

【作者】 岳昊冉

【导师】 白彬;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁师范大学 , 学科教学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 近年来,课堂提问已逐渐成为许多专家、学者研究的重点。但热点集中在教师提问上,而对学生提问的研究相对不足。基于此,作者以构建主义、交流理论和互动理论为依据,经过四个月的探索研究,通过调查并改变学习者的观念,建立新的评估体系,构建宽松和谐的课堂氛围等措施促进英语课堂学生提问的行为发展。研究数据来源于课堂观察、问卷调查与访谈。作者对研究设计、实施过程与数据分析做了比较详细的描述。研究显示,传统学生英语课堂的提问行为很少发生,这种情况受诸多因素的影响,主要分为外部和内部两大类。研究结果表明,在教师的引导下,学生的英语课堂提问行为发生了变化,主要体现在提问频率的增加、提问种类的变化以及提问质量的提高;学生的英语课堂提问行为对英语教学中学生的角色、特点(如情感、信念和个性)、以及技巧能力等方面都有影响,从而影响教学效果。因此,学校应改善教育理念,教师应继续学习,学校和教师应该构建新型的课程体系,并创建一个宽松和谐、真正体现以学生为中心的课堂气氛。鼓励学生想要提问、能够提问、敢于提问、善于提问,提高学生自身素质,并达到良好的教学效果。

【Abstract】 Although considerable research has been done on teacher questioning in classroom, only a limited amount of attention has been given to student questioning. Therefore, based on some theories such as constructivism, communication theory and interaction theory, this study took students’questioning as its subject of four months investigation. Data was collected through classroom observations, questionnaire surveys and interviews. The author describes research design, implementation process and data analysis in detail. It is found that there was seldom students’questioning behavior in the traditional English teaching class which was resulted from external and internal factors. To serve the purpose of the study, some pedagogical actions or strategies were taken to guide and help students to ask more and better questions, improving students questioning frequent, enhancing meaning-oriented questions. At the same time, students’questioning has active influence on learner role, characteristic (such as emotion, belief and personality), and skill and aptitude in English teaching class.Therefore, school should modify belief, teacher should keep self-education, and they should establish a new course system and a welcome classroom environment which is really learner-centered. Students should be encouraged to want to, can and dare question and do well in questioning so that good teaching consequence can reach.

  • 【分类号】H319
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】229

