

【作者】 梁小芹

【导师】 绳宇;

【作者基本信息】 北京协和医学院 , 护理学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 背景:护理实践的发展要求护士学生必须掌握临床常用的护理技能以适应临床护理岗位的需求。学校教育是护士学生初步获得和掌握护理技能的主要来源。因此,在校的护理技能学习对护士学生未来的临床实践和职业发展至关重要。目前,随着医疗技术的发展,临床护理技术不管是种类还是操作用物都发生了变化,促使学校的护理技能教学要不断改进才能跟上临床的变化,才能使学生掌握的护理技术满足患者的需要。因此,优化技能教学内容迫在眉睫。寻求护理专业学生核心护理技能内容,建立科学的核心护理技能体系是保证学校教学与临床护理实践相结合的重要基础。目的:探讨护理专业本科毕业生应该具备的核心护理技能;构建护理本科毕业生核心护理技能体系。方法:采用Delphi专家函询法,函询问卷是在文献回顾辅以对北京协和医院的8位护理专家半结构访谈的基础上形成的。函询专家是从卫生部2002年建立的学院专家库和医院专家库中便利选择,兼顾地域差别,专家来自13个省、3个直辖市,为护理教育领域和临床护理领域的专家,共29名,共进行了两轮函询。按照条目重要性选择率进行条目筛选,条目重要性选择率在80%以上的条目即确定为核心护理技能。结果:经过两轮函询,专家意见达到了很好的一致性水平,回复率分别为79.3%、87%,最终确定护理本科毕业生应该具备基础护理技能、重症急救护理技能、专科护理技能三方面的核心护理技能。其中,基础护理技能领域包括14方面的核心护理技能,59项具体的核心护理技能条目;重症急救护理技能领域包括2方面的核心护理技能,6项具体的核心护理技能条目;专科护理技能领域包含有4方面的核心护理技能,19项具体的核心护理技能条目。结论:本研究最终形成的核心护理技能体系包含基础护理技能、重症急救护理技能、专科护理技能3个一级条目,其中又包含20个二级条目、84个三级条目。

【Abstract】 Background:Nursing skill is essential for nursing graduates to carry out nursing practice, which is of great importance for their career development. Nursing education is the main source for students to acquire the skills. Currently, with the development of medical technique, clinical nursing skills are undergoing great changes, which demands nursing education being kept up with so that graduates can meet the demand of nursing development. Therefore it is extremely urgent to optimize skills teaching. To determine nursing skills essential for baccalaureate graduates and to establish scientific nursing skill system is the first issue to resolve.Objective:To explore nursing skills essential for baccalaureate graduates, to construct system of core nursing skills.Methods:Delphi method is used to carry out the research; literature review and semi-structured interview are used to form the initial questionnaire.8 Interviewees of Pecking Union Medical College Hospital were interviewed.23 experts selected from expert reverves which was set up by ministry of health in 2002 involved education and clinic domain on a national scale are invited.2 rounds Delphi procedure were carried out. Item was selected using Selection rate. Those items whose selection rate were over 80% were determined as core nursing skills.Result:After two rounds of Delphi procedure, the opinion of experts appeared unanimous. The response rate was 79.3% at first round and 87% at second round. A result is obtained that the nursing graduates should be equipped with nursing skills including fundamental nursing skills、specialized nursing skills and severe acute care skills. In fundamental nursing field,14 aspects skills and 59 specific skills are involved; In severe acute care field,2 aspects skills and 6 specific skills are involved; In specialized nursing field,4 aspects skills and 19 specific skills are involved.Conclusion:core nursing skills system is formed which contains 3 first class items which are undamental nursing skills、specialized nursing skills and severe acute care skills,and 20 second class items and 84 third class items.

  • 【分类号】R47-4
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】473

