

International Comparison and Enlightenment of the Parent Authority Supervision of Mutational Banks

【作者】 李国

【导师】 王瑞;

【作者基本信息】 天津财经大学 , 国际法学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着金融一体化和金融自由化的发展,我国商业银行纷纷走出国门在境外设立分支机构,加快向海外扩张的步伐,银行资本大量输出对国内银行业务和银行业管理体制产生巨大冲击,在跨国银行监管法制问题上,加大对母国监管的重视已经成为国际趋势。然而长期以来,我国偏重于外资银行在我国境内的发展及监管,对中资银行的境外发展及监管却疏于立法。鉴于此,选择在我国商业银行纷纷实施“走出去”战略的大背景下深入分析和研究银行境外机构的母国监管问题具有重要意义。论文在分别从法学和经济学角度综合梳理跨国银行母国监管的基本理论的基础上,通过对巴塞尔文件体系确定的母国并表监管原则、GATS协议提出的审慎例外条款、及美国监管模式的研究和分析,比较并借鉴国际先进实践经验,针对我国商业银行对其境外分支机构监管不足的现状,对我国商业银行母国监管之完善进行了深入研究,提出了改进和加强我国商业银行境外机构母国监管的立法建议。国内立法方面包括改进分业监管模式、提高相关规范性文件的法律层次、扩大母国监管的范围以及要不断丰富监管手段;国际立法层面则提出要积极参与制定国际立法和积极签订双边协定,以期对进一步深入我国国际金融法学的相关理论研究,纠正我国银行业监管方向中“重跨国银行东道国监管而轻母国监管”的偏差,保障我国银行境外分支机构稳健运行,维护国内金融体系的稳定,提高我国跨国银行监管水平,为加速我国跨国银行母国监管与国际接轨做有益探索。

【Abstract】 With the financial integration and development of financial liberalization, our country’s commercial banks set up overseas branch offices in succession. The development of bank oversea office is closely related with the homeland economy. In the past our country more stress to the foreign capital bank in China, the development and the supervision system, but overseas development of domestic Banks neglect legislation, need to be guaranteed by relevant legislation.In the aspect of international legislation, the article probes the consolidated supervision principle determined by the Basel file system, meanwhile makes the research of Prudential Carve-Out of GATS agreement, and with American regulation mode for object analysis of homeland regulatory legislation conflict coordination of domestic legislation. Through the comparative analysis of international and domestic legislation practice, that Chinese in promoting multinational bank oversea office legal system construction need take full attention of the international agreement, reference to international advanced experience, as well as the condition of our country. We should drawn lessons from the foreign advanced experience of the parent authority’s supervision, combining the current situation of our country, to perfect the legislation of the supervision on the foreign establishments of our domestic commercial bank. In the end, the paper gives some suggestion about improve our parent authority regulation efficiency, trying to establish a suited framework of our parent authority regulation. From the level of domestic legislation, the supervision philosophy should be changed, the legislative level should be upgraded, enlarge the scope and constantly enrich regulating means. From the level of international legislation, actively participates in formulating the international legislation, the international supervision cooperation should be strengthened also.

  • 【分类号】D996.2;D922.281
  • 【下载频次】125

