

The Investigation and Research of Piano Education in Ordos District of Dongsheng City

【作者】 韩静

【导师】 徐莉;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古师范大学 , 音乐学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着钢琴在我国广泛的普及,钢琴教育逐步成为素质教育的重要组成部分。教育师资、教育方法、教育思路都影响着钢琴学习。本文结合近年来鄂尔多斯市东胜区经济状况,针对东胜区钢琴教育现状培训机构、钢琴教师、学生、家长进行问卷调查和访谈等方法,总结出我区优势的同时提出问题所在和对薄弱环节进行分析,提出进一步改善当地钢琴教学质量的建议和对策。全文由四大章组成。第一章引言。简述了本课题研究的缘起、动机、对象、目的、方法、意义和价值。第二章文献综述研究。包括对国外、国内音乐教育发展理论研究现状。第三章调查研究分析。包括对鄂尔多斯市东胜区钢琴学习状况历史回顾,做问卷调查和访谈,考察当地实际情况,总结调查研究过程,以及所面临的困境是什么,得出结果。第四章解决本地区钢琴教学问题的对策探究。在论文进行中遵循实事求是的原则,秉承在实践中检验真理的信条,用联系发展的眼光去看问题。在论文进行过程中我采用了文献综述法、调查研究法、实验法、比较法、移植法这几项方法来完成我的调查和研究。

【Abstract】 Piano education is an important part of the quality of education. With the piano in China widely popularized, the teacher, method and the rules of piano education are playing an important role in piano study. This article contains survey and interview of piano training constitution, the piano teacher, the student and the parents in Ordos district of DongSheng city, trying to find the problem of the region, further raising the suggestions and ways to improve the teaching quality in order to increases the interest of students in piano study.The full text includes four parts.The first chapter has a brief introduction to the reason, the motive, the object, the purpose, the methods, the meaning and the value of this research.The second chapter is about total review of documents on music education theory, including research in China and out of China.The third chapter, investigation and analysis, containing review of piano study history in Ordos of DongSheng, the interview and survey, the investigation of the actual local situation. Finally, I will have a summary of this research and show the problems, concluding a key point.Chapter forth was to solve the problem of teaching the piano and the policy recommendations.The paper’s principle is seeking truth from facts. I try to result my solutions by testing them in practice, and research the problem by connecting each other in a developing vision. I have used many scientific methods to finish the job such as comparing way, interview, etc.

  • 【分类号】J624.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】189

