

Forecast and Analysis of Mine Discharge Based Upon GMS

【作者】 陈琳

【导师】 张戈; 孔祥龙;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁师范大学 , 环境科学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 矿井涌水量是确定矿床水文地质条件复杂程度的重要指标,更是生产设计部门制定开采方案,确定矿坑排水能力、制定疏干措施,防止重大矿井水害的重要依据。矿井涌水量的预测研究与煤矿安全生产关系重大,一直以来倍受重视。本文以山西省朔南煤田为研究区,利用地下水数值模拟软件GMS中集成的MODFLOW2000对井田地下水流运动进行了数值模拟,对井田先期开采地段开采后的矿井涌水量进行了预测分析。在分析研究区地质条件的基础上,针对地层岩性和地质构造特点,对井田地层进行了概化,结合工作区地质勘探钻孔资料,建立了丰予井田地质模型。通过分析区域含水层水文地质特征,地下水补给、径流、排泄等水文地质条件,对井田含水层进行了概化,结合对井田充水因素的分析,建立了丰予井田水文地质概念模型。依据研究区水文地质条件,结合以往工作经验及专家分析意见,对研究区边界条件进行了设定,以井田水文地质概念模型为依据建立了地下水数学模型。利用井田地质模型,按水文地质概念模型含水岩组概化原则,使用GMS软件,建立丰予井田水文地质体,依据所建立的数学模型,根据边界条件,采用网格法建立丰予井田数值模型,通过求解数值模型进行不同开采情况下的矿井涌水量预测,并与大井法矿井涌水量预测结果进行了对比。由于煤田开拓方案尚未确定,本次研究以井田初步设计中先期开采地段的初期采区为研究重点。研究区范围内包括了古生代、中生代的马家沟组、本溪组、太原组、山西组地层和新生代松散沉积物,本次研究将其概化为31个大的层次,将含水层概化为9个含水岩组和一个稳定的隔水岩组。数值模拟主要针对初期采区4号煤层全部开采后和4号、9号煤层全部开采后的矿井最大涌水量进行了预测。研究结果表明:开采山西组、太原组的4、6、9号煤层,二叠系上中隔水岩组可以起到隔水层作用,不会造成新生界地下水的大量渗漏;在4号煤层开采后矿井稳定最大涌水量为12910m3/d,略大于大井法预测结果9993.64m3/d;在4号、9号煤层开采后矿井稳定最大涌水量为19385m3/d,比大井法的预测结果29673.8m3/d小。在井田开发前,建议补充专门水文地质工作,查明矿区断层的水文地质性质,结合实际条件,制订井田水文地质动态观测方案,确保煤矿安全生产。

【Abstract】 Mine discharge is an Important index to determine the Hydrogeological condition complexity of the Ore Deposit,Mine Discharge is an Important basis for the Production design department of formulating Mining scheme,determining mine drainage capacity,enacting Well-precipitation measures and Preventing major mine flood. Mine discharge prediction research has been attached great importance,it matters to coal mine safety production.GMS is a groundwater Numerical Modelling software,this paper did numerical simulation on the mine groundwater movement with MODFLOW2000 of GMS,it forecasted and analysed the mine discharge of early mining district,the study area is Shuonan Coalfield, Shanxi Province.On the basis of analyzing the geological conditions,it generalize the stratum according to the Stratigraphic lithology and Geological Structure characteristics,combined with the borehole data of research area,it establishes the geological model of the mine.By analyzing the hydrological geology characteristics of regional aquifer,the recharge,runoff and discharge of groundwater,and other hydrogeology conditions, it generalize the aquifer,after analyzing the Water filling factors, it establishes the hydrogeological conceptual model. According to the hydrogeology conditions of the research area, considering previous work experience and the expert analysis opinion, it set the boundary conditions and then establishes the Groundwater mathematical model.According to the geological model and the generalized principles on water-bearing zones of the hydrogeological conceptual model,it establishes the hydrological geological body with GMS.In accordance with the mathematical model and the boundary conditions,using grid method, it establishes the numerical model of the mine,it forecast the mine discharge in different exploitation cases by solving the numerical model,and then compares the prediction result with the great well method.Because the coalfield pioneering scheme has not yet been set, the emphasis of this research is the initial mining area of early mining section of the preliminary design.The research area scope includes the following strata:Majiagou Formation,Benxi Formation,Taiyuan Formation,Shanxi Formation and Cenozoic loose sediments.This research generalize the strata to 31 big level,and generalized the aquifer to nine water-bearing zones and one stable aquiclude.The numerical simulation forecast the maximum mine drainage after mining 4 coal seam,and the one after mining 4 coal seam and 9 coal seam.The results indicate that:when mining the 4,6 and 9 coal seam of shanxi group and taiyuan group,the upper and middle Permian aquiclude can play the role as a water-resisting layer,it won’t cause massive leakage to cenozoic erathem groundwater;The stable biggest mine discharge of 4 coal seam after mining is 12910m3/d, slightly higher than the result 9993.64m3/d that the great well method forecasted; The stable biggest mine discharge of 4 and 9 coal seam after mining is 19385m3/d,smaller than the result 29673.8m3/d of the great well method.It suggest adding specially hydrogeology work and finding out the hydrogeological property of the mining fault,formulating hydrogeological dynamic observation scheme combined with the actual conditions,ensure the safety production in coal mine.

  • 【分类号】TD742
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】516

