "better", forest tenure reform policy effect is "better", forest stability is "very good", forest management level is "general", forest productive forces is "general", social progress is "better", social commonweal is "better", social stability is "general". Finally, this study puts some suggestions and policies of deepen reform of collective forestry’s property right: first, accelerate the transformation of government functions, establish new forestry management system; Second, sound forestland moving, regulating the forest resource elements circulation system; Third, to promote financing reform, the breakthrough forestry development bottlenecks; Fourth, the promotion of forestry science and technology, improve forest management benefit; Fifth, strengthen the forest resources management and the innovation of forest resources protection system; Sixth, perfect social service, cultivate the socialized service organizations.

  • 【分类号】F326.2
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】338

