Study on the Athracnose of Cinnamomum Camphora Var. Linaloolifera Fujita
【作者】 王丽贞;
【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 林业, 2007, 硕士
【摘要】 芳香樟(Cinnamomum camphora var. linaloolifera Fujita)是香樟五个天然类型中枝叶含芳香樟醇最高的一种(含量达23-98%),而且是我国主要的用材树种和经济树种,也是主要环保树种及园林绿化树种。由于天然芳香樟资源极其短缺,因此,人工栽植发展芳香樟是获得芳香醇产品的主要来源。据在明溪县的调查发现,芳香樟炭疽病在苗木和幼林中普遍而严重地发生,造成很大的经济损失,已成为人工栽植发展芳香樟的一大障碍。由于对该病害在我省的发生特点及发生发展规律缺乏了解,国内外也缺乏对该病害的系统研究,为此,本论文对该病害的病原菌鉴定及其生物学特性、病害的发生发展规律、病株的空间分布、病害的综合防治四个方面进行了系统的研究,结果如下:1.芳香樟炭疽病症状1-2年生幼苗多从顶梢起逐渐干枯至基部,严重的整株死亡。病斑多发生在叶尖、叶缘,初为暗褐色小点,后扩大成褐色圆斑,病斑上有时出现不明显轮纹,有的病斑处呈环状脱落,有的病斑几个融合后呈不规则形。幼嫩枝干上的病斑呈圆形或椭圆形,可扩展成条斑或环切,初为紫褐色,渐变黑褐色,以后病斑连结融合,若绕枝条一圈,枝条上部变黑干枯,重病株病斑沿主干向下蔓延,最后整株死亡。2.病原菌鉴定及其生物学特性通过对芳香樟炭疽病菌的形态鉴定,确定该病原菌为胶孢炭疽菌[Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (Penz.) Sacc.]。病原菌菌丝在PDA培养基上生长最好;在温度10-35℃和pH值4-12范围内均可生长,最适温度为25℃,最适pH值为6;产孢的温度范围为15-35℃,最佳产孢温度为30℃,pH值5-12范围内均可产孢,产孢的最适pH值为12;分生孢子萌发的最适温度是25℃,最适pH值为5,分生孢子在湿度95%以上才有较高的萌发率;连续光照条件最有利于菌丝生长和孢子的萌发,黑暗条件最有利于孢子形成;对碳源的利用,马铃薯淀粉最有利于菌丝生长和孢子的形成,对氮源的利用,蛋白胨最有利于菌丝生长和孢子的形成,C源可促进菌丝生长,N源可促进孢子的形成。3.病害的发生发展规律研究结果表明,该病害是一种高温高湿的病害。该病害病原菌主要以菌丝在落叶或残留于树上的病叶组织中越冬。越冬病原菌于次年5月份产生分生孢子传播扩散,传播的主要途径是风雨传播;发病的高峰期一般在7-9月份,11月病害停止发展。不同的的立地条件、林冠层、树龄对病害的发生发展有显著的影响:上坡林分、林分边缘的芳香樟发病较重,林冠下层感病较重,1年生幼苗发病最重。4.病株空间分布格局通过聚集度指数测定、1wao的回归法和Taylor’s幂法则模型分析,结果一致表明:芳香樟炭疽病病株在林间空间分布类型为聚集分布。5.病害的综合防治在室内药效测定中,杀菌剂对菌丝生长的影响的试验结果表明,退菌特的抑制效果最强,平均抑制率达到90.50%;最差的是波尔多液,为22.70%。根据毒力回归方程和EC50结果,8种杀菌剂的毒力大小依次为:退菌特>炭克>百菌清>代森锰锌>代森锌>甲基托布津>多菌灵>波尔多液。在田间药效测定中,喷雾防治效果最好的是退菌特,平均防治效果达到83.83%,最差的是代森锰锌,平均防治效果为43.87%。在营林措施防治试验中,以除杂的防治效果最好,防治效果达到73.02%。其次为抚育间伐,防治效果为55.22%,因此,在实际防治中,应以除杂为主,其他几种营林措施为辅进行综合防治。
【Abstract】 Cinnamomum camphor a var. linaloolifera Fujita is famous for its high content of linalool which can reach 23-98%, at the same it is the main wood species and economic tree and landscaping tree species in China.For the shortage of natural resource of Cinnamomum camphora var. linaloolifera Fujita, artificial plantation is the main source to get the produce of linalool. At present, The Aanthracnose which happens commonly and seriously when the trees are young has caused very great economic loss and has become a great obstacle for the development of artificial Cinnamomum camphora var. linaloolifera Fujita plantation. For we don’t know disease well in Fujian province, and the shortage of systematic research to the disease home and abroad, we carried out a set of research on the pathogen and its biological characteristic, the law of occurrence and development of the disease, the space distribution pattern of diseased plant and the integrated control measure. The result were as follow:1. Symptom of Cinnamomum camphora var. linaloolifera Fujita1-2 year grow seeding becomes dry out from peak to root, or die seriously. The disease spot happen under the leaf tip and leaf edge, at first,it is a dust-color tittle, then expands becoming brown roundness, the disease spot present unclear wheel sometimes, the abnormity appear after a few disease spots conformity. The disease spot of young branch is roundness or ellipse, they can enlarge becoming bar spot or ring, the color is purple brown at first, then black brown, finally the spots becomes one, so the whole branch being in black color, the spot can spread to trunk, the whole tree dies at the end.2. Identification and biological characteristics of the pathogenThe pathogen of the anthracnose of Cinnamomum camphora var. linaloolifera Fujita was proved to be Colletotrichum gloeosporioid.es (Penz.) Sacc. The