

Genetic Relationship Analysis and Identify Breeding of Hybrid Progenies and Hybrid Parents of Camellia Oleifera

【作者】 蒋莺

【导师】 陈辉;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 林木遗传育种, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究通过ISSR、SRAP两种分子标记对31份油茶材料进行遗传关系分析,研究中油茶材料包括5株优树,这5株优树是通过对桐口林产杂交F1代试验林经过连续4年测产选优筛选出的优株,并将这5株优树进行5×5的完全双列杂交,成功获得19个杂交组合,并同时通过资料及实地考察,在桐口林产的优良无性系当代实验林中找到5优树对应的原始的7株亲本,共计31份的油茶材料,利用ISSR、SRAP两种分子标记获得材料间的亲缘关系,并利用SRAP标记对油茶亲本及其杂交种真实性进行鉴别,利用两种标记获得的遗传距离结合油茶优树杂交数量性状分析(配合力分析、杂种优势分析、杂交成活率分析等),预测杂种优势、为优良的杂交亲本的选配以及强势的杂交组合的配置提供理论依据,主要研究结果如下:1、通过两种分子标记获得的遗传距离分析可知,41-4具有偏父本遗传的趋势;27-5、46-2、51-2、56-2具有偏母本遗传的趋势,以27-5、41-4、46-2、51-2、56-2这5株优树进行完全双列杂交组配(亲本间正反交,但是不包括亲本自交)获得的杂交组合中,大部分的杂交组合都具有偏母本遗传趋势,以41-4、56-2作为杂交父本的杂交组合,子代更容易具有偏向父本遗传的特性。2、5优树中,27-5与46-2的遗传关系最近,与其他三株优树(51-2、56-2、41-4)的遗传距离较远,杂种优势最强的为27-5,其次为46-2。杂种优势优劣顺序为:27-5 > 46-2 > 51-2 > 41-4 > 56-2。若将27-5与其他3株优树进行杂交,杂种具有获得较大杂种优势的可能。同理27-5的原始亲本闽62与其他原始亲本的遗传距离较远,若将闽62与其他亲本进行杂交,杂种具有获得较大杂种优势的可能。3、利用筛选的17对SRAP引物进行分子标记,对5株优树的19个杂交组合的杂种真实性进行鉴定,鉴定结果表明:19个杂交组合的子代均为5株优树的真实杂交种,19个杂交组合均成功杂交,都是真杂交种。5株优树与其杂交亲本间也确实存在着真实的亲缘关系。4、通过对油茶优树杂交数量性状分析(包括杂交果实重要经济数量性状配合力分析、优树及其亲本在产果量的杂种优势预测分析、杂交成活率分析等)以及结合通过对油茶优树杂交子代苗期性状的早期选择等手段,对杂交亲本的选配,以及优良杂交组合的配置上提供了有效的理论依据和手段,研究结果均表明:5株优树中,不论是在对于提高油茶果实品质,或是在苗期苗木的生物量生长上亦或是对于提高杂交的亲和力,子代杂种优势的预测上,51-2和56-2适合作为杂交母本,27-5、41-4、46-2适合作为杂交父本,且将上述适合的杂交母本与父本进行杂交也是获得理想杂交组合的不错选择。本次研究通过对油茶分子标记以及数量性状分析为杂交亲本的选配以及优势杂交组合的选定上提供便利,减少人力、物力和时间消耗,同时也为苗木的早期选择以及分子标记辅助育种奠定基础。

【Abstract】 Modern breeding objectives and requirements of Camellia is a new breakthrough on production in order to change the status of Camellia low current low yield.by hybridization, match excellent hybrid parents, and configure strong hybridized combination,using molecular markers to obtain genetic distance to predict heterosis for the cross breeding to provide powerful analytical tools and theoretical basis. This experiment through ISSR、SRAP two molecular makers to analyze Genetic relationship of 31 samples of Camellia,using molecular markers to obtain genetic relationship between the 31 samples of Camellia.Using the SRAP molecular maker to identify the authenticity of the Camellia parents and their hybrid offspring, using two molecular markers to obtain the genetic distance.Using the methods of the quantitative character ,(including combining ability analysis、hybrid vigor analysis、hybridization survival ratio analysis)to predict the hybrid vigor , match excellent hybrid parents and configure hybridized combination, and provide a theoretical basis for the cross breeding,the main results were as follows:1、In this study , analyze the genetic distance through the ISSR and SRAP two molecular markers, we can find that: 41-4 has the characteristic of paternal inheritance, 27-5、46-2、51-2、56-2has the characteristic of maternal inheritance. Among the hybridized combination by the complete diallel cross, most hybridized combination have partial maternal characteristic, using the 41-4 as the male parent of hybrid crosses, their hybrid offspring are likely to have the paternal inheritance.2、Among the five excellent Camellia, 27-5 and 46-2 have the closest genetic relationship, Compared with the other three plus trees, they have farther genetic distances. the order of hybrid vigor is 27-5 > 46-2 > 51-2 > 41-4 > 56-2. If using 27-5 hybridized with the other three trees has a larger possible hybrid vigor. Similarly If using Min-62 hybridized with the other three trees has a larger possible hybrid vigor.3、Using 17 pairs of SRAP primers and SRAP molecular maker to to identify the authenticity of the Camellia parents and their hybrid offsprings, Identification results indicate that 19 hybridized combination were hybridized successfully and all hybrid offspring are really hybrids.4、Using the methods of the quantitative charater,(including combining ability analysis、hybrid vigor analysis、hybridization survival ratio analysis),combining hybrid offspring seedling stage saplings characters of early selection method, in order to match excellent hybrid parents and configure hybridized combination, the results of the study indicate that: among the five excellent Camellia, no matter in improving camellia fruit quality, or in improving seedling stage growth seedling biomass and hybrid offspring affinity heterosis prediction, 51-2 and 56-2 is suitable for the hybrid female parent and the 27-5 ,41-4 ,46-2 is suitable for hybrid male parent,and the suitable hybrid maternal and paternal hybrid also a good choice to obtain ideal hybridized combinations.Through this study we can conclude that it’s convenience for Camellia to use the methods of molecular markers and quantitative trait analysis to match excellent Camellia hybrid parents and configure hybridized combination,which also can Reduce the human, material and time consumption, as well as lay the foundation for marker-assisted breeding and the early selection of seedlings.

  • 【分类号】S794.4
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】172

