

The Change of Regional Economic Development Patterns in Dalian City

【作者】 马一鸣

【导师】 关伟;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 地区经济格局变动及其发展差异研究是新经济地理学、区域经济学、空间经济学和发展经济学研究的核心问题之一。由于各个区域的资源禀赋不同,区域间发展差异是经济发展过程中的必然结果,也是必须经历的过程。2001年以来,大连经济发展势头强劲,综合经济实力不断攀升,发展趋势良好,但同时我们也注意到,由于资源禀赋、区位因素、基础设施等条件的差异,大连市各地区经济发展在空间上呈现出不平衡性。因此,研究大连市地区经济格局变动及其发展差异,可以更准确地把握区域经济发展的变化特点及发展趋势,对于制定有效的区域发展战略、加速大连市各地区经济一体化进程、保障区域经济的持续快速协调发展和发挥核心城市带动辐射功能有着重要的意义。本文以大连市行政区和重点发展功能区为基本空间研究单元,以经济总量和产业结构为研究对象,以GDP、人均GDP、人口、三次产业增加值、三次产业比重等为衡量指标,采用统计指标分析、实证分析、分类分析、比较分析、逻辑推理分析、空间可视化技术等分析方法和手段,来研究大连市地区经济格局变动。本文在详细分析国内外相关理论与实践研究的基础上,首先对大连市、大连市行政区和重点发展功能区的经济发展做一概况分析。然后从行政区和重点发展功能区(微观尺度)的经济总量和产业结构两方面深入研究了2001年以来大连市地区经济格局变动的特点,找出地区经济格局变动中存在的问题,最后结合目前大连市经济社会发展面临的新形势,提出促进大连市地区经济协调发展的建议。

【Abstract】 Regional differences in economic structure and development of changes are one of the core issues in the new economic geography, regional economics, spatial economics and development economics. Because all regions of the different resource endowments, differences in regional development is the inevitable process of economic development results, but also must go through the process.Since 2001 the strong momentum of economic development of Dalian, but we also note that due to resource endowments, location, infrastructure and other conditions of different economic development of Dalian in the region space showing imbalance. Therefore, the study patterns of change in Dalian and the development of regional economic differences can more accurately grasp the changes of regional economic development and accelerate regional economic integration in Dalian, to protect the regional economy rapid and coordinated development and continuing to play a central city driving is significant radiation function.This paper focus on the development of Dalian administrative and functional areas as the basic unit of space research to GDP, per capita GDP, population, three industrial added value, proportion of three industries as the measure, the use of empirical analysis, statistical index analysis, logical reasoning, analysis, synthesis, systems analysis methods and tools; while the integrated use of spatial visualization and spatial analysis techniques to study the pattern of regional economic change in Dalian.In this paper, detailed analysis of the theory and practice of domestic and international basis, the first of Dalian City, and the development of administrative and key functional areas of economic development to do a profile analysis. And from the district and focus on developing functional areas (micro scale) of the total economy and industrial structure, both in-depth study of the Dalian City area since 2001, the law changes in economic structure and characteristics, to identify patterns of change in regional economic problems, and finally combined with the current economic new situation and social development of Dalian City, and proposed to promote coordinated regional economic development of Dalian’s recommendations.

  • 【分类号】F127
  • 【下载频次】138

