

The Computation of Ocean Tidal Loading Effects in the Seas Adjacent to China and Over the Continent of and Near China

【作者】 徐晓庆

【导师】 方国洪;

【作者基本信息】 国家海洋局第一海洋研究所 , 物理海洋, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本文利用较新的由卫星测高获得的TPXO7.0全球海潮模型以及中国近海及邻近大洋(105.5°E-141°E,14°N-41°N)的高精度调和分析资料,采用褶积积分格林函数方法计算了中国近海和中国及邻近大陆区域的负荷潮及自吸-负荷潮的分布。其中负荷格林函数采用了Farrell基于Gutenberg-Bullen A地球模型的计算结果。本文给出的负荷潮要素包括重力、位移、倾斜、应变及自吸-负荷效应。所得的计算结果与已发表的结果具有良好的一致性,同时由于采用了更准确的中国近海潮汐资料,所得结果将可以提高对研究区域海潮负荷效应的了解。径向位移负荷潮的计算结果表明,其振幅在陆地上比海上要小,并且向内陆进一步逐渐减小。M2振幅最大值出现在浙江外海,超过28mm;其次在菲律宾群岛以东海域,超过26 mm;再次在孟加拉湾北部,超过20mm。南海M2振幅大都在2-10mm。大陆沿岸区最大可达12mm左右,向内陆逐渐减小。位相分布形态在海中与海潮相近,其突出的特点是也存在几个无潮点。在我国大陆,M2径向位移负荷潮在青海西部存在一个无潮点,围绕这个无潮点,最大值的发生时间按顺时针方向向后推迟。K1振幅的最大值出现在南海南部,超过17mm。渤、黄、东海以东南外海较大,向海区内部逐渐减小,最小值发生在渤海湾、大连附近及海州湾。在陆地上也是从沿岸向内陆减小。K1径向位移负荷潮在中国近海不出现无潮点。在大陆上,于西藏南部边界附近存在一个无潮点,围绕这个无潮点,最大值的发生时间按顺时针方向向后推迟。自吸-负荷潮和重力负荷潮的分布特征与径向位移负荷潮基本相同。M2自吸-负荷潮振幅最大值位于菲律宾群岛以东海域,超过46mm;其次在浙江外海,超过42mm。M2重力负荷潮振幅最大值出现在浙江外海,超过9μGal;其次在菲律宾群岛以东海域,超过8μGal。文中对其它负荷潮的分布也作了具体描述。本文对中国近海负荷潮及自吸-负荷潮的计算在国内为首次,其中径向位移负荷潮结果对卫星高度计资料分析,自吸-负荷潮结果对潮汐动力学模拟具有应用价值。

【Abstract】 The ocean tide loading effects in the seas adjacent to China and over the continent of and near China are computed in the present study. The TPXO7.0 is used as a global tide model, while the tidal data set developed by our group is used for the seas adjacent to China (105.5°E-141°E, 14°N-41°N). The loading tides are computed by using the load Green functions given by Farrell, which used Gutenberg-Bullen A Earth model. The elements of loading tides include the gravity, displacements, tilt, strain and self-attraction and loading (SAL). The obtained results are compared with those appeared in the published literatures, and a general consistency can be observed. Owing to the use of more accurate local tidal data, the results obtained in the present study should be more accurate than the existing ones. The result of the radial displacement loading tide shows that the amplitudes over the land are smaller than in the ocean, and reduces toward the inner part of the land. The maximum M2 amplitude exceeding 28 mm appears east of Zhejiang coast; the second maximum exceeding 26 mm appears in the sea east of the Philippine Islands; and the third maximum exceeding 20 mm appears in the northern Bay of Bengal. In the South China Sea the M2 amplitudes range from 2 to 10 mm. The amplitudes along the continental coast can reach 12 mm or so, and reduce toward the inner lands. The distribution pattern of the M2 phases has a certain similarity to the ocean tide. A distinguished feature is that several amphidromic points also exist in the seas. The M2 radial displacement loading tide has an amphidromic point in the western Qinghai province, around this point the occurrence time of peak value propagates clockwise. The maximum K1 amplitude exceeding 17 mm appears in the southern South China Sea. In the Bohai, Yellow and East China Seas, the greater K1 amplitudes appear in the southeastern open ocean, and reduce toward the inner part of the seas. The minimum amplitudes appear in the Bohai Bay, the area near Dalian, and the Haizhou Bay. The K1 amplitude over the continent also reduces toward the inner lands. The K1 radial displacement loading tide does not have amphidromic point in the ocean, while it has an amphidromic point near the south boundary of Xizang, around which the occurrence time of peak value propagates clockwise. The distributions of the SAL and gravity loading tides are basically similar to that of the radial displacement loading tide. The maximum amplitude of the SAL appears east of the Philippine Islands, with a value exceeding 46 mm; the second maximum exceeding 42 mm appears east of the Zhejiang coast. The maximum amplitude of the gravity loading tide exceeding 9μGal appears east of the Zhejiang coast, and the second maximum amplitude exceeding 8μGal appears east of the Philippine Islands. The distributions of other elements are also described in the present dissertation.In this paper, the calculation of ocean loading tides and self-attraction loading tides in the seas adjacent to China is the first time, of while the radial displacement loading tide on the satellite altimeter data analysis and the self-attraction loading tides for the tidal dynamics simulation results both have application value.


