

Research on Maize Vegetative Growth of Dynamic Simulation System

【作者】 朱春娆

【导师】 陈桂芬;

【作者基本信息】 吉林农业大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 虚拟植物技术是对植物在三维空间中的结构发育与生长过程的计算机仿真技术;是植物学家进行科学研究的重要工具。它是计算机技术在农业中应用的一个方面,也是作物栽培、作物生理生态、作物育种研究的一个新方向。通过虚拟植物技术,可以在虚拟农田系统环境下进行试验,可部分代替在现实中难以进行或者费时,费力而有昂贵的农田试验;另外,虚拟植物技术可以与智能化计算机技术相结合,使用户可以在计算机上进行虚拟植物生长的管理,有利于农业生产技术的普及和推广。玉米是一种重要粮食作物,玉米生产在我国农业生产中占有非常重要的地位,玉米生产技术的研究也是农业技术研究中的重要分支;由于玉米植株形态结构简单,生长规律性较强;因此玉米虚拟生长过程也易于实现。本文尝试在玉米生长模拟模型和形态结构模型的研究基础上,实现玉米虚拟生长动态模拟仿真。为玉米生产的科学研究提供虚拟仿真实验平台,能够更好地进行玉米生产技术的研究,提高农业技术水平。本文在研究中主要的创新点如下:1、在玉米生理生态特性研究基础上,结合实际生产情况,在成熟生长模拟模型的基础上,通过深入分析和研究,从植株发育过程、生物量的生产与分配、养分动态变化等方面建立了玉米生长模拟模型。在构建生长模拟模型的时候,按照和玉米器官的形态建模设计相耦合的思想,指出了玉米虚拟生长过程中需要调节的控制参数,为后续的玉米形态建模提供参数控制接口。模型设计简单,模拟效果较好。2、结合玉米植株各主要器官的形态特征,本文建立了玉米叶片、雌穗、雄穗和根系等各主要器官的三维形态模型。所建立的形态模型不仅包括玉米器官的几何造型,也包括形态动态变化的模型,并提出了形态动态变化的关键性参数。为玉米虚拟生长模拟仿真的研究奠定了基础。3、利用基于关键帧的计算机动画技术,在玉米生长模拟模型和形态建模基础上,本文实现了玉米虚拟生长的可视化仿真。在实现过程中,利用了WPF图形动画技术加以实现,一方面图形绘制、动画演示等设计更易实现;另一方面也使以后的功能扩展更加方便。在技术实现方面,具有一定的创新性。本文通过建立玉米生长模拟模型和玉米形态模型,设计并实现了玉米虚拟生长的可视化仿真过程,进而开发了玉米营养生长动态模拟仿真系统。该系统可以通过参数的设置,来实时演示玉米生长的动态模拟过程。系统的设计和实现有一定的理论价值和应用价值。

【Abstract】 Virtual plant technology is a plant in the three-dimensional structure of development and growth in the computer simulation process, it is the botanist an important tool to study. It is the application of computer technology in one aspect of agriculture, but also crop cultivation, crop physiology, crop breeding a new direction. By the virtual plant technology to agricultural systems in a virtual environment to test some place in the real world can be difficult or time-consuming, laborious and costly field trials there. Virtual plant technology and intelligent computer technology, allows the user to the computer management of virtual plant growth is conducive to the popularization and promotion of agricultural technology.Maize is an important food crop. Maize production in China’s agricultural production occupies a very important role, and maize production technology is an important branch of research in agricultural technology. As simple corn plant morphology, growth, strong regularity. Virtual maize growth process is therefore easy to implement. This paper attempts to corn growth simulation model and the morphological structure model based on the realization of maize growth dynamics simulation of virtual effects. Corn production for the virtual simulation platform for scientific research in order to better study of maize production technologies to improve agricultural technology. This paper studies the major innovations are as follows:1. Physiological and ecological characteristics of the corn basis, with the actual production in the mature growth simulation model, based on analysis and research through in-depth, from the process of plant development, biomass production and distribution, nutrient dynamics, etc., soybean growth simulation models. was established. Growth simulation model in the building when, according to the shape modeling and maize organs coupled design idea, pointing out that maize growth process needs to adjust the virtual control parameters for subsequent modeling of morphological parameters of maize control interface. Model design is simple, the effect is ideal.2. With all the major organs of maize morphological characteristics of maize leaves are established, Ear, tassel, and root and other major organs of the three dimensional shape model. The shape model established not only the geometric shape of maize organs, including morphological dynamic model, and proposed changes form the key dynamic parameters. Virtual simulation of maize growth and laid the foundation for the research.3. Key frame-based computer animation technology, simulation model of maize growth and morphological modeling, the paper realized the growth of maize virtual visual simulation. In the implementation process, the use of the WPF graphics animation technology to achieve the one hand, graphics rendering, animation and other design easier to achieve; the other hand, the future extensions more convenient. In terms of technology, with a certain innovation.Through the establishment of corn and corn growth simulation model shape model, designed and implemented the growth of maize virtual visual simulation process, then developed a dynamic simulation system of maize nutrition. The system can set parameters, to demonstrate real-time dynamic simulation of maize growth. Systems design and implementation of a theoretical and practical value.


