

【作者】 欧阳碧清

【导师】 谭永红;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 通信与信息系统, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 经络是人体中信息,能量传递的通道,与人体各项生命功能息息相关。经络学说来源于中医,经过长期临床证实,由于古代科学发展的局限性,经络理论中不可避免的含有谬论的成分,急需现代科学实验的有力支撑。本文选择具有代表性的两条经络线,手太阴肺经和手厥阴心包经为重点研究对象,在吸收前人研究成果基础上,从电信号能量动态传输的角度来研究经络系统的特性,具有一定的研究意义,在实验基础上,采用有效的研究经络系统方法。本文主要工作如下:1、实验中主动外加电信号刺激经络穴位,采集同一经络线上其它穴位输出信号,得到了可靠,稳定的携带了经络通道信息的电信号。由于经络信号所受噪声干扰严重,本文选用性能优越的数采仪器和具有精细分解能力的小波包除噪技术,从硬软两方面预处理人体经络信号,为后续进一步研究提供了信噪比高的经络电信号。2、从频域采用相干函数分析经络信号,研究在经络信道中传输的电信号在穴位点与非穴位处的不同输出特性,揭示经络信道电信号的动态传输特性:经络系统是一非线性系统,且穴位输出的电信号携带了丰富的人体内部脏腑器官的状态信息。本文还估计了少商—孔最一迟泽—天府穴特定段在正弦波刺激信号下的传递函数,从不同方面研究了经络系统与非经络系统的不同特性。3、改进了极速学习机神经网(Extreme learning machine,以下简称ELM),采用带反馈的极限学习机(Feedback Extreme learning machine,Feedback_ELM),并将其应用到人体经络信道建模中,通过大量实验与ELM的建模逼近性能进行比较,结果表明Feedback_ELM在训练数据量不大,保证速度快的情况下,逼近精度高,是一种比较适合在线动态系统的建模的算法。4、本文采用能量特性向量这一特征参数描述手太阴肺经上,少商—孔最一迟泽—天府穴特定段在不同幅值的多频三角波,多频正弦波刺激信号下的传输特性,探索与之相关的人体脏腑状态信息。大量实验结果表明:所采用的能量特征向量能较好的揭示经络信道电信号动态传输特性。5、本文研究了心电在经络通道中传输的特性。实验中通过研究与心脏密切相关的手太阴肺经和手厥阴心包经,分析比较得出穴位与非穴位处输出心电信号的能量特征向量明显不同且具有一定规律,再次表明本文所采用的能量特征向量参数比较适合表征所测经络段的动态电信号传输特性。这不但为证明经络的存在,提供了依据,还为探讨与心脏有关的疾病分析提供了一定的研究基础。6、本文还比较多名正常人与甲亢患者的能量特征向量,研究其不同特性,并以提取的能量特征向量作为BP神经网络的输入空间向量,利用BP的模式识别能力,对甲亢病例进行辨识,实验结果表明:基于能量特征向量的BP网络能较好的分辨甲亢患者。本文研究的成果为进一步研究经络通道电信息传输特性及与人体生理病变的联系提供了一定的理论依据,能量特征向量可以明显区分经络上穴位与非穴位点所表现出能量传输特性的差别,这一结果从一个方面表明经络与非经络点的差异性,对采用信息能量鉴别方法确定经络上穴位点具有一定应用价值。

【Abstract】 Meridian is the body channel in which information and energy run, and is closely related by vital functions of body. It origin a long time ago, and derived from traditional Chinese medicine, Meridian has been proven through a long period. As the limitations of scientific development in ancient meridian theory contains the inevitable composition of fallacy, it need a strong support of modern scientific experiments. This paper select the two representative meridian lines: Hand Tai Yin Lung Meridian and Pericardium, which The study is focused on. from the dynamic energy transfer of. Electrical signals, on the basis of the absorption of previous research results, we study characteristics of the meridian system.. we have proposed a effective method of meridian system research. In this paper, my job is as follows:1、Active external signals are used in the experiment to stimulate the acupuncture points of meridian , then the output signal of other acupuncture points of the same meridian line are collected. We get reliable and stable signals ,which carry the information of meridian channels. Since the meridian signal is suffered serious noise , This paper selectes superior performance equipment and wavelet packet, two denoising technology, from both hard and soft to cance noise, preprocessing high-quality electric meridian Signal. for further study .2、Coherence function analysis are used to study the meridian signal running in the meridian channels and non-acupuncture points in the meridian at different output characteristics, reveals dynamic signal transmission characteristics of the meridian channels: the meridian system is a nonlinear system, and acupuncture points outs carry the human body organs and organ’ status. This paper also estimates the transfer function of the specific section‘shaoshang—kongzui—chizhe—tianfu’under the sine wave stimulatory signal. from different aspects we study the different characteristics of non-meridian system Between meridian system .3、On the base of improving Extreme learning machine network (Extreme learning machine, referred to ELM),this paper prove a novel neural network algorithm: Feedback_ELM, and applying to the human meridian Channel Model , then comparing results of Approximation of Feedback_ ELM and the ELM. The results show that Feedback_ELM in training not too much data’ case has good approximation precision, high speed, is suitable for online modeling of dynamic systems.4、This paper has built energy characteristic vector parameters to describes the characteristics of the specific section‘shaoshang—kongzui—chizhe—tianfu’on Hand Tai Yin Lung Meridian, under different amplitude of Multi-frequency triangle wave and Multi-frequency sine wave stimulate signal. Many experimental results show that: the energy extracted characteristic vector can reveal the meridian dynamic signal transmission channel characteristics.5、This paper has studied characteristics. ECG transferring in the meridian channel. Through researching the Hand Tai Yin Lung Meridian and Pericardium closely related to the heart ,The conclusion is that the output energy characteristic vector of acupuncture points and non-point is obviously different with a certain regularity when ECG signal running. once again demonstrate that the energy characteristic vector can measure the dynamic signal transmission characteristics. of the meridian section .This not only proves the existence of meridians, but also to explore the link with heart-related diseases, and the analysis provides a basis for further study.6、Comparing characteristic vector of healthy persons and patients with hyperthyroidism to study their different characteristics and taking the Energy Characteristics vectors as the input space vector of BP neural network. this paper identify cases of hyperthyroidism, by BP’s pattern recognition ability. The results show that: the energy characteristic vector extracted can distinguish hyperthyroidism patients.The results of this study provides a good theoretical basis for further investigate of the electrical characteristics of information transmission in the meridian channels and connection with the human physiological diseases. The experimental results have illustrated that the proposed method is rather efficient. It provides us with a way to determine the points in human meridian systems.


