

Studies on Diversity and Ecology of Bryophtes of the Cities in North of Jiangsu Province, China

【作者】 沈蕾

【导师】 郭水良; 曹同;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 植物学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 江苏省是中国苔藓植物资源最为丰富的地区之一,但是该省苔藓植物多样性和生态学研究限于苏南地区,长江以北城市的苔藓植物学研究工作做的很少。本研究对南通、扬州、泰州、淮安、宿迁、连云港、徐州、盐城等城市及隶属的主要区县进行了广泛的苔藓植物野外标本采集,首次系统全面地报道了江苏省长江以北苔藓植物的多样性特点,并以南通为重点区域,开展了苔藓植物分布与生态环境关系的研究,揭示了影响该地区苔藓植物分布的重要环境因子。研究结果为长江三角洲及其中国苔藓植物多样性保护提供基础资料和科学依据。主要研究的结果如下:1.江苏省长江以北地区(简称苏北)苔藓植物30科58属153种,其中苔类植物9科11属16种,藓类植物21科47属137种。丛藓科陈氏属(Chenia)为江苏省新纪录属,圆叶异萼苔(Heteroscyphus tener (Schiffn.) Schiffn.)、叉齿异萼苔(Heteroscyphus lophocoleoides S. Hatt.)、多褶耳叶苔(Frullania polyptera Tayor)、小叶苔(Fossombronia pusilla (L.) Nees)、尼泊尔耳叶苔(Frullania nepalensis (Spreng.) Lehm. et Lindenb.)、溪苔(Pellia epiphylla (L.) Corda)、粗肋凤尾藓(Fissidens laxus Sull. Et Lesq.)、黄边凤尾藓(Fissidens geppii Fleisch.)、多形凤尾藓(Fissidens diversifolius Chen)、微疣凤尾藓(Fissidens schwabei Nog.)、立膜藓硬叶变种(Hymenostylium recurvirostrum var. insigne (Dix.) Bartr.)、平叶墙藓(Tortula planifolia Li)、丛生短月藓( Brachymenium pendulum Meut. )、中华短月藓(Brachymenium sinense Card. & Thér.)、灰黄真藓(Bryum pallens Sw.)、日本匐灯藓(Plagiomnium japonicum (Lindb.) T. Kop.)、细枝毛灯藓(Rhizomnium striatulun (Mitt.) T. Kop.)、南亚灰藓(Hypnum oldhamii (Mitt.)Jaeg.)、黄灰藓(Hypnum pallescens (Hedw.) P. Beauv.)、扁灰藓(Breidleria pratensis (Hartm.) Loeske)、金灰藓(Pylaisia polyantha (Hedw.) Grout)、弯枝金灰藓(Pylaisia curviramea Dix)和陈氏藓(Chenia leptophylla (C. Müll.) Zand.)23个为江苏省新记录种。2.江苏北部地区苔藓植物的优势科为丛藓科、真藓科、灰藓科、青藓科、葫芦藓科、羽藓科和凤尾藓科七科,其所含种数占本地区苔藓植物总种数的67.97%;优势属为真藓属、毛口藓属、灰藓属、凤尾藓属和青藓属五属,其所含种数占本地区总种数的28.76%。3.江苏省长江以北城市的苔藓植物区系主要以北温带成分和东亚成分为主,分别占总数的32.68%和22.88%,泛热带成分(6.54%)、地中海成分(5.88%)和热带亚洲成分(3.92%)和中国特有成分(12.42%)也占比较高的比例。说明江苏北部地区苔藓植物具有北温带向亚热带地理苔藓区系过渡的特点。4.将江苏省长江以北苔藓植物区系可以分成三个区域:包括扬州、泰州和南通的南部区域,包含苔藓植物28科52属130种;中部区域包括宿迁、盐城和淮安,有苔藓植物10科15属38种;而北部地区的连云港和徐州有苔藓植物15科26属72种三个区域中,苔藓植物以南部区域的最为丰富,其次为北部区域,而中部区域的苔藓植物种类最为匮乏。5.在研究区域内,苔藓植物分布和相对应的城市经纬度、温度、雨量、公园数目、建园时间长短等环境因子的关系定量分析发现,江苏北部地区苔藓植物科数、属数、种类数、顶蒴类、侧蒴类、苔类和丛藓科均与平均温度、景点数、公园新旧程度等因素密切相关。6.定量调查了南通市区145个样方的苔藓植物种类,目测了样方的环境因子,利用CANOCO for windows 4.0分析城市苔藓植物分布与环境因子之间的关系,发现人为干扰强度、湿度、郁闭度和草本盖度对城市苔藓植物分布具有一定的影响。7.与前人关于江苏北部地区苔藓植物区系研究的资料相比,近20年,苔藓植物的优势科属和多样性发生了剧烈变化,优势科由对环境要求高的青藓科、灰藓科转成以抗干扰性强的真藓科、丛藓科为主,表明江苏北部地区的环境洁净度下降。

