

A Research on Identity and Mental Health Condition of the Hearing-impaired Students

【作者】 罗莎

【导师】 唐世明;

【作者基本信息】 杭州师范大学 , 应用心理学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 身份认同作为一种相对稳定的心理过程,反映了个体或集体对自己所属的群体特征所持的认可和接纳态度。听障生作为社会的边缘群体,存在较严重的适应问题和心理问题。身份认同作为与听障生心理社会性发展联系密切的重要因素,长久以来被国内研究者所忽视,而目前,对于聋人的身份认同研究已成为国外聋人发展研究的新热点。当前,我国的特殊教育开始重视听障生的心理研究,但这些研究大多停留在认知与聋的关系探讨上,缺乏对听障生心理社会性发展的定量研究,尤其是每个听障生无法回避的“身份认同”问题。本研究分为两部分。首先,参考国外相关理论建构,对国内听障生的身份认同进行深度访谈,在此基础上编制《听障生身份认同问卷》,经检验,自编问卷信效度良好,符合心理测量学要求。其次,以自编问卷和scl-90症状自评量表为工具,以378名来自不同地区和学校的听障生为被试,深入探讨听障生身份认同的状况及影响因素,并进一步探索听障生的身份认同与心理健康的关系。研究得到以下结论:1我国听障生存在四种不同类型的身份认同:健听文化认同、听障文化认同、双文化认同、边缘性认同。听障生的健听文化认同和双文化认同倾向较高,边缘性认同倾向最低。2不同年龄段听障生的听障认同和边缘性认同存在显著差异。随着年龄发展,健听认同先降低后升高,听障认同先升高后降低,双文化认同持续降低,边缘性认同持续升高。3听障生的身份认同在不同性别、听力损失时间、父母听力状况、沟通方式、健听朋友数量、教师教育形式等方面存在显著差异。4在四类认同倾向的听障生中,典型健听认同和典型边缘性认同的听障生心理健康水平较差。5健听认同倾向与心理健康总体水平、躯体化、强迫、人际敏感、抑郁、焦虑、敌对、恐怖及其它呈显著负相关,听障认同倾向与人际敏感、抑郁、焦虑、恐怖呈显著负相关,边缘性认同倾向与抑郁和焦虑呈显著负相关。双文化认同倾向与心理健康无显著相关。6听障生的健听认同对其心理健康有显著的预测作用,听障生越认同健听文化,其心理健康状况越差。听障认同倾向对其焦虑心理有显著的预测作用,听障生越认同听障文化,其焦虑心理越严重。

【Abstract】 Identity is a relatively stable psychological process.It reflects that individuals or groups recognized and accepted their group characteristics.As a social marginal group, the deaf students have more serious adaptation problems.Although the identity is closely related to psychosocial development, it has long been neglected by domestic researchers. Currently,the research on deaf identity development has become a new hot spot among foreign countries.Although the special education in China paying attention to the psychological study of the hearing-impaired students, most studies stay in discussion the relationship between cognition and deaf, lacking of the quantitative research on psychosocial development, especially the identity which each hearing-impaired student can not avoid.The study includes two parts.First,we combed the relevant foreign literature and interviewed the domestic deaf students. On this basis, we complied an identity questionnaire of the hearing-impaired students. Testing shows that the reliability and validity are both well.meeting the psychometric requirements. Secondly,we used the identity questionnaire and Self-reporting inventory, measured 378 deaf students from different regions and schools. The purpose of this study is to survey the identity situation and its influencing factors,and further explore the relationship between identity and mental health condition. The results are as follows:1 There are four distinct stages of identity for the hearing-impaired students in China (hearing,immersion,bicultural and marginal). The deaf students’hearing and bicultural tendency is higher, and the marginal is the lowest.2 The immersion and marginal between different age have significant difference. As age development,the hearing first reduce and then rise,while the immersion rise at first and then reduce.The bicultural continue to drop, while the marginal continue to rise.3 There is significant difference between genders, parental hearing status, and among the hearing loss times, communication means, education forms and numbers of normal hearing friend in identity of the hearing-impaired students.4 In the four kinds of the hearing-impaired students, the individuals with typical hearing and marginal are in the worse mental health condition5 The hearing tendency have significant negative correlation with the overall level of mental health,somatization,obsessive-compulsiive,interpersonal sensitivity,depression,anxiety,hostility,phobia anxiety and other factor. The immersion have significant negative correlation with interpersonal sensitivity、depression anxiety and phobia anxiety.The marginal tendency have significant negative correlation with anxiety and depression.Only the bicultural tendency and mental health are not significantly correlated. 6 The hearing tendency of the hearing-impaired students is a significant predictor to the mental health condition. The more the deaf students tended to identity with the culturally hearing, the more serious psychological conditions.The immersion is a significant predictor to the anxiety. The more the deaf students tended to identity with the culturally deaf,the more serious psychological anxiety.

  • 【分类号】G762
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】331

