

Research on Population Ecology of Cyclobalanopsis Gilva

【作者】 谢健

【导师】 陈世品;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 林业, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 对福建省建瓯市擎天岩村的赤皮青冈群落进行调查,对其群落学特征、赤皮青冈种群的年龄结构、群落中主要种群的空间分布格局进行研究,并对其主要种群的生态种组进行划分。研究结果可为赤皮青冈林的合理保护和可持续利用提供依据,主要的结果如下:(1)对擎天岩村的赤皮青冈群落进行调查,该群落共有植物194种,隶属于70科136属,整个群落物种组成较多,物种多样性高,赤皮青冈在该群落中处于优势种地位,其伴生物种丰富,群落结构较复杂。(2)基于福建建瓯赤皮青冈种群径级和高度级结构数据分别建立了相应的静态生命表。分析结果表明:基于高度级结构数据的年龄结构特征与径级结构数据的分析结果一致,并通过径高关系拟合表明高度级数据也可用于赤皮青冈种群的年龄结构分析,尤其适用于直径70 cm以下的个体群;赤皮青冈种群幼龄期死亡率高达0.883(径级)和0.913(高度级),中龄期死亡率达0.789(径级)和0.588(高度级),表明该种群分别在幼龄期和中龄期受到较大的环境压力或干扰;从径级结构数据来看,赤皮青冈在大、老龄期的损失度较小、存活期望变化较小,其种群的稳定性能够得到维持,赤皮青冈能成为建群种。(3)对赤皮青冈群落中主要种群的空间分布格局结果表明各层次中的优势种群的分布格局基本上呈聚集分布,仅少数物种趋于均匀分布;赤皮青冈在该群落中的优势地位明显,说明赤皮青冈在群落演替过程中占据重要地位。(4)根据各种群重要值,选取重要值排前25位的种群,对其种间联结性进行计测和分析,并划分了生态种组。结果表明:在300个种对中,具有较明显正联结性的种对数仅占总种对数的7.8%,大多数种对物种间联结程度不强,基本处于弱联结性或无联结,各种群的分布相对独立。以不同指标进行聚类其结果有所差别;通过聚类分析,结合种间联结系数和各群种生态习性,将25个优势种群划分为3个生态种组。擎天岩村赤皮青冈群落的物种组成丰富,结构复杂,其中赤皮青冈的优势地位明显,各层次中的优势种群的分布格局基本上呈聚集分布,仅少数物种趋于均匀分布;径高关系拟合表明高度级数据也可用于赤皮青冈种群的年龄结构分析;优势种群的分布较独立,可划分为3个生态种组。研究结果可为保护、管理和利用中亚热带赤皮青冈林提供科学依据。

【Abstract】 The community of Cyclobalanopsis gilva in Jingtianyan village, Jian’ou county, Fujian province was investigated and sampled to analyze the community characteristics, age structure of Cyclobalanopsis gilva, the spatial distribution pattern of the dominant populations.Then the ecological species groups were plotted. The results could provide basis to protect and make use of Cyclobalanopsis gilva resources sustainable. The results were as follows:(1) The community structure of Cyclobalanopsis gilva was investigated in Jingtianyan village, Jian’ou county, Fujian province. Results showed that the number of species composition was rich, the species diversity was high. There were 194 species belonging to 70 families, 136 genera in the community. Cyclobalanopsis gilva was the dominant species in the community. The concomitant species were abundant, the community structure was complex.(2) Based on diameter and height data of Cyclobalanopsis gilva population in Jian’ou county of Fujian province, timespecific life tables were set up. The results showed that the analysis result based on the height data was similar with that based on diameter data meaning that the height data was suitable for age structure analysis, especially for that of the population with the diameter less than 70 cm, further proved by the fitting result of relationship between diameter and height. The mortality rates at young age stages reached 0.883 (diameter data) and 0.913 (height data), and the mortality rates at middle age stages was 0.789 (diameter data) and 0.588 (height data) meaning that this population were imposed on by the environmental pressure or disturbing. Based on the diameter data, the stability of Cyclobalanopsis gilva population maintained a steady level, and Cyclobalanopsis gilva might become a constructive species with the small loss degree and the small changing degree of survival expectation at the strong and old age stages.(3) The spatial distribution patterns of the dominant populations in Cyclobalanopsis gilva community were analysed in the paper. Results showed that the distribution of most dominant populations among layers was congregating distribution, whereas few of them were homogenous distribution. The dominant status of Cyclobalanopsis gilva was significant in this community, which proved that Cyclobalanopsis gilva played a very important role in the process of community succession.(4) Based on the population important values, 25 dominant populations were choosed, among which interspecific association were surveyed and analyzed. Then the ecological species groups were plotted. The results showed that the species pairs with significant positive associations were only 7.8 percent of the total 300 species pairs, and most of the species pairs showed weak interspecific association or without interspecific association. The investigated forest populations had characteristics of relatively independent distribution. The There results of cluster were some difference based on different indexes. Finally, according as the cluster analysis,the interspecific association coefficients and the species ecological habits,the 25 dominant populations were divided into three ecological species groups .The species composition was rich, the community structure was complex and the dominant status of Cyclobalanopsis gilva was significant in Cyclobalanopsis gilva community, Jingtianyan village. The distribution of most dominant populations among layers was congregating distribution, whereas few of them were homogenous distribution. The analysis result based on the height data was similar with that based on diameter data meaning that the height data was suitable for age structure analysis. The investigated forest populations had characteristics of relatively independent distribution, which could be divided into three ecological species groups .The results were regarded as evidences for management and protecting the mid-subtropical Cyclobalanopsis gilva forest .

  • 【分类号】S718.5
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】115

