

A Study on Duck Guan Spirit and Its Impact on Contemporary Martia Art Group

【作者】 吴红芳

【导师】 刘定一;

【作者基本信息】 中北大学 , 民族传统体育学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 在当前知识经济时代及文化全球化背景下,世界的竞争不仅包括经济、科技、国防等领域的竞争,也包括文化软实力及各民族精神之间的竞争,文化繁荣以其战略意义在我们民族发展及强国战略伟大实践中日益凸显其重要地位。“内因是根本、外因是条件”[1],对我们本民族优秀传统文化的挖掘、弘扬无疑是建设具有中国特色社会主义文化的重中之重[2]。挖掘、弘扬优秀民族文化是国家民族屹立于世界民族之林的需要,也是提升其现代化及引领当前市场经济与知识经济时代社会健康发展的需要。关公文化现象作为经典的中华民族文化瑰宝,不可否认其历史局限性,但它和其它优秀传统文化一样包含着不为特定历史阶段和社会政治形态所局限的普适价值[3]。尤其自上世纪90年代出现了关公文化热,关公以其自身所涵蕴的超阶级、超信仰、超地域、超国籍、超时代的内在辐射力和价值成为历代任何英雄崇拜现象无可比拟的典范[4]。但于其巨大影响力而言,至今依然存在学界学术关怀不足的缺憾,缺乏系统、深入地审视及将关公文化现象提升抽象到一定理论层面的研究,也鲜有关公作为“武圣”而将其与关系紧密的习武人群相联系的探讨。可见,尤其在当前大力弘扬民族优秀传统文化,努力实现中华民族文化伟大复兴的时代背景下,对关公精神文化较深入系统的研究可谓既是历史使命的应然之举,也是繁荣时代文化现实的呼声使然。鉴于此,本文依据文化结构分层理论,以文化的精神核心层次为切入点,采用历史与现实、定性与定量、理论与实践相结合的研究方式,主要综合运用了文献资料法、实地、访谈及问卷调查法和个案研究法等,对关公精神文化进行了较系统深入地梳理与审视,并将其对当代习武人群的影响进行了探讨,以期为挖掘、弘扬关公精神提供理论及实践参考,同时也可为其它植根于中华传统文化沃土中的民族传统文化及武术文化的挖掘、发展与交流、传播提供一定的参考。本研究主要观点如下:1)关公精神指凝聚及体现在关羽身上并为后代万世所共仰,蕴涵着中国传统文化的伦理、道德、理想,渗透着儒学的春秋大义,并为释教、道教教义所趋同的一种具体精神文化。从关公精神思想根源而言,关羽历史人物原型的事迹及所体现的德行是关公精神形象的历史基础,儒、释、道均尊崇关公,从时间上看佛教最早、儒家最晚;但于关公人格精神魅力可谓儒家文化核心价值观的标举和张扬,真正把关公信仰推向兴盛,确立关公圣人地位、崇高品格的却是后来居上的儒家,其根本目的在于把关公作为实践儒家思想教化典范的化身。2)关公精神的内容主要涵概了崇尚忠诚的高尚美德、崇尚信义的高尚情操、崇尚仁爱的人格力量、崇尚诚信的高尚情操、崇尚勇武的英雄精神、崇尚睿智的儒雅风范及崇尚礼仪的儒家规范七个要素。3)关公精神的价值主要包括:弘扬和培育关公精神有利于提升中华民族的历史认同、民族认同及国家认同感,有利于优化我国开放的现代民族主义,有助于引领当前社会主义市场经济的健康发展,利于推动传统武术文化繁荣发展,有助于繁荣发展中华民族传统精神文化财富等方面。关公精神的价值创造是其价值实现的基础,关公精神价值实现形式主要包括:人的价值实现、精神产品的价值实现和物质财富价值实现三层面。关公精神价值实现途径主要为人们基于个人及群体信仰日常对关公精神的景仰与膜拜;历史遗迹及其它时代特征物质载体等文化财富和媒体传播等。4)在关公精神对当代习武人群的影响方面,总体而言当前关公精神对习武人群的影响主要体现在其独具人格魅力的“忠、义”等高尚的思想品质理念方面,而对于习武人群的习武技击及健身实践方面影响非常有限。因为关公之所以能被奉为古今“武将”之榜样,即“武圣”主要归功于其作为一名武将,不仅拥有高超武艺,更重要的是其特殊人生经历所体现的与中华传统美德要求及习武人群所推崇的“武德”具有高度一致性的高度“德艺双馨”的典范。但就其对习武人群的影响力而言,与关羽作为中华“武圣”,应体现与习武人群更紧密的应然关系不相符,亟待对关公精神优秀文化典范的挖掘与弘扬。5)当前弘扬和培育关公精神的主要对策包括:最根本的要强化历史文化教育;应纳入弘扬民族优秀精神文化典范和社会主义精神文明建设高度予以重视;在历史传承基础上坚持与时俱进、勇于创新的态度;发挥学校教育文化优势作用,强化关公精神传播与教化意义;利用先进高科技媒体手段,营造弘扬和培育关公精神社会舆论氛围;将文化交流和旅游资源开发相结合;鼓励社会各界参与关公文化资源开发;应着重在习武人群中提升“武圣”精神理念典范效应等。

