

An Ethical Literary Interpretation of Oates’s I’ll Take You There

【作者】 朱亮亮

【导师】 谷野平;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 乔伊斯·卡洛尔·欧茨是当代美国文坛最著名也是最多产的作家之一,被誉为“作家中的作家”。她的作品使她囊括了美国所有重要的文学奖项,并多次获诺贝尔奖提名。在国外,欧茨的作品一直备受关注,虽然国内学术界近年来也对其作品越来越关注,但对欧茨作品的文学批评多局限在暴力和女性主义主题以及她对多种文学题材和体裁的实验性探索方面,鲜有发现从伦理学视角研究欧茨的作品。本文试图运用文学伦理学的批评方法从人与社会,人与他人,人与自我三个方面探讨《我带你去那儿》中欧茨对人性的刻画,以便更好地理解欧茨的人文伦理思想。本文共由六部分组成。第一章是论文的引言部分。这一章简单介绍了欧茨的生平,代表作品及《我带你去那儿》的故事梗概。重点在第三部分介绍了欧茨及其作品的国内外研究现状。第二章介绍了聂珍钊教授等中国学者所倡导的文学伦理学方法的概念和应用范围以及这一理论的国内发展现状。提出本文运用文学伦理学批评方法探索《我带你去那儿》中的伦理思想。第三章研究人与社会的关系。二战后的美国,种族歧视严重,社会公正无法保障。整个社会物欲横流,金钱成为衡量一切的标准。人与社会的矛盾冲突加剧,进而导致人们生活不幸,社会动荡不安。第四章探讨人与他人的关系。通过分析主人公阿尼利亚与家人,情人及同学和老师的关系展现了美国社会人与他人之间的冷淡关系。人们只顾追求个人利益,相互之间缺少关爱和理解。第五章论述了人与自我的关系。阿尼利亚在经历了一系列生存与精神层面的双重磨难后,最终战胜自己,战胜过去找回了曾经迷失的自我。第六章是论文的结论部分。本论文认为欧茨在作品中无情地揭示了人性中的利己本性和美国社会的阴暗面。然而,她没有一味停留在揭露和批判的层面,而是呼吁建构一个基于共同意识与关怀伦理之上的和谐社会,展现了欧茨以爱代替疏离与冷漠的人文情怀。

【Abstract】 Joyce Carol Oates is one of the most important and prolific contemporary American writers, who has received a great deals of awards and has been nominated several times for Nobel Prize in literature. The academia abroad has been studying her works for several decades; while at home, the research on her works is still on primary stage which is not sufficient for such an important writer. The previous studies mainly concentrate on the issues of violence and feminism and her experimentation in different styles and genres. There has been little study and research at home approaching to Oates’s works from ethical perspective. Therefore, this thesis attempts to reveal Oates’s ethical ideas and her understanding about human nature by applying the method of ethical literary criticism to her work I’ll Take You There.The thesis comprises six chapters.Chapter one is the introduction of the thesis, in which Oates’s life experience and the literature reviews about her works are presented.Chapter two is the theoretical basis of this thesis. It introduces the main ideas of ethical literary criticism advocated by Professor Nie and its development status in China.From Chapter three to Chapter five, these three chapters are the main body of the thesis. Chapter three discusses the relationship between man and society. After Second World War, racial discrimination is very severe and social justice cannot be protected, which strengthened the contradiction between an individual and society. Chapter four makes a study on the relationship between man and others and lack of love and concerns through the analysis of the relationships between Anellia and her families, her black lovers and her classmates and teachers. Chapter five explores the relationship between man and oneself, in which it analyzes the process of Anellia’s self-recognition and the pursuit of self-identity and her struggle out of the double dilemma in both her survival and spiritual life.Chapter six is the conclusion. It makes a summary of the ethical issue in this novella from three aspects and tries to manifest that ethical literary criticism provides a new way to understand Oates’s communal consciousness and humanistic ideas.

  • 【分类号】I712
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】249

