

【作者】 陆晓雯

【导师】 唐力行;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本文旨在以苏州留园义庄为例,剖析留园义庄的日常经营运作状况、特点及其与当时苏州社会在公共、慈善、经济领域的互动。在此基础上进一步分析义庄与清末民初苏州近代社会经济、生活发展变迁之间的联系,关注盛宣怀的再评价问题与清末民初家族慈善的命运。并以此为切入点来探索传统与近代化之间的关系。本文以上海图书馆藏盛宣怀档案中保存的1903年至1915年留园义庄月报、清单、年总账册和义庄司事与盛宣怀的通信为核心资料。结合相关文献材料,运用历史学、社会学和统计的思想方法进行研究。在还原留园义庄黄金发展期日常维护运作状况的基础上,体现留园义庄受近代苏州社会变迁及盛宣怀个人影响在构成、管理和功能等方面与传统义庄相同的共性和其独特的个性。并透过对留园义庄修筑留园马路、筹建苏阊孤儿院、使用电灯电话、与周边商户间往来和留园物产会等一系列活动的探讨,分析这一时期义庄积极参与近代苏州社会生活并与之产生良性互动的情况。试图填补过去研究清末民初义庄时,在这方面的学术空白。

【Abstract】 Using the LiuyuanYizhuang in Suzhou as an example, author analyzed the character and daily operation of the LiuyuanYizhuang, including its connection with the Suzhou society in public, charity and economic areas. Further more, this essay linked theYizhuang to the changes of social economy and life style at the Late Qing Dynasty in Suzhou. Focused on the Re-evaluation of Sheng Xuanhuai and the destiny of other philanthropists at the Late Qing Dynasty, author explored the relationship between tradition and modernization.This essay used the monthly report, lists and annual report of Liu Yuan Yizhuang and Sheng Xuanhuai’s correspondences with the managers of Yizhuang from 1903 to 1915 as core data, which was preserved in the archives of Sheng Xuanhuai in the Shanghai Library. The research combined the data and the methods of historical, social and Statistics ways. Restoring the daily Maintenance in golden days of the Liuyuan Yizhuang, this essay showed the Liuyuan Yizhuang’s characters influenced by the modern Suzhou society and Sheng Xuanhuai’s personal style. It had the character similar to the traditional Yizhuang in organizations, managements and functions, but it also had its own unique character. Through the discussion of some actions the LiuyuanYizhuang made, like building roads, preparing the SuChang orphanage, using the electronic lights and telephones and some business meetings, author also analyzed the good interaction between Yizhuang and Suzhou Society, filling the blanks of the researches in Yizhuang at the Late Qing Dynasty.

  • 【分类号】K257
  • 【下载频次】189

