

Current Our Country Network Culture Safety Research

【作者】 詹卫武

【导师】 刘德军;

【作者基本信息】 山东轻工业学院 , 马克思主义中国化研究, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 互联网在上个世纪90年代以来的迅猛发展,不仅使人类社会进入网络时代,还同时开辟了人类社会的第二生存空间。互联网在开启人类社会生活新时代、新空间的同时,也开辟了网络文化建设的新时代、新空间。伴随着网络技术的迅猛发展,网络文化已经对人们的精神文化生活产生越来越重要影响。网络文化的独特存在形式,对我国精神文明建设提出了挑战和要求。当今我国经济发展迅速,政治也越来越注重民主,我们国家对网络文化安全问题十分看重,我们要站在经济全球化和文化全球化的高度开看待这个问题,我们要有全局思维和战略思维,要认识到网络文化安全问题不仅仅是文化领域的问题,要对当前我们国家的网络文化安全现状有一个明晰的了解和调查,在此基础上,积极探索公共管理视野下保障我国的网络文化安全的对策,开创精神文明建设的新领域。这是一个伟大而艰巨的工程,时代的发展要求我们必须把此项工程提上日程,而且非常紧迫,因为这关系到我国社会主义精神文明建设的成败,也关系到中国特色社会主义事业的成败,不容我们忽视。论文从分析互联网是人类信息与思想交流的新形式入手,紧密结合各网络主体尤其是广大网民的具体行为,着重分析了当前网络文化安全面临的挑战及其原因,提出了当前我国网络文化安全构建的基本对策。本文共分前言与正文三大部分:前言,主要介绍了本文的选题意义,目前国内外的研究现状,以及本文的主要内容与构架,本文的研究方法和创新点。这些问题为整个文章的展开做了一些概念和背景上的铺垫。第一部分,首先对网络文化、文化安全、网络文化安全等相关概念进行了界定,然后指出网络文化的四大主要特征:一是及时迅速、渗透广泛、互动性强;二是放大信息、生成舆论、集聚焦点;三是虚实交融、开放平等、推进民主;多元包容、多样共处、多变发展。本部分还分析了网络文化的价值,在新时期,网络文化主要有以下四大价值:一是网络文化促进了人的自由全面发展;二是网络文化加快了社会经济的发展;三是网络文化推动了民主政治的进程;四是网络文化加速了不同民族文化的融合。第二部分,当前我国网络文化安全存在问题及其原因。首先,网络文化对我国传统语言文字、传统文化内容、传统文化传播方式造成了严重挑战;其次,网络文化对我国道德价值观的冲击导致新时期以享乐主义代替奉献精神、以个人主义代替社会责任、网络犯罪现象日益严重等现象;再次,网络文化对社会主义意识形态的主导地位形成冲击,对社会主义意识形态防御能力提出挑战,削弱了社会主义意识形态的权威性,并发难于社会主义意识形态的传播理念。第三部分,当前我国网络文化安全构建的基本对策。这一部分论证并分析了当前构建我国网络文化安全战略的具体建议。主要提出以下几个方面的具体建议:一是要强化当前我国网络文化安全构建的战略地位;二是要建设中国特色社会主义网络文化,并具体谈了中国特色社会主义网络文化的主要内涵和建设中国特色社会主义网络文化的主要任务、;三是要大力加强中国特色社会主义网络文化阵地建设,我们可以通过做大做强重点新闻网站、发挥知名商业网站的积极作用、加强政府网站建设等一些具体措施来加强中国特色社会主义网络文化阵地建设;四是要进一步健全网络立法,提高依法管理水平,我们应该通过明确法律适用范围、采取有效的法律策略、正确运用法律手段等具体措施来做好这方面的工作。这一部分是解决问题的部分,所以说这一部分是文章的核心。本文运用问题研究法、逆向思维研究法、宏观与微观相结合研究法等。其主要创新点有:1、以问题为切入点,正视网络文化存在的突出问题,提出构建网络文化安全的对策,为我国网络文化建设健康发展提出独立见解。2、以弘扬社会主义核心价值体系为主线的社会主义意识形态为主旋律,总结构建社会主义网络文化安全的基本规律,为构建社会主义和谐社会陈述自己的独立见解。

【Abstract】 The Internet in since the 1990s, not only make the rapid development of human society entered the network era, also opened a second living space of human society. Internet open the human social life in the new era and new space, but also opened up a new era of Internet culture construction, the new space. With the rapid development of Internet technology, network culture has on people’s cultural life has more and more important influence. Network culture unique existence form of construction of spiritual civilization, in a challenge and requirements. The report of the 17th congress pointed out that "strengthen the network culture construction and management, and build a good network environment." In the economic prosperity, democratic politics that the essences of today, government increasingly should attach importance to China’s network culture safety issues, with global vision and strategic thinking to insight and grasp the network culture safety in China inspected deeply, construction and management of network culture based on the present situation of public management, actively explore the perspective of guaranteeing our country’s Internet culture safety countermeasures for the construction of spiritual civilization, and create a new field, it is the inevitable demand of the information age, also in new fields to strengthen the objective requirement of the construction of spiritual civilization.Paper Internet information and ideas is human new form of each network, combined with the Lord Body especially the majority of Internet users to specific behaviors, this paper analyzed the current network culture security challenges and its reasons and puts forward the current network culture safety construction basic countermeasures of eight.This paper is divided into three parts: preface and text, mainly to the related preface concept is defined, the topic is introduced in this paper, the research significance at home and abroad present situation, and the main content of this article and frame, this research method and innovations. These problems for the entire post launched made some concepts and background on the action. The first part, the network cultural development, features and value evaluation. Including: network culture development, network culture characteristics, network culture value evaluation.The second part, the current network culture safety problems and its reasons. Current network culture safety problems: our national Internet culture to culture identification on the Internet, challenge the impact of our national values, the Internet for western ideology in the impact of mainstream ideology of Chinese ideology, on the Internet, the Internet the challenge of building way Chinese cultural interests in China of the impact and Internet teenagers’ moral influence; Current network culture safety analysis of the reasons of the problems of our ideological publicity, network position still is not perfected, ethnic minorities culture protection consciousness of excellent insufficient, network security consciousness, long-term dependence on China’s Internet core technology abroad, China’s Internet registration regulation, and relevant legislation and the defects. Recognize our network culture safety exists many problems, we must formally these problems, think of a way to solve these problems.The third part, the current network culture safety of constructing basic countermeasures. This part of the argument and analyzes the current building our network culture security strategy of concrete recommendations. Mainly in the following aspects: strengthening the current Chinese network culture safety construction of strategic position, the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics network culture, strengthen marxist theoretical positions on the Internet using the network construction, and the publicity of our national culture, improve the network excellent safety consciousness, strengthen the Internet technology research and development, strengthen the construction of Internet laws and regulations and credit construction, actively promote the establishment of a "new order" international information. This part is the solution to the problem of parts, so this part is the core of articles.This paper used the methods of problem research, reverse thinking macro and micro research method, combining research, etc. In this paper, the major innovation points are:The first,in order to problems as the breakthrough point, to face the network culture existing prominent problems, the author put forward the network culture safety countermeasures for China’s network culture construction, and puts forward the healthy development of independent opinions.The second, in order to promote the socialist core value system as the main line of the socialist ideology, summarizes the main melody for constructing socialist network culture safety of the basic law, for the construction of a socialist harmonious society present their independent opinions.


