

The Mechanism and Experimental Research of Compound Machining of Polyurethane Polishing Pad and Cluster Abrasive Brush Based on MR Effect

【作者】 李敏

【导师】 阎秋生;

【作者基本信息】 广东工业大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着微电子技术的发展,对于半导体硅片材料、结构陶瓷、功能陶瓷等材料的需求越来越多,为了更好的利用其特殊的材料性能,需要对这些硬脆材料进行精密加工,特别是作为衬底材料的单晶硅片和陶瓷基片,需要满足足够的面型精度和表面粗糙度,同时必须减少表面和亚表面损伤。集群磁流变效应与聚氨酯垫复合研抛加工作为一种新的方法,结合了集群磁流变效应研磨加工的高效去除和聚氨酯垫抛光加工的特点,对硬脆材料具有较高的材料去除效率和较好的加工效果。本文以单晶硅片、钛酸锶陶瓷基片和氮化铝陶瓷基片为实验工件材料,基于集群磁流变效应与聚氨酯垫复合研抛加工技术,对其加工机理和加工工艺进行深入研究。首先分析了集群磁流变效应研磨加工机理的特点以及抛光垫的特点及其对加工的影响。结合集群磁流变效应研磨加工与聚氨酯垫抛光加工的优点,建立起集群磁流变效应与聚氨酯垫复合研抛加工原理模型,并探索复合研抛加工的机理。研究磁流变效应工作液中粒子大小、磁性粒子与磨料粒子的包络关系及其匹配性对复合研抛加工的影响。其次从稳定剂的角度对磁流变研抛工作液的配方进行评价和改进,选择沉降稳定性较好的配方,对几种具有代表性的硬脆材料(单晶硅片、钛酸锶陶瓷基片和氮化铝陶瓷基片)进行单因素加工实验,分析对比了工件材料表面粗糙度和材料去除率,并且在这个基础上研究工艺参数对复合研抛加工的影响。接着分析了磨料种类对加工效果的影响,由于单一种类的磨料不能得到满意的加工效果,因此提出了混合磨料集群磁流变效应与聚氨酯垫复合研抛加工工艺,从单一种磨料和两种磨料混合的角度探索磨料种类对复合研抛加工效果的影响。最后对研抛盘的磨损导致的工件误差进行分析,从而从研抛盘结构、运动方式和磁极阵列方式对研抛盘进行优化,同时根据复合研抛加工的机理和模型对研抛盘进行粗糙化尝试,建立均匀粗糙化铸铁盘集群磁流变效应研磨加工模型,初步对其进行实验研究,探索新的加工方法。

【Abstract】 With the development of Microelectronics, the demand of semiconductor and ceramics is increasing, in order to make use of the special characteristics of these kinds of materials, we have to process these hard brittle materials. Usually, these semiconductor and ceramics are used as substrates, so they require high surface flatness, small enough surface roughness and less surface and sub-surface damage, therefore, a proper processing method is very important. Compound machining of polyurethane polishing pad and cluster abrasive brush based on magnetorheological effect, as a new processing method, combining the high efficiency of lapping based on cluster magnetorheological effect and the precision of polyurethane pad polishing process, has high material remove rate, small surface roughness and little surface and sub-surface damage. The paper studied the processing mechanism and the technical experiments of single crystal silicon chips, SrTiO3 ceramic substrates and AIN ceramic substrates, according to the Compound machining. The detail contents are as follows:Firstly, analyzed the specialty of processing mechanism of lapping based on cluster magnetorheological effect, the characteristics of polishing pad and its effects on processing. Combining the advantages of lapping based on cluster magnetorheological effect and polyurethane pad polishing process, established the processing principle model and developed the processing mechanism of compound machining of polyurethane polishing pad and cluster abrasive brush based on magnetorheological effect. Researched the impact of the size of particles, the adaptability of abrasive particles and magnetic particles on compound machining.Secondly, evaluated and improved the ingredient of MR processing fluid from the point of stabilizer. Chose single crystal silicon chips, SrTiO3 ceramic substrates and AIN ceramic substrates as the representatives of hard and brittle materials, then researched them with single factor experiment, checked the workpiece surface roughness and the material removal rate, and on this basis, researched the effect exerted by process parameters on compound machining. Thirdly, the type of abrasives plays an important role on the processing effects, most researches only studied one single kind of abrasives in processing, but usually, one kind of abrasives can’t meet the demand of machining, so this paper came up with the mixed abrasives of compound machining, and studied the impact of abrasive particles on compound machining from the view point of single type of abrasives and the mixture of two kinds of abrasives.Finally, analyzed the workpiece errors by the result of lapping plate wear, then optimized the plate from three aspects:the structure of plate, model of motion and ATA RAID. Roughed the surface of lapping plate uniformly according to the mechanism and model of compound machining, then established the processing model of rough lapping plate, studied the technical experiments and explored this new machining method.


