

LiangQichao’s Family Education Thought Study and the Modern Enlightenment

【作者】 单璐

【导师】 陈泽环;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 伦理学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 梁启超是中国近代史上的杰出人物,他既是引领社会潮流的时代巨人,又是百科全书式的学术大师,堪称中国近代的启蒙大师和精神领袖。但鲜为人知的是,梁启超还是一位成功的父亲,他以深深地舔犊之爱精心培育九位儿女,从而演绎出满门俊秀的家族传奇。深入地研究梁启超的家庭教育思想,对当今中国家庭教育有着深厚的借鉴及启示价值。本文主要分为四个部分:第一部分,介绍梁启超的生平事业及他的子女成就。梁启超出生在广东新会一个半耕半读的的家庭,自幼肩负着三代人的科举梦,淳朴厚实的家学家风的教诲,形成了梁启超日后忧国忧民的人生态度和为国家、为民族鞠躬尽瘁的人生观;以“公车上书”为序幕,梁启超的命运就与动荡变幻的中国时局联系在一起了,为救国救民,梁启超和众多的仁人志士一起不懈地为国家和民族的富强奔走呼号。在匡国济世的同时,梁启超还十分注重对子女的言传身教,从而演绎了满门俊秀的家族传奇。第二部分,概括梁启超家庭教育思想的主要内容。在德性培养方面,梁启超推崇“寒士家风”,教育子女养成艰苦朴素的生活作风。无论在苦难还是舒服的环境中,都要不忘磨练自己的品格和意志,并时时严格要求自己做好子女的榜样。在追求学问方面,梁启超注重培养子女务实的学风,要为学而学,而不是为文凭为结果而学。求学中要处理好“博杂”与“专精”的关系,尽量做到以博为基础,博中有精。在处理理论与实践的关系上,梁启超鼓励子女们不要拘泥于书本,要通过亲身实践来巩固并提高自身的学业知识。在处理中学和西学的关系上,梁启超有自己深刻的领悟,他先后将自己的子女们送到国外深造,同时也告诫子女,对待西方文化应当以正确的态度进行取舍,更不能因此而忽略了中学。第三部分,分析梁启超家庭教育的主要特点。爱国是梁启超一生风光无限背后的不变情怀,他不仅仅通过自己的身体力行将这种情怀传递给子女,还在为子女前途的设计中融入了爱国成分,着力培养为祖国建设和发展所需要的不同领域人才。趣味学习和趣味生活是梁启超区别于同时代其它精英家庭的显著特征。他的子女不仅接受了这种教育并且将它发扬光大。梁家是一个和睦的大家庭,无论何时,家中总是洋溢着其乐融融的氛围。第四部分,阐述梁启超家庭教育思想的现代启示。现代社会处于一个历史的转型期,知识的创新,已成为社会发展的主动力。因此,家庭教育的重要性日益提升,尤其是独生子女的日益增多,使家庭教育面临着许多的困难。梁启超成功的家庭教育,尤其是他永恒的爱国之心、趣味主义和寒士家风,仍值得当代人去继承和发扬。

【Abstract】 LiangQichao was a quite influential figure in Chinese modern history, he leaded the past era for nearly one century, and he was an enlocypeadia scholar. The study of LiangQichao has always been a heated topic. However it was little knowen that he was still a successful father, nine of his offspring all have pround achievement. It has deep and profound value of reference and enlightenment for research thoroughly on his particular family education thought and inspecting the special educational mode of his children’s excellent achievements.This paper is divided into four parts:At first, introduce LiangQichao’s life career and his children achievement. LiangQichao was born in semi-reading family in Guangdong,xinhui. He shouldered the three generation’dream of civil service examination system of old china since he was very young. He shaped the outlook on life that cared for the fate of the people and homeland and dedicated to the country and the nation. With“the bus petitioned”for the fate of preclusive, LiangQichao and turbulence changes of Chinese situation, linked to the kuomingtang. In salvation, while LiangQichao also very focused on the children’s words and deeds, which are full of handsome interpretation of the legendary family.Secondly,introduce LiangQichao’s family education content. He set an example for his children by his noble character and educates them to foster the life style of hardworking and plain living and temper their character and will by suffering environment. On the learning and research, he attends to foster his children’s thirst for knowledge and eager to learn and think deeply, In addition, he also warned his children to deal with relationship between width. LiangQichao has a deep comprehending in dealing with the relationship between Chinese knowledge and western knowledge. He encouraged his children to go abroad for learning and accepted the system of higher education. He also cautioned the children that western culture should be treated with correct approach to the choice.Third, describes the main feature of LiangQichao family education. LiangQichao’s partriotism is the same feeling in his whole prominent life. He passed patriotic feeling to his children not only through his own practicing and experience, but also it reflected on his design of his children’s future. He endeavored to cultivate them for the different needs of motherland’s construction. Liang’s fun learning and life is different from contemporary elite family education which is a obvious characteristic for his family education. LiangQichao often said education’s target was to arouse interest on the positive aspect. But on the negative aspect, it was necessary to pay great attention not to destroy interest. Liang is a harmonious family, no matter when, at home, the atmosphere is always filled with enjoyable.Finally, the thought of Liang’s family education has a great significance for modern society. Modern society is in a historical period of transformation. The knowledge innovation has become the main driving force of social development. Therefore, the importance of family education is growing day by day, especially only child’s increase causes family education to face many difficulties. LiangQichao successful family education, especially his undying patriotism, doctrine and scholars fun family tradition, is still worthy of contemporary people to inherit and carry forward.

【关键词】 梁启超教育家庭教育思想
【Key words】 LiangQichaoeducationfamily educationthought

