

YunTao Expansion Exploration of the Handan Areas Coal Deposited Law Research

【作者】 王峰

【导师】 金瞰昆;

【作者基本信息】 河北工程大学 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 为了查清邯郸地区云(云驾岭扩大区)陶(陶二扩大区)扩大勘探区煤层、煤质的赋存特性及其主要影响因素,加快本地区深部煤炭资源的开采,本论文主要应用趋势面分析的方法研究了云驾岭扩大区2~#主采煤层和陶二扩大区2~#主采煤层的赋存规律,研究了扩大区内2~#主采煤层构造的发育规律及其对煤矿开采的影响,并就煤质的变化规律进行了研究。论文研究结果显示:云驾岭扩大区2~#主采煤层在研究区西部地区赋存较稳定,煤层厚度变化为南北两边厚、中间薄,东部为岩浆岩侵入区,煤层被吞蚀、减薄,造成大面积的不可采区;陶二扩大区2~#主采煤层厚度自北向南,自东向西有逐渐增大的趋势,且南部增速较北部快;这些煤层厚度的变化均受到了岩浆入侵、后期构造的控制作用。云驾岭扩大区褶皱不甚发育,构造形式主要以断层为主,走向NNE向居多,且均为高角度正断层,陶二扩大区地质构造仍以断层为主,走向NE~NNE向居多,并伴有多条轴向近东西的呈“W”型的简单宽缓褶皱。云驾岭扩大区2~#主采煤层煤类为无烟煤,属中灰分、特低挥发分和低硫煤,硫分以有机硫为主,灰分在平面上具有南北两边高,中间低的特点,硫分自北向南、自东向西逐渐增高;陶二扩大区2~#主采煤层煤类为无烟煤,属中灰分、特低挥发分、特低~低硫煤,硫分以黄铁矿硫为主,灰分和硫分在平面上都具有自南向北逐渐增大的趋势。两个扩大区内岩浆活动均十分强烈,使构造变得复杂,对煤矿开采影响较大;侵入到煤层中,使煤层结构变的复杂、厚度变薄,可采性变差、变质程度增高(为无烟煤),局部变质为天然焦和石墨。

【Abstract】 To find out the coal layer and its texture of the deposit properties and the main factors for Yun(enlarged area of Yun Jialing coal field)Tao(enlarged area of Taoer coal field)expansion of the Handan areas,and to speed up the exploitation of deep coal resources, the paper has applied the method of trend surface to analyse the main coal layer 2~# mine deposit law and the development law of coal layer structure within research and its impact on coal mining,and to changes of coal have been studied, are divided into two mining areas north and south, were respectively discussed.Result showed:The deposited property of 2~# coal mine is relatively stable in northern West of Yuntao expansion of the Handan areas. The change law of coal thickness is that thick in the north and south sides, which is thin in the middle, and which east is magmatic intrusion area, coal layer was engulfs and less thinner, which results in large areas of non-mining area; The thickness trend of 2~#coal in the south area is gradually increased from north to south and from west to east, and the southern growth is faster than the northern; The change of coal seam thickness is subjected to the control action with magma intrusion and sedimentary structures. Fold is less developed in northern mining area, mainly in the form of fault-based structure, towards trend are mostly NNE, and are both high-angle normal fault, the fault is still south of the main geological structures, accompanied by a number of east-west axis of the Was "W" type of simple-relief folds.Coal quality of 2~# main coal seam in Yun jialing coal field is anthracite,belongs to medium ash、extra-low volatile matter and low sulfur coal,the main sulfur is organic sulfur,the ash content on the palne thickness change in north and south, middle thin,sulfur content from the north to the south,gradually increased from east to west; Coal quality of 2~# main coal seam in Taoer coal field is anthracite, belongs to medium ash、extra-low volatile matter and extra-low~low sulfur coal,the main sulfur is pyritic sulfur,the ash content and sulfur content on the plane both gradually increased from south to north.The two magmatic activity are strong within the mining area, the structure becomes more complex, results a greater impact on coal mining; penetrated into the coal seam, the seam structure becomes complex, thinner thickness, worse admissibility, harder variation rank(mostly anthracite), the local metamorphy become natural coke and graphite.