【Abstract】 Jiangsu province is one of the most abundant bryophytes regions of China, the research on bryophyte ecology and diversity in relation to Jiangsu has been focused on the southern area of the Yangtze River. In this study, baesd on field investigation and specimen collection from Nantong, Yangzhou, Taizhou, Huai’an, Suqian, Lianyungang, Xuzhou and Yancheng. The flora and diversity of bryophytes in the cities of northern area of Jiangsu province were systematically studies. Additionally, the relationship of bryophytes with their environmental factors were investigated in the city of Nantong. The main results are as follows:1. A total of 153 species of bryophytes, which belong to 30 families and 58 genera were recorded from the northern cities of Yangtze River of Jiangsu. Among them are 16 liverwort species belonging to nine families and 11 genera, 137 moss species belonging to 21 families and 47 genera. New records to Jiansu bryophyte flora include Chenia (Pottiaceae) and 23 species (including Heteroscyphus tener (Schiffn.) Schiffn., Heteroscyphus lophocoleoides S. Hatt., Pellia epiphylla (L.) Corda, Frullania polyptera Tayor, Frullania nepalensis (Spreng.) Lehm. et Lindenb., Pellia epiphylla (L.) Corda., Fossombronia pusilla (L.) Nees, Fissidens laxus Sull. Et Lesq., Fissidens diversifolius Chen, Fissidens geppii Fleisch., Fissidens schwabei Nog., Hymenostylium recurvirostrum var. insigne (Dix.) Bartr., Tortula planifolia Li, Brachymenium pendulum Meut., Brachymenium sinense Card. & Thér., Bryum pallens Sw., Plagiomnium japonicum (Lindb.) T. Kop., Rhizomnium striatulun (Mitt.) T. Kop., Hypnum oldhamii (Mitt.) Jaeg., Hypnum pallescens (Hedw.) P. Beauv., Breidleria pratensis (Hartm.) Loeske, Pylaisia polyantha (Hedw.) Grout, Pylaisia curviramea Dix and Chenia leptophylla (C. Müll.) Zand.). 2. There are seven dominant families including Pottiacea,Bryaceae, Hypnaceae, Brachytheciaceae, Funariaceae, Thuidiaceae and Fissidentaceae. Accounting for 67.97% of the total species of the studied area, and the dominant genera are five, such as Bryum, Trichostomum, Hypnum, Fissdens and Brachythecium, accounting for 28.76% of the total species of the area.3. The geographical elements of these 153 bryophyte species of the studies area, ordered as the species number from high to low, are temperate distribution, accounting for 32.68% of the total species, East Asian distribution, accounting for 22.88%, Mediterranean distribution accounting for 6.54% , Asian tropical distribution accounting for 3.92% and endemic elements to China accounting for 12.42%. The composition of geographical elements reveals that the bryophytes flora in north of Jiangsu are not only characterized by their temperate elements, but also by their subtropical elements, showing a transition characteristic from subtropical to temperate elements.4. The distribution areas of the northern area of Jiangsu province, could be divided into three parts: Southern part includes Yangzhou,Taizhou and Nantong, this part has mosses of 130 species, 52 genus and 28 families. Middle part includes Suqian, Yancheng and Huai’an, has 38 species, 15 genus and 10 families mossed; and Northern part includes Lianyungang and xuzhou, there is 72 species, 26 genus, 15 families. According to their species number of bryophyte from high to low, the areas are ranked as sourthern part, northern part, and middle part.5. The environmental factors influencing the distribution of the bryophytes on regional scale in northern Jiansu were quantitatively analyzed using the software SPSS. The result shows that the species numbers in relation to families, genera, acrocarpous, pleurocarpous, liverworts, moss, Pottiaceae, Funariaceae, corresponded well with the average temperature, the number and history of scenic spots in the cities.6. In the city of Nantong, a total of 145 sites were sampled, and the coverages of their bryophyte species were investigated, and the environmental factors were also visualized , then the relationship of bryophyte distribution with their environmental factors were analyzed usinnng the method of Canonical Correspondence Analysis by using the software CANOCO for windows 4.0. The results show that man-made disturbance, humidity, coverage and herbage coverage will affect the diversity of the city bryophytes.7. Compared with the previous reports in relation to the studied, we found the dominant families and genera have changed much since 1990s. The dominant families changed from Brachytheciaceae, Hypnaceae to Bryaceae and Pottiaceae. The result shows that environment in the cities of north of Jiangsu province.

【关键词】 苔藓植物江苏北部城市多样性区系生态
【Key words】 BryophyteNorth of JiangsucitiesDistribution FloraEcology

