

GSM-R Based Train Position Monitoring Workbench

【作者】 黄小午

【导师】 王桂棠;

【作者基本信息】 广东工业大学 , 通信与信息系统, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 GSM-R(GSM for Railway)作为新一代的铁路综合数字移动通信网,在世界范围内得到了越来越广泛的应用,也是我国铁路移动通信的发展方向。随着高速铁路的大量建设和投入使用,GSM-R在我国得到了巨大的发展。现代铁路的安全和指挥系统中,列车位置信息是一个关键因数,许多应用如移动闭塞、列车自动控制等都需要列车的位置信息作为参数之一。而在铁路建设过程中,针对不同的铁路线路采用了不同厂家和型号的列车控制和通信系统,造成各条线路互联互通比较困难,制约了集中网络管理的发展。为此,本文设计了一种基于GSM-R的列车位置监测平台,把多条铁路线路的列车位置信息放到同一个监测平台上,便于对列车的集中网络管理。监测平台主要分三个部分:数据采集,数据传送和数据处理显示。数据采集使用ZigBee无线传感器网络,主要由两部分组成:沿铁路线布放的带状ZigBee无线传感器网络和列车上的移动节点。数据传送通过GSM-R网络,流程如下:先经过列车上汇聚节点的GPRS模块把数据传送到GSM-R网络基站BTS; BTS接着把数据沿着BSC、SGSN、GGSN模块,通过GPRS归属服务器接入GSM-R数据网,然后通过MPLS VPN网络把多条线路数据汇集到数据处理终端。在数据处理终端部分,使用铁路地理信息系统对位置信息进行矫正并显示在终端上面。本文主要进行了如下三方面工作:针对带状ZigBee无线传感器网络设计定位算法,使用实验设备进行分析,验证方案的有效性;为了确保数据在GSM-R数据网中的可靠、实时传送,提出构建MPLS VPN虚拟专用网络传送数据的方式,通过GNS3仿真软件验证设计方案的可行性;针对GSM-R中对实时性、容错能力要求较高以及带状覆盖的特点,提出一种无线传感器网络实时容错时间同步算法,并结合GSM-R的实际需求提出相应组网解决方案,分析和仿真验证算法的有效性。

【Abstract】 GSM-R (GSM for Railway) as a new generation integrated digital mobile communication network has been widely used in the world, and it’s also China’s development direction of railway mobile communications. With the large number of high-speed railway construction and put into use, GSM-R in China has been a huge development.In the modern railway security and command systems, train position is a key factor, many applications such as moving block and train automatic control need train position information as the one of the parameters. In the course of railway construction, for different railway lines used different types of train control and communications systems, resulting the interconnection in lines is more difficult, limiting the development of centralized network management. This paper presents a GSM-R based train position monitoring platform to take a number of railway lines’s train location information into a single monitoring platform to facilitate the centralized network management of the train.Monitoring platform is divided into three parts:data acquisition, data transfer and data processing and display. Data collection using the ZigBee wireless sensor networks, mainly composed of two parts:ZigBee wireless sensor network laying strips along the line and mobile node on the train. Data transfer via GSM-R network, the process is as follows:first, the data through the GPRS module of the sink node sent to GSM-R network base station BTS; BTS and then transfer the data along the BSC, SGSN, GGSN module, access to the GSM-R data network through the GPRS attribution server, and then through the MPLS VPN network to data processing terminals.In the data processing terminal part, using the railway geographic information system to correct location information and displays in the terminal.In this paper, research mainly in three aspects were as follows:design band ZigBee wireless sensor network localization algorithm, using laboratory equipment for analysis and verification programs; to ensure that data in the GSM-R data network transfer reliably and real-time, construct a MPLS VPN virtual private network to transmit data, then through the simulation software GNS3 to validate the design feasibility; aim at GSM-R’s real-time, fault tolerance and strip covering characteristics, proposal a real-time fault-tolerant wireless sensor network time synchronization algorithm, also combined with the actual needs of GSM-R network, proposed the corresponding solutions. Analysis and simulation is to validate the algorithm.

【关键词】 GSM-R无线传感器网络ZigBee列车定位MPLS VPN
【Key words】 GSM-RWireless Sensor NetworkZigBeeTrain LocationMPLS VPN

