

Research on Compressive Strength and Reinforcement Mechanism of the Fly Ash Blended with Solidified Agent

【作者】 辛峰宇

【导师】 郑建荣;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 林业工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济全球化的快速发展,各国不同程度地出现了资源短缺、环境污染日益严重的问题,如何将资源合理地重复利用成为了人类需要共同面对的难题之一。而中国作为一个发展中国家,作为一个能源消耗的大国,就更加有必要对资源再利用进行深入地研究和探讨,坚持走可持续发展之路。进入21世纪以来,随着社会经济的不断发展,对电力的需求不断增加,燃烧煤炭量不断增加,从而导致了粉煤灰这种资源的快速增长。然而,当前粉煤灰的利用和处理还存在着许多问题,例如,湿排粉煤灰的利用、粉煤灰的露天堆放等等。因此,我们应该如何对粉煤灰资源进行合理地利用,如何研发出高效、轻质的固化粉煤灰复合材料,使得粉煤灰的回收利用走上合理化、商品化的道路,是当前我国面临最为紧迫的问题,也是未来粉煤灰的可持续发展方向。本文将具有优越性能的固化剂作为外掺剂应用于粉煤灰的固化研究之中,采用了理论分析与试验实测相结合的办法对其进行研究。通过室内无侧限抗压强度试验,探讨了固化剂掺入比和龄期对固化粉煤灰强度的影响规律;通过固化粉煤灰X射线衍射(XRD)试验,研究了固化粉煤灰各组分在强度形成过程中的变化规律;通过扫描电镜(SEM)测试,分析了固化粉煤灰的微结构特点及微结构形成过程;试验结果表明:(1)固化剂掺入得越多,固化粉煤灰的抗压强度也相应地增加;(2)固化粉煤灰的龄期越长,其抗压强度也越大;(3)固化粉煤灰中的固化剂掺量越高,固结材料的水化反应速度越快;(4)水化产物的种类与固化剂的掺量关系不大,固化剂的掺量对水化产物的生成量有影响。本文将在分析粉煤灰-石灰体系反应基本原理的基础上,通过试验研究提出了固化粉煤灰的固化机理,通过理论分析以及试验研究,我们可以看出这种JNS固化粉煤灰是一种经济高效的材料,无论从技术上还是经济上都是可行的,造价低廉、施工适用性较强,它充分体现了废物治理、资源再利用的社会效益、经济效益和环境效益的统一。该项研究必将为固化粉煤灰在工程中的进一步应用奠定理论和试验基础,具有重大的社会现实意义。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of economic globalization, countries appeared to varying degrees, lack of resources, the growing problem of environmental pollution, how to reuse the resources to become a rational human beings need to face a difficult problem. And China as a developing country, as a large energy consumption country, the more it is necessary to reuse resources for indepth study and exploration, and adhere to sustainable development. In the 21st century, with the continuous development of social economy, increasing demand for electricity, increasing the amount of burning coal, which led to the rapid growth of fly ash such resources. However, the current use and disposal of fly ash, there were still many problems, such as the use of wet fly ash and fly ash in open dumps and so on. Therefore, how do we fly ash rational use of resources, how to develop efficient, lightweight composite material solidified fly ash, making the recycling of fly ash onto the rationalization, commercialization of the road, is currently facing our country The most pressing issue, but also the future direction of the sustainable development of fly ash.The solidified agent on with particular characteristics was used as a new kind of additive for solidifying fly ash. With the theoretical analysis and experimental measurement method of combining study it. Unconfined compression strength tests were carried out to analyze the effects of solidified agent content and curing period. The variation law of the various components of the solidified fly ash during the formation of strength was discussed on the basis of X-ray Diffraction (XRD) test s of solidified fly ash; scanning electron microscope (SEM) was used to analyze the microstructure formation process and microstructure characteristics of the solidified fly ash; The results showed that:(1) Curing agent mixed with the more compressive strength of solidified fly ash is also a corresponding increase; (2) Curing the longer the age of fly ash, the compressive strength greater; (3) Solidified fly ash content in the curing agent the higher the hydration of cementations materials faster; (4) The type of hydration products and have little content of curing agent, curing agent content on the amount of influence the formation of hydration products.In this paper, Results of analysis on the basic principle of reactions between the fly ash and lime were the basis of the proposed solidified fly ash reinforcement mechanism, Through theoretical analysis and experimental research, we can see that JNS solidified fly ash is a cost effective material, both are technically and economically feasible, low cost, the applicability of strong construction, which fully reflects the waste management, resource re-use social, economic and environmental benefits of unity which provides theoretical and practical foundation for further application of solidified fly ash.

  • 【分类号】X773
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】135

