

Experimental Research on Sprinkler Irrigation Technical Modal of Maize on Ordos Plateau

【作者】 白玲晓

【导师】 王勇;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古师范大学 , 自然地理学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 鄂尔多斯高原属于典型的温带大陆性气候,可利用的水资源十分有限,全市供用水矛盾非常突出。农业缺水是限制鄂尔多斯农业发展的主要因素。玉米是鄂尔多斯高原主要农作物,研究玉米耗水量与产量之间的关系是确定玉米的经济灌溉定额和适宜灌水时间,开展有限水量在不同生育期之间的优化配置等工作的基础。因此,研究鄂尔多斯高原玉米喷灌灌水技术模式,对鄂尔多斯高原乃至全国实行节水灌溉,具有十分现实的意义。为了探索适宜于鄂尔多斯高原玉米的最佳喷灌灌水技术模式,进行了较大规模的大田试验。研究了不同灌水处理下,喷灌玉米地土壤含水率动态变化和玉米生长及产量构成因子变化以及耗水特性,定量分析了灌溉定额、玉米产量及水分利用效率(WUE)间的关系,并提出了喷灌灌水技术模式。得出主要结论如下:1.喷灌玉米地土壤含水率在玉米全生育期内变化幅度较小,在垂直分布上,喷灌玉米根系活动层(20cm-60cm)的土壤含水率略高于其它土层;喷灌灌溉水在土壤中的重新分布与喷灌前土壤含水率和入渗时间关系密切,而管灌与其关系相对较小。2.随着灌溉定额的增加,抽雄期玉米株高和叶面积明显增加,成熟期株高变化不明显;产量构成因子中,随着灌溉定额的增加,穗粒数、千粒重和穗重三个因子差异极显著,穗长、每行粒数差异显著,穗径行数和穗数差异不显著。3.产量与产量构成因子间的相关分析显示,每行粒数、穗粒数、千粒重、穗重和穗数对产量影响极显著,相关程度由大到小,依次为穗重>千粒重>亩穗数>穗粒数>每行粒数;穗长、穗径行数对产量影响不显著。4.喷灌玉米耗水特性表现为,随着灌溉定额的增加,耗水量、耗水强度和耗水模系数均增加;全生育期耗水强度随着生育期的推进,先增加后减少,呈单峰抛物线型,峰值出现在拔节-抽雄期,此阶段平均耗水强度为4.89 mm.d-1。5.喷灌灌溉定额与产量呈线性正相关,与WUE呈负相关;WUE的最高值先于产量最高值出现,且由于灌溉定额的增加而导致产量增加的幅度低于WUE的减少幅度;喷灌灌溉方式有利于提高水分利用效率,其节水效率明显高于管灌。6.在鄂尔多斯高原赛乌素地区及其邻近地区(或农业生产条件相近地区),要使喷灌有较高产量,并在当地能够顺利推广应用,推荐的喷灌灌水技术模式为:年灌水8-10次,灌水周期为7d,土壤含水率下限控制为:苗期55%FC,生长旺盛期65%FC,需水关键期70%~75%FC,灌溉定额应不低于5400 m3.hm-2。

【Abstract】 The climate of Ordos plateau is belonging to typical temperate zoon continental climate, and the available water was limited. Agriculture was much water consuming, and dependent for water intensely. Scarcity of water was the major limitation on agricultural development. Corn was the main crops on Ordos plateau. The study on the relationship between water consumption and yield was the base of fixing the economic irrigation norm and proper irrigation time: Therefore, carried out the study on crops technical irrigation model under the sprinkler irrigation in the region was guaranteed by water-saving irrigation system, with great meaning, both in regional and national.In order to search for the best sprinkler irrigation technical model of maize on Ordos plateau, the large-scale of field experiment was conducted. Studied the dynamic change of soil moisture and the growth of maize, the change of yield components and the characteristic of water consumption of sprinkler irrigation maize, and quantitatively analyzed the relation among irrigation quota, yield and water use efficiency, at last, put forward the technical sprinkler irrigation model. The main results as follows.1. The variation of each soil layer’s moisture under sprinkler irrigation method was small throughout the whole growth period, and the moisture of 20~60cm layer was higher than others. The initial soil moisture and time affected the redistribution of sprinkler irrigation water, and the effect was small to traditional method relatively.2. The plant height of maize was raised with the increase of the irrigation norm and turned different trend on different growth period. The leaf area of maize was increased with the increase of the irrigation norm and the difference was significant. The effect of irrigation norm was very significant with the number of seeds per ear,1000 seeds weight and weight of per ear; significant with the ear length and seed number per row; insignificant with seed rows per ear and the number of ears.Yield was increased evident with the increase of the irrigation norm, and there was close correlation between them.3. The correlation between yield and yield components showed that yield was very significant correlation with seed number per row, the number, of seeds per ear,1000 seeds weight, weight of per ear and the number of ears; and the correlativity was ordered from more to less as, weight of per ear> 1000 seeds weight>the number of ears>the number of seeds per ear>seed number per row; yield was insignificant correlated with ear length and row numbers per era.4. The characteristic of water consumption of sprinkler irrigation maize like this:the water consumption, the percentage of stage water consumption and water consumption rate were all increased with the increase of irrigation norm. In the whole growth period, the water consumption rate was increase and then decrease by the progress of growth period and the peak value was appeared at the period of jointing to heading, the mean water consumption rate of the stage was 4.89 mm·d-1.5. Sprinkler irrigation norm and was positive correlated with yield and passive correlated with WUE. The highest value of WUE was turned before the highest value of yield. The rate of yield increase was lower than the rate of WUE decrease. Sprinkler irrigation was benefit to increase WUE and the effect was significantly higher than traditional irrigation.6. If wanted high yield under the sprinkler irrigation at the experimental district, the recommended technical irrigation model was irrigated 8-10times in the whole growth period and the irrigation norm should not be less than 5400 m3·hm-2.

  • 【分类号】S513
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】163

