

The Teaching of Middle School Reading Text Research

【作者】 杨林亚

【导师】 韩向东;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 新课标指出“阅读教学是学生、教师、文本之间对话的过程”,而在现实的阅读教学中,文本作为对话者的角色时常被忽视,出现文本解读的泛化和肤浅化。针对这一现状,本文将文本细读引入中学语文阅读教学。系统的文本细读来源于英美新批评,基于对文本独立地位的认识,新批评的文本细读对文本的外部因素弃之不顾,主张对文本进行细致的分析推敲,从语言和结构中寻猎文本意义的痕迹。进入阅读教学语境的文本细读与之既有联系也有区别,是对其概念的一种拿来主义式的活用。本文就阅读教学语境中的文本细读进行了研究。第一部分分析了课改背景下语文阅读教学存在的问题,探讨了将文本细读引入语文阅读教学的必要性;第二部分立足当代学者对文本细读的相关研究,对阅读教学语境下的文本细读的内涵及遵循的原则进行了界定,并论述了它与课改精神的相通之处;第三部分阐述了文本细读在提高学生语文素养方面的功能;第四部分则落实文本细读的具体操作,首先教师要先行一步捕捉文本细读的关键点,其次要在课堂上运用合适的方法,引导学生对文本的关键处进行细读;第五部分指出教师只有不断提高自身的细读能力,且通过预想学生的潜在接受能力,倾听不同的细读声音,才能真正激活文本细读的能量。笔者认为,文本细读走入中学语文阅读教学,将使教师和学生真正进入文本,实现三者之间的对话,为中学语文阅读教学拓展广阔的空间。

【Abstract】 Chinese curriculum standard is pointed out "reading teaching students, teachers and the process of dialogue between text." while in reality, in reading teaching, text as interlocutors are often ignored, the role of generalization and appear text reading superficiality. In this situation, the paper will be the text into Chinese reading teaching in middle school.System from the text Anglo-American new criticism, based on understanding of the text of the independent status of the text, new criticism of text external factors in the lurch, claims for text and detailed analysis deliberate, from language and structure found in hunting text meaning of trace. Enter reading teaching context and the text are ties may differ, is the concept of a copycat type sets up.This paper in the context of the text reading teaching is studied. The first part of the course reform background analysis of Chinese reading teaching, discusses the problems existing in the text that will be read into the necessity of Chinese reading teaching; The second part of the text based on the contemporary scholars studies of the context of reading teaching of the text of the connotation and principle is defined, and discusses it and class changes spirit; the third part similarities between text elaborated in improving students’ Chinese accomplishment aspects of the function; the fourth part, implement the text concrete operation, first teachers should catch the text first, secondly, the key points in the classroom use appropriate methods to text, and guide students among key points of the study read; The fifth part that teachers only improve their own read ability, and through the expected accept ability students’ potential, to listen to the different sound, can we truly activation reading text of energy.The author believes that, the text into middle school language teaching reading, will help teachers and students to really get into text, realize the dialogue between and among Chinese reading teaching for middle school, develop vast space.

【关键词】 新批评文本细读阅读教学
【Key words】 New criticismClose readingReading teaching
  • 【分类号】G633.3
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】518

