

【作者】 汤锐

【导师】 李学智;

【作者基本信息】 天津师范大学 , 史学理论及史学史, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 民国初年,伴随着中国早期现代化各个层面的逐次展开,中国的知识分子群体亦逐渐意识到改进国人道德观念的迫切性。于是以吴稚晖为代表的同盟会会员在上海发起了以“不狎邪、不纳妾、不斗麻雀”为基本宗旨的“进德会”。进德会会员主要分为普通、甲部、乙部、丙部四个等级。另外,进德会还设有女子进德会。与男子进德会不同的是,女德会的会约彰显出性别的表征,诸如“不养童媳、不做艳妆”等会约。男德会与女德会会约的相同之处,在于“不做官吏、不做议员”两项。间接地反映出民国初年知识分子群体对于女子参政的一种态度。进德活动的开展受到当时社会各界的广泛注目。然而囿于民国初年政治体制的不完善性,进德活动在实践层面的运作,逐渐偏离了原本的预设轨道并被冠以泛政治化的发展趋向。但是进德会旨在提高国人道德观念的思想,深刻地影响了以蔡元培为代表的新知识分子群体。蔡元培作为上海进德会首批入会的会员,在此后的留欧期间依然在不遗余力地开展“进德”活动。1917年蔡元培被中华民国政府任命为北京大学校长,在目睹当时北大校园“私德不修”的状况之后,他决定将上海进德会的理念移植到北大校园。进德会便在此机运下适时产生。与上海进德会所不同的是:北大进德会通过设立评议员与纠察员组织,对于违反会约的会员加以监督制裁。北大经过一年多“进德”活动的推行,校园风气特别是学生的精神风貌得到了很大改善。尤其是身为进德会骨干会员的罗家伦、傅斯年等人在五四运动初期发挥了中流砥柱的作用。需要指出的是,上海、北大等进德活动的发起地皆为当时中国经济政治发展水平较高的城市。从一定程度上来讲,正是缘于经济实力的显著提升,使得人们在道德层面提出了更高的发展要求。

【Abstract】 In the early years of the Republic of China, the intellectuals in China realized the urgency of improving the moral consciousness of compatriots gradually along with the successive development of early modernization in various respects. As a result, represented by Wu zhihui, the members of Tung Meng Hui originated Moral Improvement Association, which took "no patronizing prostitutes, no marring concubines and no gambling " as its basic principle. In accordance with the standards of Moral Improvement Association, the members in which were divided into four levels:common membership, A membership, B membership and C membership. In addition, there also was Female Moral Improvement Association. Different from the male, Female Moral Improvement Association showed some characteristics of gender, such as the following regulations, "no raising child bride, no heavy makeup". The same regulations of Male Moral Improvement Association and Female Moral Improvement Association lied in "no being officers, no being senators", which indirectly reflected the attitudes of the group of intellectuals to women’s participation in politics during that period of time. The originating of Moral Improvement Association drew wide attentions among all circles in the society at that time. However, confined by the imperfection of the political system in the early years of Republic of China, it deflected from its original course in practice and was imposed on a tendency of pan-politicalization. On the other hand, its aiming at improving the moral consciousness of compatriots profoundly affected the group of new intellectuals with Cai yuanpei as their representative.As one of the first batch of members joined into the Moral Improvement Association. Cai yuanpei still carried out moral improvement activities during his study in Europe, no efforts spared. In 1917, Cai yuanpei was appointed president of Peking University by the government of Republic of China. After witnessing the condition of "ignoring personal morality" in the campus of Peking University, he decided to transplant the concept of Moral Improvement Association in Shanghai into Peking University. Moral Improvement Association in Beijing duly emerged. Different from the Moral Improvement Association in Shanghai, Moral Improvement Association in Peking University set organizations of senators and provost officers, and they would supervise its members and apply sanctions to those who broke the regulations. After more than a year’s activities of moral improvement, the ethos, especially for the students’spirit in Peking University improved a lot. In early May 4th movement, as the backbone of the Moral Improvement Association, Luo jialun, Fu sinian and some other members played a critical role. It should be particularly noticed that, the original place of Moral Improvement Association, Beijing and Shanghai, both of them were cities of higher levels in economy and polity. In a certain extent, it was the significant increase in economic strength that led people ask for higher development in moral aspect.

【关键词】 进德进德会上海北京蔡元培
【Key words】 moral improvementMoral Improvement AssociationShanghaiBeijingCai yuanpei
  • 【分类号】K258
  • 【下载频次】130

