

Matlab-based Digital Microscopy Holographic Image Emersion

【作者】 张楠

【导师】 刘成森;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁师范大学 , 光学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 数字全息技术因为采用光电转换设备代替化学感光记录介质并使用计算机模拟再现全息像而具备了传统光学全息技术没有的多方面优势,这使其受到了广泛的关注,数字全息显微技术就是由其发展而来的新型显微技术。本文首先对数字全息技术的记录和再现的基本原理、数值重建算法、频谱滤波方法,数字全息图的记录条件、再现光场的分离条件等基本问题进行了分析讨论,然后开展了以下研究工作:1.结合经典透射式平面参考光波记录光路系统设计了模拟全息再现程序的基本参数:光源波长为633nm,参考光波为平面参考光波,其入射偏置度为0.03,记录距离为35mm,选择CCD作为记录介质。2.模拟待测物体矩形相位光栅,光栅参数设计与CCD参数相同,大小为1024×1024像素,每个像素单元的尺寸为4. 65μm×4.65μm,光栅周期为8个像素。3.以菲涅尔近似算法为基础编译了模拟再现全息像的程序并对程序的正确性进行了测试,程序首先模拟记录光栅的全息图,然后再进行数值再现,再现结果基本达到预期目标。4.针对再现误差进行了讨论,提出了误差来源于再现算法的假设,然后对假设进行了验证,分别模拟了两个周期为16像素和32像素的光栅并对它们进行全息记录和再现,将三次再现结果进行对比最终得出结论,待测物体的微观尺度越大再现精度越高。5.验证了再现距离对再现像精度影响的绝对性,只有当再现距离等于记录距离时才能得到最佳的再现像。

【Abstract】 Digital holography has adopted the photovoltaic conversion equipment in place of chemical sensitive record medium and used computer to simulate reconstructive image, and consequently has various advantages than traditional optical holography. That it was wide concerned. Digital holographic microscopy, a new microscopy, was developed from the digital holography. The paper firstly analyses and discusses the principle of recording and reconstruction of the digital holography, numerical reconstruction algorithm, frequency filtering method, the recording method of digital hologram, the separate conditions of reconstructive amplitude. Then takes the following research:1. Based on classic holographic microscope for transmission imaging and planar reference light designed the basic parameters of the holographic reconstructive of program: the wavelengths of the lamp-house is 633nm, the reference light is planar reference light and its bias degree is 0.03, the record distance is 35mm, choose CCD to be record medium.2. Simulate rectangle phase grating as detection objects, and the grating parameters is the same as CCD’s. The size of the grating is 1024×1024 pixels, and the size of each pixel unit is 4. 65μm×4.65μm. The cycle of the grating is 8 pixels.3. Based on the Fresnel approximation algorithm compiled program to reconstruct holographic image and test the correctness of the program. Firstly the program simulate record the hologram of the grating, then numerical reconstruct holographic image. The result of reconstruction fundamental to achieve the expected target.4. Discusses the error of the reconstruction, and make a hypothesis that the error comes from the algorithm and validate the hypothesis. Respectively simulate two grating that cycles are 16 pixels and 32 pixels, and record hologram and reconstruct holographic image with them. Contrast the thrice results and final conclusion, for detection object the big microcosmic configuration the high reconstructive precision.5. Validate the absoluteness which record distance affects reconstructive precision. Only when the record distance equal to reconstruct distance can get the best result.


