

Research on the Judicial Power of Alienation

【作者】 王智宇

【导师】 夏红;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁师范大学 , 法学理论, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 处于正由传统向现代转型的当代中国,目前正日益面临着法治现代化的历史重任,作为法治现代化的重要表征,司法现代化是其不可或缺的关键一环。在由传统计划经济体制下所形成的现行司法制度,虽然在上世纪末期进行了许多富有成效的改革,但距离现代司法制度的要求无疑仍有很大的差距。囿于我国特定历史进程和发展阶段的局限,我国司法权在实际运行过程中存在着诸多异化的现象。这种司法权的异化不仅不利于发挥司法权应有的功能和意义,而且也制约着我国司法体制向现代化的进一步转型。因此,可以说我国现今司法体制所存在的问题主要反映在司法权的异化现象上。归纳起来,我国司法权的异化现象大体上表现在三方面,即司法权的行政化、司法权的地方化以及司法权的功利化,而其中又以司法权的行政化最为突出,问题最为严重。法院作为现代法治国家最重要的司法场域,发挥着解决纠纷、维护社会正义和保持社会稳定的重要功能,而这些功能实现的前提条件即是司法权能够良性、充分的运行与行使。但反观我国,无论是作为宏观领域的法院,还是中观领域的审判组织,以及作为微观领域的法官个体,在其实际的司法实践中,无不受到种种行政体制性制度的制约,在充满“上令下行”、“领导负责”的各项制度的包围下,我国法院系统无法发挥以上所说的司法优势功能,更无可谈及对日益膨胀的行政权的制约,在司法改革攻坚阶段的今天,法院的行政化问题能否有效的解决已成为我国能否改革成功的关键之一。我国司法权行政化的问题并不是司法改革新时期所出现的新现象,而是带有传统积习性的、又随着时代变迁不断变化其中内容的历史顽疾。在古代中国,司法与行政合而不分,司法权只是作为一个组成部分而从属于行政权;时间推进至近现代,随着动荡不堪的历史进程和中外思想的激烈碰撞,种种先进的或是倒退的司法权理念都因为所处的内忧外患的时代背景下无法切实实施,从而有名无实;新中国成立后,我国先后经历了“创建——折服——恢复”的司法权建设道路,在融会了西方观念、苏联理念以及我国自身经验的基础上,我国创立了具有我国特色的“二元司法”。司法改革的道路对于我国而言无疑是艰难的,而在有意或无意“逃避”关键性问题——司法权行政化问题多年后,随着最高人民法院发布的《人民法院第三个五年改革纲要(2009-2013)》的出台,人民法院的一系列问题终于得到了应有的重视,司法权行政化问题也似乎走到了历史的拐点。对于法院下一阶段的改革,不但要着重解决以上所论述的法院、审判组织及法官个人的行政化问题,更要在国家权力系谱上明确规定三种权力,即立法、行政与司法权力之间的关系,尤其是行政与司法的关系。变革以司法权行政化为代表的司法权异化问题是我国司法改革道路上不可回避的重点任务,在展望我国司法现代化的未来图景时,具有独立性、中立性和正义性的司法权注定将会成为其中最为亮丽的一瞥。

【Abstract】 China is in the positive transformation from traditional to modern nowadays, the rule of law is being increasingly faced with the historic task of modernization, as an important symbol of modernization of rule of law, judicial modernization is a key element of its essential. the existing judicial system was formed under the traditional planned economy system, although there had many fruitful reforms at the end of the last century, But there is no doubt that there is still a large gap between requirements from the modern judicial system. Limited by the development stage and specific historical of our country, there are many phenomenas of Judicial power alienation in the actual operation . This judicial power of alienation not only conducive to exert its function and significance of the judicial power, but also restricts the judicial system transform to the modern further. Therefore, it can be said that the present existing problems of the judicial system mainly reflected on the alienation of judicial power. To sum up, alienation of judicial power in China is largely manifested in three areas,as administrative jurisdiction, Localization of judicial power and utilitarian of judicial power, while, the most outstanding and most serious problems is the administrative jurisdiction.In the modern country under the rule of law,Courts is the most important judicial field, it is playing the important function that settle disputes, safeguard social justice and maintaining social stability, and the realization of these functions is a prerequisite for jurisdiction to healthy, full of running and exercising. But looking back at our country, whether the macro field as courts,or the medium field as trial organization,and the microeconomic field as judge individuals, in its actual judicial practices, all restricted by various administrative system, surrounded by "on the order down", "responsible leadership" of the system, our courts system can’t play judicial advantageous functions which mentioned above, and no more for restricting the soaring executive power, today ,at the critical stage in the judicial reform, can we solve the problem of administration of the courts can effectively become one of the key of the reform.Our judicial administrative problems are not the new phenomenon in the new period of our judicial reform, it is the historical diseases which with the habits of traditional deposition, and changing the contents with the times. In ancient China, the judication and the administration gathered but did not divided, judicial power Only as an integral part of the executive power. Forward to modern times, along with the turmoil unbearable historical process and fierce collision of Chinese and foreign ideas, various advanced or retrograde jurisdictional concepts was unable to practical implemention under the background of turbulence, and become nominal. After the founding of new China, our country has undergone a road to construct the judicial power,which like "create--admiration--recovery", our country has created the characteristic of "dual judicial"in combining western ideas, the Soviet ideas and our own experiences.Judicial reform for our country is undoubtedly difficult,after intentionally or unintentionally "forget" the key issues for many years——judicial power of administration, and after the Supreme People’s Court outline the《people’s Court for a third five-years reform(2009-2013)》, the court finally got the attention on a series of questions which it deserves, the judicial administrative problems also seems to go to the history inflection point. For the next stage of the court reform, not only to focus on solving the problems of administration of courts、judicial organization and the individual judges which discussed above, more to be clear the three powers in state power pedigree, namely the legislative, administrative and judicial power, especially the relationship between the administrative and judicial relations.This is the inescapable key tasks for our country’s judicial reform that change the judicial power of alienation which represent by judicial power of administration ,at the time of looking to the future vision of judicial modernization of our country, the independence、neutrality and justice judicial power is doomed to became one of the most beautiful glimpse.


