

【作者】 是新宇

【导师】 郭开平;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 教育, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 五年制高职作为一种新的教育形式,在职教领域异军突起,它将中等和高等职业技术教育两个学习阶段有机地结合成一体。作为职业教育重要的文化基础课,语文课程承担着提高学生语文综合素质和职业能力的艰巨使命。不久前,江苏省教育厅制定出台了《江苏省职业教育课程改革行动计划》,计划提出文化课应发挥基础性、应用性、发展性功能,注重素质提升和能力培养,突出文化课为专业文化建设和职业文化建设的有效服务,突出文化基础知识能力在专业学习和工作岗位的实际应用,从而奠定学生职业生涯发展和终身发展能力。基于上述要求,课程改革已成为高职教育可持续发展的源头工程,也是学校内涵发展的需要。在职教改革的大背景下,语文课程改革迫在眉睫。众所周知,任何课程都是以一定的课程资源为基础和前提的,只有对课程资源的合理开发与有效利用,才能将课程改革转化为现实的教育效果,从而实现高职语文的课程功能。开发与利用高职语文课程资源可以从以下几方面入手:对条件性资源中语文活动空间进行开发与利用;对素材性资源中教材、学生、教师进行开发与利用;采用活动专题形式,积极开发与利用大众文化资源;通过文本阅读、图文实物展览、实地体验、情景互动等方式,合理开发与利用地方文化资源;发挥信息技术特点,有效开发与利用网络资源。从当前五年制高职语文课程改革实施来看,学校、教师对课程资源的开发处在不断地摸索、尝试之中,尚未形成新的实践体系和完整结构。因此,在现状面前,语文教师应增强开发与利用课程资源的意识,根据高职语文课程定位、学生职业特点开发与利用课程资源;学校领导应重视开发与利用课程资源,搭建校内外培训平台,建立校本教研保障机制。

【Abstract】 As a new form of education, the 5-year higher vocational education plays an important role in the field of vocational education. It combines secondary vocational education with higher vocational education well. As one of the important fundamental subjects in vocational education, Chinese plays an important part not only in improving students’Chinese qualities but also in the vocational abilities. Educational Department of Jiangsu Province puts forward a plan called the reforms of vocational educational courses, which proposes that fundamental subjects should have fundamental, useful and advanced functions, pay more attention to improving qualities and training abilities, emphasize that fundamental subjects should serve major construction and vocational cultural construction, and stress that the abilities in fundamental subjects should be widely used in major study and work positions, so that it will be great help to students’career development and future development.As is mentioned above, the courses’reforms have become the essential project of sustainable development in vocational education and the internal need of school development. Under the background of the reforms of vocational educational courses, Chinese reforms become urgent. As is known to all, any course should be based on some courses’resources. Only when courses’ resources are developed reasonably and made full use of, can the courses’ reforms be turned into real educational effects. In this way, Chinese in higher vocational education can achieve its functions.Chinese resources in higher vocational education can be developed and made use of in the following ways:the activity space should be developed and used in the conditional resources; textbooks, students and teachers should be taken advantage of in material resources; public cultural resources can be developed actively in the form of activities; local cultural resources can be used reasonably by reading books, showing exhibitions, experiencing the scene and interacting; the network resources can be developed effectively to show the features of information technology.From the current Chinese reforms in 5-year vocational education, the school and the teachers are under the way to the development of the courses’resources, and it hasn’t been formed into the practical and complete system. Therefore, Chinese teachers should increase the awareness of developing and making use of courses’resources according to the present situation of Chinese in higher vocational education and the students’career features; school leaders should pay attention to developing and making use of courses’resources, building the training platform in and out of school and establishing school researching security system.


