

Design and Performance Test on High Performance Heat Exchanger for High-Power LED

【作者】 贾月

【导师】 唐大伟;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(工程热物理研究所) , 工程热物理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 LED被喻为新型照明光源,它具有发光效率高、耗电量小、使用寿命长、可靠性高、安全性好等突出特征,因此LED是一种节能、环保的绿色光源,LED器件具有广阔的应用前景,但是当结温超过一定值时,LED的发光效率和使用寿命会迅速下降。近年来,LED器件向着密集化的方向发展,这使得芯片功率密度过大,导致热量不能及时、有效地散出,因此,如何提高散热技术、控制结温、降低成本成为LED实现产业化急需解决的瓶颈问题。本文所设计的用来冷却大功率LED的散热器采用了一种新的高强度散热技术,由于其工作原理尚未定量揭示,暂定名为“闭式非相变传热管”技术器,主要研究成果如下:1、对闭式非相变传热管进行了性能测试,通过点加热、不同热流密度加热、启动特性与反重力效应等实验,研究了其工作特征及机理。2、针对80W大功率LED在环境温度为22。C、自然对流冷却的条件下提出了一种闭式非相变传热管散热系统,能使LED的结温有效地控制在75℃以下,并研究了LED输入功率、散热器倾斜角度对LED的结温、照度和散热器总热阻的影响。研究表明:利用该散热系统可以使80W功率LED的结温降至73.5℃;LED输入功率和散热器倾斜角度对结温、照度和散热器总热阻有明显的影响。3、利用Fluent软件对闭式非相变传热管进行了数值模拟与优化,并且找到了相应几何参数的最优解,使得与传统LED冷却装置相比,重量更轻、结构更紧凑、热阻更小。本研究为大功率LED散热提供了一种有效途径,为相应的散热器开发奠定了基础。

【Abstract】 LED is a new lighting device which has advantages in the following aspects: high efficiency, low cost of power, long life, and high reliability, so it is an energy-efficient and environmental friendly lighting source. LEDs will be widely used in the future, but when LED junction temperature exceeds a certain value, its efficiency and life will reduce sharply. In recent years, because of the compactness of LEDs packaging, the heat flux increases rapidly, and cooling gets more and more important. How to improve cooling capability, control the junction temperature, and reduce the cost have become issues problem of LED industrialization.In this paper, a new high performance radiator for cooling high power LED is put forward. Because of its operation principle has not been revealed quantitatively, it is named "closed non-phase-change transition heat transfer pipe". The research results of this paper can be described as follows.1. The point heating, different heat flux heating, startup, and downward heat transfer performance of the radiator is tested and analyzed.2. This paper proposes a closed non-phase-change heat transfer pip system for a high-power 80W LED in a large space with natural convection. The experimental results show that optimization of the heat sink design using a heat pipe can decrease the LED junction temperature to 73.5℃. Also, results indicate LED input power and heat sink tilt angle have strong effects on LED junction temperature and LED luminance.3. The closed non-phase-change heat transfer pip radiator was numerical simulation and optimization with Fluent, and the results show that the radiator has lower thermal resistance with tight structure.This research provides an effective method for cooling high power LED, and builds the basis for corresponding radiator.