mycelia grew best on the PDA culture; can grew with the temperature ranged from 10℃to 35℃and with the pH value ranged from 4 to 12; The optimum temperature and pH value for hypha growth was 25℃and 6; The temperature for conidium formation ranged from 15℃to 35℃, and pH value ranged from 5 to12, and the optimum temperature and pH value for conidium formation were 30℃and 12; The optimum temperature and pH for the conidium germination were 25℃and 5, The conidium had the relative high germinate rate while the relative humidity above 95%; continuous light condition the most favorable condition for hypha growth and conidium germination and darkness condition was the most favorable for conidium formation; The optimum carbon source for hypha growth and conidium formation was potato starch while the optimum nitrogen source for hypha growth and conidium formation was tryptone, carbon source was good for hypha growth and nitrogen source was good for conidium formation. 3. The rule of the occurrence and development of the diseaseThe results of the study on the rule of the occurrence and development of the disease indicated:the anthracnose of the Cinnamomum camphora var. linaloolifera Fujita is a kind of disease under the condition of high temperature and moisture. The pathogen survived the winter on the defoliation and invalid body in the form of mycelia; the spores diffused mainly through rain and wind in May; the symptom appeared at the last ten days of May and stopped developing in November. The most serious time of the disease was from July to September. There were significant influence of the occurrence and development of the disease among the different environment conditions, such as crown layers and ages of tree. Generally, the leaves of the Chinese yew on the up-slope, on the edge of the stands, the bottom crown layer were infected more seriously and one-year-old of Cinnamomum camphora var. linaloolifera Fujita was the most seriously.4. The space distribution pattern of the diseased Cinnamomum camphora var. linaloolifera FujitaThe measurement of congregation indexes and analysis of Iwao’s regression and Taylor’s exponential law model showed unanimously that the spatial distribution type of the diseased plant of Cinnamomum camphora var. linaloolifera Fujita was even distribution.5. The integrated control of the diseaseDuring the measurement of fungicides effect testing in vitro, the effect of fungicides on the hyphae growth showed that:the restraining effect of Tuzet was the stongest, which average restraining effect reached 90.50%, and Bordeauxmixture was the worst, just for 22.70%. According to virulence regression analysis and the effect of EC50, the strong sequence of all the fungicides for experiment was as follow:Tuzet> Bromothalonil> Chlorothalonil> Mancozeb> Zineb> Thiophanate-methyl> Carbendazim> Bordeauxmixture.During the measurement of fungicides testing effect in the field, Tuzet was the best fungicides for spraying, the efficacy reached 73.02%, Mancozeb was the worst, just for 43.87%.Among the measurement of managing forest, cleaning the stands is the best one, with the control effect of 73.02%, and tending and thinning were secondary, with the control effect of 55.22%, Therefore, in the actual controlling, we should rely mainly on cleaning the stands, and some other kinds of control measures were applied as complement.
- 【网络出版投稿人】 福建农林大学 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期
- 【分类号】S763.7
- 【被引频次】1
- 【下载频次】51