

On Gramsci and Birmingham School

【作者】 朱亚辉

【导师】 章辉;

【作者基本信息】 四川外语学院 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 大众文化作为当代社会一种普遍的文化现象已经越来越得到人们的重视,事实上它已经成为现代社会结构中的一部分。西方学者对大众文化进行了系统研究和深入探讨,由于探讨和研究的层面与所取的视角不同,不仅产生了不同的学术流派,如:利维斯主义、法兰克福学派、文化主义与结构主义等,而且出版了许多相关学术成果如:F.R.利维斯的《大众文明与少数人文化》,威廉斯的《文化与社会》,斯图亚特·霍尔《文化研究:两种范式》、《编码、解码》,费斯克的《传播符号学理论》、《理解大众文化》等。可以说,大众文化研究是20世纪最引人注目、最具影响力的学术思潮之一,并将深刻影响21世纪的学术进程。转向葛兰西之前的大众文化研究流派要么贬抑,如利维斯主义与法兰克福学派;要么褒扬,如文化主义,从而不能很好地推进文化研究的进展。在这种情况下,曾在伯明翰研究中心工作了15年的霍尔希望通过寻找到另一种理论来克服这两种范式的对立与不足,以使文化研究获得更大的发展。霍尔最终找到了葛兰西,找到了葛兰西的“文化领导权”理论。“文化领导权”理论最终使西方大众文化研究走出了困境,以席卷之势面向东西方。本文的目的旨在阐明“文化领导权”理论对西方大众文化研究的影响,尤其是对伯明翰学派的影响。本文共分三章。第一章主要介绍转向葛兰西前的西方大众文化研究流派,阐述各流派的观点并指出其研究困境。第二章剖析葛兰西“文化领导权”理论的内涵,通过对内涵的剖析表明理论中的“市民社会”是文化领导权的物质载体,“有机知识分子”是文化领导权的组织者和领导者,“阵地战”是文化领导权的实现途径,同时指出理论自身弱点。第三章是本文的重点,即文化领导权理论对伯明翰学派的影响,在这一批学者中本文又主要阐述了对霍尔和费斯克的影响。最后,本文总结归纳了西方大众文化研究的学派及其理论,进而引申出文化领导权理论对中国当代大众文化研究的意义。葛兰西的文化领导权理论虽然并非十全十美,也有其自身弱点,但可以肯定的是它对东西方的大众文化研究起了不可替代的作用,而且大家还会不断重温领导权理论,使它成为东西方学者可借鉴的典范。

【Abstract】 Popular culture, one of the universal cultural phenomena, is taken more seriously. In fact, it has been regarded as one of the social structures in the modern society. For popular culture, western theorists took systematical and deep research from different perspectives, so not only different theoretical schools were formed such as, Leavisim, Frankfurt School, Culturalism and Structuralism, and so on, but also many relative theoretical writings were published---Mass Civilization and Minority Culture by F. R. Leavis, Culture and Society by R.Williams, Cultural Studies: Two P-aradigms, Encoding/Decoding by Stuart Hall, Understanding Popular Culture by John Fisk and so forth. To some extent, we can say popular cultural studies is one of the most attractive and most influential theoretical trends and it will deeply affect the process of academia.Before turning to Gramsci’s cultural hegemony, popular cultural studies depreciated popular culture or complemented it, so cultural studies hadn’t been developing fluently. Under this situation, Stuart Hall who worked in Center for Contemporary Cultural Studies of Birmingham (CCCS) for ten fifteen years, hoped to find another theory which can avoid the limitations of the two modes to motivate the development of cultural studies. At last, Hall found Gramsci’s cultural hegemony that made the western popular cultural studies walk out the predicament and known by the whole world. Therefore the purpose of the thesis is to examine how cultural hegemony affected western popular cultural studies, especially the Birmingham School.The thesis is divided into three parts. The first part focuses on the schools of popular cultural studies before turning to Gramsci, examining all schools’points of view and explaining the predicament. The second part is about the connotation of cultural hegemony. The third part, the main one of the whole thesis, concerns how cultural hegemony affects Birmingham School. In this part, the thesis mainly talks about Hall and Fisk their relative theories. In the end, the thesis summarizes all western popular cultural studies schools; meanwhile explains the problem of applying cultural hegemony theory faced by Chinese popular cultural studies.Although the cultural hegemony is not perfect, it will be studied from the west to the east all the time and will be the mirror of popular cultural studies.

  • 【分类号】G0
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】308

