

Pretreatment of Wastewater from Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) Resin Manufacturing by Internal Microelectrolysis

【作者】 秦红科

【导师】 许吉现;

【作者基本信息】 河北工程大学 , 市政工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国家电和汽车工业的不断发展,丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯(简称ABS)树脂在国内的需求呈现快速增长的趋势,随之其产生的废水处理也引起人们广泛的关注。ABS树脂生产废水多为乳化状的废水,含有腈化物,苯系物,丁苯乳胶和ABS粉料等物质,可生化性较差,一直是石化行业中难处理的几种废水之一。目前,国内的ABS树脂生产企业仅采用混凝气浮法对各区的混合废水进行预处理,其仅对悬浮物有一定的去除作用,但不能分解转化该废水中有毒难降解污染物,不利于后续的生化处理。因此,寻求经济高效的预处理ABS树脂生产废水的技术和工艺具有现实意义。针对ABS废水处理工艺现状及存在问题,本文提出“铁炭微电解工艺”,并以吉林石化ABS树脂生产废水为研究对象进行了试验研究,研究其对废水中有毒难降解污染物的分解转化及其可生化性的提高。本文着重研究了进水pH值、停留时间、温度等参数对微电解工艺的影响,并对在不同工艺参数下的微电解工艺处理后的出水进行了比较系统全面的分析。研究结果表明:在常温条件下,进水pH值为4,停留时间为4h,铁碳体积比为1:1时,COD去除率可达60%,铁炭微电解系统能有效分解转化废水中的有毒难降解有机污染物,使ABS废水的BOD5/CODCr由0.32提高到0.6以上,极大地提高了废水的可生化性;该系统基本不具备脱氮能力,只能分解转化废水中的有机氮类污染物,即主要是把废水中有机氮类化合物转化为氨氮,其转化率高达60%。铁碳微电解的出水进入两级生物流化床进行深度处理。研究结果表明,废水的处理效果良好,COD去除率可达到90%以上,对TN的去除率可达到58%以上。充分证明铁碳微电解工艺预处理ABS废水的方案是可行的。

【Abstract】 With Chinese quick expansion of household electrical appliances and automobile industry, demand of acrylonitrile - butadiene - styrene (i.e. ABS) resin in the country showes the trend of rapid growth, which also causes widespread concern of wastewater treatment from ABS. ABS resin wastewater is one of refractory toxic waste, which contained nitrile compounds, benzene, styrene-butadiene latex and characterized of poor biodegradability. Currently, ABS resin wastewater from domestic manufactory had only been pretreated with the methods of coagulation and flotation. It could only remove the suspended solids, but not transform toxic waste water into the biodegradable pollutants and was not propitious for the subsequent biological treatment. Therefore, it is significant to search a cost-effective wastewater treatment process for ABS resin wastewater.Aiming at the problems in ABS resin wastewater treatment process, this paper presented a treatment of micro-electrolysis and test was made on ABS resin wastewater of Jilin Petro-chemical company, which studyed the decomposition and transformation of toxic refractory pollutants, the improvement of biodegradability. This paper analyzed the influence of the parameters of the pH value, residence time, temperature, etc. on micro-electrolysis technology and aims at the effluent to do a comprehensive analysis of the system.The results showed that the micro-electrolysis could decompose and transform the toxic refractory organic pollutants and increase the BOD5/ CODCr ratio from 0.32 to 0.60, which increased the biodegradability of ABS resin wastewater significantly. As the influent pH is 4, HRT 4h, and the ratio of iron to carbon 1:1, the removal rates of COD could reach about 70%. However, the systems didn’t have the capacity of nitrogen removal, only decomposed and transformed the pollutants organic nitrogen of waste water, that was to say the micro-electrolysis could translate organic nitrogen compounds in waste water into ammonia, the conversion rate up to 60%.Effluent flowed from the micro-electrolysis to the biological fluidized bed(i.e. BAF) to be dealed with directly or secondly. The study found that the treatment efficiency was good. The COD removal efficiency of wastewater can be reduced by 90% and the TN can reach 58%. This fully proved that pretreatment of wastewater from ABS resin manufacturing by internal microelectrolysis was feasible.


