

Research on Ectopic Bioremediation of Saline-alkali Soil

【作者】 毕晶

【导师】 崔俊涛;

【作者基本信息】 吉林农业大学 , 环境工程, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 科研和生产实践证明,盐碱地开发种稻是苏打盐碱土改良利用的最有效途径之一。由于盐碱土的pH值、含盐量较高,盐碱地地区的水稻育苗床土主要是客土,大量采用河床黑土、山地腐殖土和优质旱田土,严重破坏了土壤和植被。但是,这样劳动量大、取土困难,为了解决这一难题,本题研究利用异位生物修复技术改良盐碱土,就近取材,并将其用作水稻育苗床土本实验分为三部分:苏打盐碱土生物改良剂菌种的培养;苏打盐碱土异位生物修复技术研究;堆肥土壤的水稻育苗效果研究。在实验室内筛选出产酸菌菌种(醋酸菌、黑曲霉),制成混合菌悬液,待用。将微生物混合菌剂接种于秸秆中,与轻度苏打盐碱土混合,将含水率调至65%左右,堆肥。次年,将堆肥的土壤作为水稻育苗床土育苗,秧苗长到三叶一心时,测量秧苗素质。通过实验可以看出,接种产酸菌菌种的堆肥过程中,堆肥初期堆体温度上升较快,堆肥10d左右达到最高值,随后下降;堆肥初期产酸量大增,使得堆体的pH值迅速下降,随着微生物活动减弱,pH值略有上升;土壤堆肥后的EC值比堆肥前下降0.06-0.08;接种微生物菌剂的土壤堆肥后的含水率要比堆肥前的高11.8%。从堆肥效果上看,处理1(60%盐碱土+40%秸秆+产酸菌)的堆肥较理想。在堆肥土壤的水稻育苗效果研究上,也证明了这一处理堆制的土壤是比较理想的水稻育苗床土。处理1即利用40%秸秆并接种产酸菌堆肥的土壤的育苗床土,它的第一叶长、叶龄、总根数、百株根干重、百株地上干重、充实度等值都是最高的;处理3即普遍采用的河床黑土育苗,它的株高、第三叶长、根长的值是最大的。从整体上看,处理1(接种菌剂)的秧苗素质相对要比其它两个处理的强,可以说按适当比例添加物料、接种微生物混合菌剂所堆制的堆肥土壤可以应用于水稻育苗床土,而且效果颇佳。目前,国内外关于盐碱土的改良方法主要有水利工程改良、农业技术措施改良、化学改良等,很少见生物改良。本实验,向土壤中接种微生物菌剂并堆肥是盐碱土改良的一项新举措,对盐碱土的改良具有重要意义。

【Abstract】 Proved by the research and production practice, it is one effective way to improvement and utilization of saline-alkali soil that development of rice.Because of the high pH and salt content of saline-alkali soil, the seedling nursery soil of rice is outsiders, extensive using of black soil, mountain humus and quality upland soil, it has destroyed the soil and vegetation seriously. But for a large amount of labor and the difficulties of getting soil, we adopt ectopic bioremediation of Saline-alkali soil to improve the Saline-alkali soil.There are three parts:first, studying on the training of biological improvement bacteria in Saline-alkali soil; second, studying on ectopic bioremediation of Saline-alkali soil; third, studying on the effect of rice seedling of compost soil. In the laboratory, acidogenic bacteria was selected, Vinegar bacteria and Aspergillus niger, and was made mixed suspension. We mixed the stalks and mixed suspension and saline-alkali soil, moisture content was 65% percent. We had measured the value of pH, EC, soil moisture, and temperature at 4pm. Next year, the soil as the seedling nursery soil of rice, when the seedlings had three leaves, we had measured some seeding qualities.During the experiment, it can be seen that in the initial compost heap temperature rose rapidly, after 10 days reaching the highest value, and then decreased. In the initial composting, the acid production increased, made the pH value of the pile declined, with the reducing of microbial activity, pH values increased gradually. Compared with the pre-compost, the EC values went down 0.06-0.08; soil moisture content increased 11.8%. In effect of compost, treatment 1 is good than others. Using the soil of treatment 1 as the seedling nursery soil of rice, its the first leaf length, leaf age, root number, ground dry weight and underground dry weight is higher than other treatments’. Can be said to add the proper proportions of materials and microbial agents, the soil of compost can be applied to the seeding nursery soil of rice, and having gotten good results.Currently, on the improved methods of soil salinity at home and abroad, biological improvement method can be seen rarely. The study is a new measure, having important significance for the improvement of saline-alkali soil.


