

【作者】 李忠凯

【导师】 何敏学;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁师范大学 , 学科教学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 冬季,天气寒冷,如何根据气候特点上好室外体育课呢?这一问题一直困扰着广大体育教育工作者。冬季体育教学一直是我国北方地区的薄弱环节,本文运用文献资料法、专家访谈法、问卷调查法等研究方法,对呼伦贝尔市15所普通高中开设冬季冰雪运动课程的现状进行研究分析。旨在通过对内蒙古呼伦贝尔市普通高级中学冬季学校冰雪运动课开展情况的现状分析,提出合理可行适合呼伦贝尔市本地区冬季学校体育课程的实施策略,促进新课程标准的顺利实施。随着国家教育改革的不断深化,各级各类学校的冰雪项目教学已经有了很大的改观。呼伦贝尔市冬季学校体育教学普遍开设以冰雪运动项目为内容的体育课,作为地方课程,绝大多数学校尽管在具体的项目内容上有所不同,但多数都是以滑冰、滑雪、雪地足球、雪地曲棍球、拉雪地爬犁、打冰嘎和打滑出溜为主,部分学校还开设高山滑雪等课程。随着经济的不断发展,教育投入不断加大,学校体育场馆设施不断完善,体育课程内容越来越丰富,学校开展冰雪活动的热情却连年降温,浇筑冰场学校的数量逐年减少,青少年上冰雪的景象已从我们的视线中渐渐隐去。学校开展冰雪项目的现状令人担忧。与此同时也会影响到我国竞技冰雪运动后备人才的培养。因此,通过全面地对呼伦贝尔市普通高中冬季冰雪项目的教学现状进行研究,分析影响呼伦贝尔市冬季冰雪运动发展的相关因素,使普通高中冰雪教学尽快适应培养新世纪人才的需要。研究发现:高中冰雪项目课的开课率低。这与呼伦贝尔市普通高中及相关部门领导对冬季滑冰滑雪课了解不多、没有重视有直接关系,没有很好的把冬季的冰雪项目教学与素质教育有机结合起来,忽视冬季体育教学,特别是忽视冬季冰雪项目教学的重要性。呼伦贝尔市普通高中都存在冬季冰雪运动器材、设备、场地严重不足,各级地方政府对于冬季冰雪运动项目教学宣传及政策引导的力度不够,体育教师的滑冰滑雪教学能力和科研能力有待于进一步提高,冬季体育教学内容不能满足学生的需求等。建议各学校应该加大体育经费的投入,加强运动场地场馆的建设;教学中采用多样化的教学组织形式,逐步丰富学生的学习内容;培养学生学习体育的兴趣与锻炼身体的能力,从而达到对学生终身体育意识培养的目的。

【Abstract】 In winter, cold weather, how to give outdoor physical education according to the climatic characteristics has long been concerned? This issue has been troubled by the majority of physical educators. Winter sports education has been the weak link in China’s northern region, this paper using literature, expert interviews, questionnaire survey, mathematical statistics and other research methods,15 pairs of high school Hulunbeir snow sports courses set up the current situation of research and analysis. And it is aimed at ordinary high school in Inner Mongolia Hulunbeier winter snow sports schools to carry out the current status of analysis of reasonable and feasible implementation strategies for winter school physical education curriculum to promote the new curriculum standards.With the deepening of the education reform, the PE teaching of snow and ice project has been greatly improved. As a local courses in Hulunbeir, winter school sports education are generally opened for the physical education. In spite of the specific content of the project, most schools mainly have track speed skating, cross country skiing, school, football, snow field hockey, snow sledge and so on.Some schools also offer Alpine skiing courses. With the economic growth and the increasing input in education, school sports facilities have been constantly improved, more and more sports Curriculum are carried out. But unfortunately warm temperature of schools in the ice and snow are pouring ice gradually. The number of schools, which poured ice scenes is becoming smaller. In privacy, Snow campaign is limited to some good schools. Not only is the status of the winter sports education worrying, but also affected China’s athletic snow and ice sports reserve personnel training. Therefore, through the adoption of a comprehensive Hulunbeir City Winter snow project high schools teaching the status to do research and analysis of impact on Hulunbeir City snow and ice sports development in the main factors so as to promote the winter school sports education to adapt to the need in the new century.The study found that the project of ice classes in high school is at a lower rate. Due to the insufficient attention of Hulunbeir City High Schools and relevant departments to the winter skating ski course. And it is directly related to the lack of winter snow and ice project quality teaching and organically combine education, ignoring winter sports education, especially in winter snow project teaching neglected the importance. In Hulunbeir City, most High Schools are lack in winter snow and ice sports ground, equipment and local governments’ efforts in the winter snow project teaching information and policy guidance are inadequate, and the most serious constraint in skating ski teaching is capital input,. For ordinary high school teachers, improving teachers’ skating ski capacities in teaching and research capacity is inevitable teaching cannot meet the needs of students, schools and increase financial input, strengthening site construction; the diversification of teaching and learning organization, enrich students’ learning, and to develop students’ physical interest and physical exercise in order to meet the student life sports awareness training.

  • 【分类号】G633.96
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】125