【Abstract】 In the current ear of knowledge economy and cultural globalization, the world’s competition includes not only the competition of economy, technology, defense and other fields, but also the competition of cultural soft power and the competition between national spirit, the cultural prosperity of our nation and its strategic significance attach more and more importance to the national development and the great practice of power strategy.“Internal cause is the fundamentals and external factor is the condition”, digging and developing the excellent ethnic culture is undoubtedly the most important of constructing socialist culture with Chinese characteristics. Digging and developing , promote excellent ethnic culture is not only the need for the nation standing in the nations of the world, but also the need to enhance its modernization and guide the social healthy development of this society in the ear of the current market economy and knowledge economy. As the classical treasures of Chinese culture, the historical limitation of Duck Guan Culture can not be denied, but the same to other excellent traditional culture ,it contains the general value which is not limited by some specific historical period or some social political forms. Particularly, in the last nineties, with the emergency of Duck Guan Culture Fever, Guan becomes an incomparable model to all previous dynasties’hero phenomenon incomparable model by its own internal radiation and value which is out of bound of the class, faith, region, nationality and ear. However, in terms of its enormous influence, it has remained the shortcomings that includes inadequate care from academic educational world, systematic deep examination and research to enhance and abstract the cultural phenomenon of Duck Guan to a certain theory level, and discussion about relationship between Duck Guan as“the sanit of Guan Yu”and the martial art group who has a close relationship with him. Therefore, especially in the current setting of promoting vigorously the excellent traditional culture and try to achieve the great renaissance of Chinese culture, the in-depth, systematic research about the spiritual culture of Duck Guan, is not only a historical mission which ought to be act out, but also the trend of prosperous time of culture reality. According to the Culture Structure Stratification Theory, taking the culture spirit for a starting point, using the research methods that combine history and reality, qualitative and quantitative, theory and practice, which mainly refers to the methods of literature, field, interviews and a questionnaire survey and case research, the study examine Duck Guan Culture systematically and discuss its impact on contemporary martial arts groups in order digging and developing to provide the theory and practical reference, and offend reference for digging, development, communication and spread of the Chinese traditional culture and martial arts culture rooting in the fertile soil of the Chinese traditional Chinese culture . The main points of the research as follows:1、Duck Guan spirit is a concert spiritual culture reflected in Guan, looked up to by later generation, containing traditional Chinese culture theory, morality, ideals and thought filtering into confucianism, and agreed with Buddhism and Taoism. In terms of the ideological roots of Duck Guan Spirit, the prototype deeds of the historical figure------Guan Yu and the virtues embodied in his spirit are the basis of Duck Guan’s image. He is respected by the people who have faith in Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, among which the Buddhism do this earlist, and Confucian, latest. However, it is the charm of Duck Guan Spirit and the personality that are described as the core values of Confucian culture. It comes as no surprise that the Confucian who come from behind pushed the public faith into prosperity and established the status of Guan’s noble character. The Confucian’s fundamental purpose was to use Duck Guan as the embodiment of practicing its exemplary social civilizing ideas. The main content of Duck Guan is involved in seven elements of Confucian norms including upholding noble virtue of loyalty, noble sentiment of faith, personality power of benevolent, noble sentiment of honesty, valorous heroic spirit, sagacious scholary model manner and Confucian norms etiquette.The spiritual values of Duck Guan mainly include developing and cultivating its spirit which is conducive to enhance Chinese historical identity, ethnic identity even national identity and help to optimize Chinese open and modern nationalism. What’s more, it can lead the current, socialism market economy to develop healthily, and contribute to the prosperous development of traditional martial arts culture, Chinese spiritual and cultural weath and so on. Duck Guan spiritual product and material wealth. The approaches to realize Duck Guan Spirit itself based on the personal and community faith, the historical sites, the wealth of culture and the material carriers symbolized defferent times, along with the media dissemination also contributes to the realization.When it comes to Duck Guan Spirit’s impact on the material arts groups, generally speaking, it mainly is embodied in the moble strategy, namely, its unique charisma of the“loyalty, righteousness”. By contrast, the influence on the martial skills and fitness practices is limited. Duck Guan is regarded as the model of marial generals because he is a military officer who does not only own the super martial arts but also has special life experiences corresponded with the Chinese traditional vitues and the virtues martial arts group respect. In other words, Duck Guan is the model of virtues and arts. But his influence on martial arts doesn’t match an honorific title of Guan Yu who should have a close connection with martial arts group. At present, it is urgent to excavate and promote such excellent culture------Duck Guan Spirit.Currently there are the following main measures of carrying forward and cultivating the spirit of Duck Guan. The most fundamental measure is to strenthen the historical and cultural education. It is suggested that the spirit should be incorporate into the fine national culture and should be highly valued by the socialist spiritual civilization. Moreover, it is indispensable to have an innovation attitude towards the spirit on the basis of the historical heritage, keeping pace with times. The school education should play the dominant role of school education in order to strenthen the communiaction of the spirit and the spititual significance of enlightenment. We also need the advanced high-tech media tools to create an atmosphere of developing and cultivating the spirit iof Duck Guan. It is so important to conbine cultural exchange with the tourism resources and to encourage all the communities’s involvement in it. And it appears that the model eggect about the spiritual idea of the saint of Guan Yu should be promoted.

【关键词】 关公文化精神习武人群影响弘扬
【Key words】 Duck Guan culturespiritmartial arts groupsinfluencepromote
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 10期

