

【作者】 沈敏江

【导师】 梅子涵;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 对于图画书这个特殊的书籍类型,虽然绝大部分的读者、研究者已经开始慢慢熟识起来,但是,他们大多数还只是停留“知道一些图画书、阅读过一些图画书的”的阶段,对于图画书还缺乏系统的认识。尤其是在图画书的引进、出版层出不穷的今天,五花八门的图画书更是让绝大多数的消费者看花了眼。鉴于这个问题,笔者尝试系统的对如今国内图画书市场中读者研究者较为熟悉的图画书作品进行分类研究,按照图画书的定义范畴、图画书的字数、图画书的文体来对图画书进行划分,以此来帮助图画书的初读者理清头绪,形成系统的认识,从整体上把握图画书。经过本次的研究发现,如果按照图画书的定义范畴来划分,可将图画书分为狭义的图画书和广义的图画书。狭义的图画书指的是儿童故事图画书,而广义的图画书除了包括我们一般意义上常说的儿童故事图画书外,还包括由于图画书的泛化而发展出现的成人图画书、玩具书和认知型图画书等等。如果按照字数对图画书进行划分,图画书可分为有字图画书和无字图画书。这里图画书的概念并不单指完全没有一个字的图画书,还应当包括那些有少量文字,并且文字在全书中不充当叙述功能的少字图画书,这两者统称无字书。无字图画书是图画书中的特殊种类,一部分的无字图画书适合尚未识字或识字不多的低幼儿童,而一部分的无字图画书则对读者有相对较高的要求,要求读者有一定的阅读基础和辨析能力。在文学的范畴里,进一步对狭义的图画书按照文体进行划分,又大致可分为故事型图画书、小说型图画书、童话型图画书、散文型图画书以及诗歌型图画书。尽管这四个分类之间的界限并不完全清晰,但是总的来说,各个类型还是有其不同的侧重点。故事型图画书的基本特点是简短浅显。小说型的图画书较故事型的图画书而言刻画更为细致,叙述更为详尽。童话型图画书注重丰富多彩的幻想,图画的置入使得作品更加神奇。散文型的图画书注重审美意境的营造。而韵律性、抒情性、凝练性则是诗歌型图画书的主要特点。图画书种类的研究是一个相当复杂的概念,分类的标准参差不齐,角度也是各不相同。所以对图画书的种类研究,不可能甚至没有一个人能做到尽善尽美、面面俱到。本次研究中存在许多的不足之处,因此,希望未来的研究者能加以补充完善。

【Abstract】 In recent years, it is popular to read picture books and publish picture book in China. More and more western classic picture books are read by the readers and researchers. People began to accept, and gradually like this type of books. Children, parents, teachers or childrens literature researchers are all talking about it in variety of occasions. But, lots of people always ask“What is the picture book“or“what is the general meaning which we always talk about‘picture book’”? In fact, lots of people think about the picture book refers to Jimmys picture book, and lots of people think Disney cartoons are the picture book however they never read any best picture book. In today’s complex picture book market ,there is no less research about the types of the picture book.In view of these problems, i try to research the pictures book which are more familiar with the researchers and readers. Acorrding to the definition of the picture books, the words of picture books, the type of the picture books and the actual function of the picture book, I divided on the picture books for several types.Such about Narrow sense picture, Broad sense picture. And the broad sense picture also include the adult book the toy book and the perceiving book. The narrow sense picture book include Story-type picture book \Novel-type picture book\Prose-type picture book\Poem-type picture book. I hope it will help readers or others to grasp the picture books

  • 【分类号】G232
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】977

