

Female Subject Consciousness in Consumption Era

【作者】 胡丽莉

【导师】 杨晓莲;

【作者基本信息】 四川外语学院 , 文艺学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 《蜗居》小说改编的同名电视剧在2009非常受欢迎。剧中集结的“房奴”、“小三”、“腐败”等等社会热点问题自首播以来引起强烈反响,引发社会阶层的广泛讨论,成为媒体关注的热点问题。《蜗居》反映的一系列现实问题,如房价与腐败等等,同样引起了政府乃至国家领导人的注意,正在成为国家关注民生以及相关政策的制定、实施的重要方面。《蜗居》热正在由一个社会现象成为一种文化现象。《蜗居》的成功同样也引起了学术界的关注,有学者、志家从各个方面对其进行了深刎的分析与研究。但目前《蜗居》的研究甚少,相比早些时候时期市剧作家王海鸽的作品。《蜗居》的研究才刚刚处于起步阶段。鉴于此,笔者从消费主义的时代背景出发研究《蜗居》这部电视剧,试图从消费主义的角度对剧中几位女性形象的性格及追求等进行原因分析,并运用女性主义的理论对她们在追求幸福生活过程中迷失自我的现缘进行批判,最后分析了消费时代女性的生存困境并就消费时代如何确立女性主体意识进行探讨。论文主要分六个部分。绪论部分主要是介绍《蜗居》的强烈社会反响,总结目前有关《蜗居》的研究情况,申明本论文的选题意义、研究方法及主要内容。第一章是《蜗居》与消费时代。主要运用鲍德里亚的消费社会理论分析消费时代的概念,总结消费时代的主要特征,并分析这特征在《蜗居》中的体现,以及剧中女性形象受到消费主义思想的影响。第二章是女性主体意识的迷失。主要分析海藻、海萍、宋夫人消费主义思想影响的表现以及女性主体意识的迷失的体现,笔者运用女性主义理论对她们进行了批判。第三章是通过海萍、海藻、郭母、孙俪等形象,论述女性主体意识的回归。第四章是消费社会女性的生存困境及出路,结合《蜗居》中的人物形象,分析消费社会女性的生存困境。结语部分对文章主要内容进行总结升华,探讨消赀时代女性如何确立女性主体意识。

【Abstract】 TV series Woju which adapted from the novel Woju is very popular in 2009. Hot social issues about "house slaves", "the other woman ", "corruption" and so on which built in the play has caused a strong reaction from the premiere, causing extensive discussion of social class has become a hot topic of media attention. Woju reflects a range of practical issues, such as house prices and corruption, etc. It also attracted the attention of government and even national leaders are becoming concerned about the livelihood of the people and the relevant national policies, the implementation of the important aspects. The hot talk of woju turned a social phenomenon into a cultural phenomenon.The success of Woju also attracted the concern of academics, some scholars and experts analysis and research from all aspects of its in-depth. However, at present, the research about Woju is just in its infancy. Actually, compared to the works of Wang Hailing, the research of Woju is just started. In view of this, the author from the area of consumerism background to start the research, trying to doctrine from the consumer point of view of the play’s character and image of several women in the pursuit of the cause analysis, etc,. The use of feminist theory on women in the pursuit of happiness lost in the process of self-critical phenomena, the final analysis of survival in Women and the plight of women on how to establish spending time to explore consciousness.The thesis is divided into six parts. The first part is an introduction of the strong social repercussions of Woju. It sums up the current research situation of Woju, analyzes the significance of this topic and outlines the research method and the main content.Chapter one is Woju and the consumer era. Using social consumer theory of Baudrillard analyzes the concept of consumer age, summarizes the main features consumer age, and analyzes these characteristics in Woju. This part introduces the background of the story, and the influence to female in Woju by the consumer theory.Chapter two mainly introduces the lost of female consciousness. Yi mainly analyses the feature that Haizao, Haiping, Mrs.Song were influences by the consumer theory. The author use feminist theory to criticize their behavior. The third chapter discusses the return of consciousness of women. It mainly analyses the return of consciousness of women from the feature of Haiping, Haizao, Mrs.Guo, Mrs.Song. Chapter five discusses the survival dilemma of the female in consumer society and their outlet. The conclusion part mainly summarizes the contents of the article and sublimates the theme and discusses how to establish the consciousness of women for the women in consumer age.

【关键词】 蜗居消费时代女性主体意识迷失
【Key words】 The Wojuconsumption erafemale subject consciousnesslost
  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】675

