

【作者】 方亚兰

【导师】 虞云国;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 中国古代史, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本文通过对史料的收集、整理和分析,对吕公著的生平进行较为详细的考证,在立足史实的前提下,清晰的还原历史人物的生平活动。吕公著是北宋中期一位重要的大臣,出身于官宦之家,历仕仁宗、英宗、神宗、哲宗四朝,神宗和哲宗朝发生震惊朝野的王安石变法、元祐更化,他都参与其中,作用引人注目。他于仁宗庆历二年(1042)中进士,从此开始了仕途生涯。熙丰变法期间因反对变法,仕途多舛而多次外任做官。元祐年间官至宰相,同平章军国事。其一生政风清明,耿直敢谏,多次召试不就且因政见不同而弃位,做到位高权重的宰相依然以公允之心为政,不谋私利。吕公著几十年的仕途生涯形成了他丰富的政治思想,主要包括从谏敢谏、和平治国、尊儒重礼、以民为本、任人唯贤等,他的这些治国理念不仅在北宋发挥了积极作用,而且对当今社会也有重要的借鉴意义。吕公著身上有着北宋特有的时代烙印,通过研究他的历史活动,一个爱国爱民、敢于担当、有着人格魅力和深厚儒学修养的士大夫跃然纸上。通过人物背景的深层分析,可以看出正是北宋宽松的政治环境,造就出这样一类热血沸腾的士大夫。同时由于历史的局限性,吕公著在为相期间,未能根除党争问题,以至于他死后党争扩大化。本文分为六章。第一章依据史实分析吕公著的家世与出生背景以及对他后来的影响;次章通过对庆历年间到熙宁二年之间对吕公著的为官活动进行剖析,逐步反映出他的人物特征;第三章着重讨论熙丰变法时期公著的整个政风形成的原因和时代背景,以及变法对他政治生涯的影响;第四章主要梳理他在哲宗时期为相时的政绩和作为;第五章对他的政治观点进行了全面的归纳;第六章对全文进行总结。

【Abstract】 Based on the collection, collation and analysis of historical data, this thesis textual researched Lv Gongzhu’s life in detail, and clearly restored his historical activities. Lv Gongzhu, a principal minister of North Song Dynasty, born in an official’s family, worked in government of Songrenzong’s periods. He was involved in the Wang Anshi Reform and Yuanyougenghua, and played an important role. In the second year of Qingli (1042), he became an official of Song Dynasty through the recruitment examination, which was the beginning of his official career. During the periods of Xifeng Reform, Gongzhu was relegated to hold a post in a remote region due to opposing to the political reform. However, he was re-promoted to prime minister in charge of military affairs during Yuanyou periods. In his whole life, he was a man of integrity, generous, fair-minded, although he already had great power. He dared to give advice to the emperor, even gave up higher positions many times because of different political opinions. He became a man with political sagacity for his decades of political career, such as peace governing, honoring Confucianism and ceremony, showing solicitude for people’s livelihood, appointing people by abilities and so on. These ideas not only played an active role in the North Song Dynasty, but also had an important reference in today’s society. Lv Gongzhu had a unique brand of the times. By studying his history activities, we could see a character with patriotism, charisma and strong Confucian self-cultivation. Through deep analysis of the character’s background, we could find it is the liberal political environment of North Song that created such a group of honest officials. At the same time, due to historical limitations, Lv Gongzhu was unable to eradicate the party struggles, and this issues was exacerbated after his death.The thesis was divided into six chapters. In chapter 1, based on historical materials, the author analyzed Lv Gongzhu’s family background and the influence on his life. In chapter 2, there includes his official activities from Qingli periods to the second year of Xining, which gradually reflect his characteristics. In chapter 3, the author focused on discussing the reasons cultivated his particular political style, the background in the period of Xifeng Reform, and the influence of reform on his political career. In chapter 4, his political performances were discussed as the prime minister during the periods of Songzhezong. In chapter 5, the author comprehensively summarized his political viewpoints from all aspects. In the last chapter, the author summarized the full text.

【关键词】 吕公著北宋政治思想影响
【Key words】 Lv GongzhuNorth Song DynastyPolical thoughtInfluence
  • 【分类号】K244
  • 【下载频次】213

