

Comparative Study on Community Structures of Phytoplankton in Dishui Lake and Its Surrounding Waters

【作者】 朱为菊

【导师】 王全喜;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 水生生物学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 滴水湖位于上海市浦东新区临港新城内,是目前国内最大的人工湖泊,也是临港新城水系的核心。滴水湖在塑造城市景观生态,优化地区小气候环境起着相当重要的作用,它的水质好坏直接关系到临港新城未来城市的发展和旅游观光,同时间接反映出上海市水环境的安全情况。滴水湖的水源来自附近水体,附近的水体环境的好坏也会影响到滴水湖水质状况。自2009年1月至2010年12月对滴水湖的浮游植物进行了全面的调查研究,并从2009年3月起,增加对滴水湖的外围水体进行采样研究,比较分析滴水湖及其外围水体浮游植物群落结构的差别与联系,进一步探讨滴水湖浮游植物群落演替情况,并对滴水湖及其外围水质状况进行生态学评价,为滴水湖的水质保护和未来旅游开发提供了生物学依据。主要结果如下:1、2009年1月~2010年12月,滴水湖共鉴定浮游植物146种,隶属于8门64属。浮游植物平均数量为1698万个/L;数量组成主要以绿藻门为主,其次是硅藻门和隐藻门。浮游植物数量有明显的季节变化:夏季最高,冬季最低。滴水湖的浮游植物优势种主要有以下8种:蓝藻门的细小平裂藻( Merismopedia minima G. Beck )和微小色球藻( Chroococcus minutus (Kütz.)Nag.),绿藻门的球衣藻(Chlamydomonas globosa Snow),硅藻门的扁圆卵形藻(Cocconeis placentula Ehr.),甲藻门的裸甲藻属(Gymnodinium sp.),隐藻门的啮蚀隐藻(Cryptomonas erosa Ehr.)和尖尾蓝隐藻(Chroomonas acuta Uterm),金藻门的小色金藻(Chromulina pygmaea Nygaard)。滴水湖湖区各个样点水域的浮游植物群落结构较为均一,差别不大。2、2009年1月-2010年12月期间,滴水湖外围水体共鉴定浮游植物223种,隶属于8门86属。浮游植物数量变动范围为425-1711万个/L,生物量变动范围为2.60-9.79mg/L。外围水体浮游植物优势种主要有以下11种:绿藻门的四鞭藻属(Cateria sp.)、球衣藻(Chlamydomonas globosa Snow)、二尾栅藻(Scenedesmus bicaudatus (Hansgirg) Chodat)、四尾栅藻(Scenedesmus quadricauda (Turp.)Brébisson),硅藻门的扁圆卵形藻(Cocconeis placentula Ehr.)、变异直链藻(Melosira variansAgardh.)、梅尼小环藻(Cyclotella meneghiniana Kützing)、菱形藻属(Nitzschia sp.),甲藻门的裸甲藻属(Gymnodinium sp.),隐藻门的啮蚀隐藻(Cryptomonas erosa Ehr.)和尖尾蓝隐藻(Chroomonas acuta Uterm)。各样点优势种类存在差异,但是四鞭藻属(Cateria sp.)、啮蚀隐藻(Cryptomonas erosa Ehr.)和尖尾蓝隐藻(Chroomonas acuta Uterm)为各样点常见的优势种。3、采用spss软件进行聚类分析,将滴水湖及其外围水体划分为6种生境。6种生境浮游植物种类数及浮游植物群落结构差异较大。大治河(W1)、农场中心河(W2)、苦草种植区(W9)浮游植物数量远远低于湖区。而藻型水体和草型水体的浮游植物数量接近于滴水湖浮游植物的数量。从优势种变化来看,滴水湖优势种季节更替较为明显;而外围水体中,生境复杂多样,优势种季节更替不明显。根据浮游植物水质生态学评价,结果显示:目前滴水湖的水质处于中-富营养水平,外围水体的水质则处于富营养水平。

【Abstract】 Dishui Lake is located in Pudong Qu Lingang New city, Shanghai, which is the largest man-made lake in China, and is the center of Lingang water system. Dishui Lake plays an important role in shaping the urban landscape ecology, and the microclimate. It is directly connected to the future development and tourism of the new city. Furthermore, it can reflect the water quality status of Shanghai. Water in Dishui Lake comes from the surrounding waters. Therefore, the quality of the surrounding waters can influence the water in Dishui Lake. Phytoplankton in Dishui Lake had been sampled from 2009 to 2010. Phytoplankton in the surrounding waters had been sampled since March 2009. The community structures of phytoplankton in the lake and the surrounding waters were compared, in order to know the succession of the phytoplankton community structure and its sp.ecificity. Furthermore, predict the pollution status of the waters. It provides the biology basis for the water protection and the future tourism development. The main results are listed as follows:1. There are146 species of phytoplankton in Dishui Lake, which belong to 64 genera of 8 phyla. The abundance of phytoplankton is 1698×104ind/L; Chlorophyta is the main phytoplankton, following is Bacillariophyta and Cryptophyta. Phytoplankton biomass has obvious change with seasons, more in summer, less in winter. There are 8 dominant species in Dishui Lake: Merismopedia minima G.Beck, Chroococcus minutus (Kütz.)Nag., Chlamydomonas globosa Snow, Cocconeis placentula Ehr., Gymnodinium sp., Cryptomonas erosa Ehr., Chroomonas acuta Uterm and Chromulina pygmaea Nygaard.The community structure of phytoplankton in Dishui Lake is well-distributed.2. There are 223 species of phytoplankton was identified in the surrounding waters from March 2009 to December 2010, which belong to 86 genera of 8 phyla. The abundance of phytoplankton is between 425 and 1711×104ind/L, and the average biomass is between 2.60 and 9.79 mg/L.There are 11 dominant species in the surrounding waters: Cateria sp., Chlamydomonas globosa Snow, Scenedesmus bicaudatus (Hansgirg) Chodat, Scenedesmus quadricauda (Turp.)Brébisson, Cocconeis placentula Ehr., Melosira varians Agardh., Cyclotella meneghiniana Kützing, Nitzschia sp., Gymnodinium sp., Cryptomonas erosa Ehr. and Chroomonas acuta Uterm.The dominant species in different site are different, but Cateria sp.、Cryptomonas erosa Ehr. and Chroomonas acuta Uterm are the same dominant species in every sampling site.3.Cluster by spss software, Dishui Lake and the surrounding waters is divided into 6 habitat., which had great difference among phytoplankton. Among the surrounding waters, the abundance of the phytoplankton in Dazhi River (W1) , Center of the farm river(W2) and eelgrass growing aera(W9)were less than Dishui Lake. However, the abundance of the phytoplankton in base for algae-water and grass-water is closed to the Dishui Lake.The variation of the dominant species changes with the seasons is obvious in Dishui Lake, the surrounding waters is not obvious.According to the ecological evaluation criterions, the results showed that the water quality of Dishui Lake was at middle-eutrophic eutrophic level. The water quality of the surrounding waters was at eutrophic level.

  • 【分类号】Q948.8
  • 【下载频次】112

