

New Age Our Country the Problem Research on the Accountability System Construction of Party and Government Leading Cadres

【作者】 黄春梅

【导师】 毕德;

【作者基本信息】 中共广东省委党校 , 中共党史, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 我国党政领导干部问责制度建设起步较晚,但自从2003年“非典”之后,我国加快了问责制度的建设,此后几年,由于一些重特大事故的频频突发,从制度建设的层面对问责提出了更高要求。2009年6月党中央、国务院出台的《关于实行党政领导干部问责的暂行规定》是党政领导干部问责制发展新的里程碑,该《暂行规定》把党委领导纳入了问责的范围,使问责制度更加符合我国的国情和更加合理化,以此为起点,问责制有了全国统一的基本原则和标准。党政领导干部问责的发展经历了一个从“风暴问责”走向“制度问责”的过程,在这个过程中,从中央、国家层面到地方党委、政府层面,问责制度内容不断拓展、范围不断扩大、程序不断完善,问责制度建设逐步走向了程序化、规范化、法制化。虽然在党政领导干部问责制度化发展的过程中,还存在着民主不够公开、信息不够对称、内容不够完整、程序上还有漏洞等种种弊端,但是问责制度的建设已经开始从“应对之举”到“常态之举”的转变,党政领导干部问责的制度建设必然趋势是在制度设计上更加精细化、标准化,在制度体系建设中更加注重无缝隙对接,在制度执行上更加有效和有力,从而促进问责发挥纠偏、警示、监督、保障等作用,进而增强问责制度对促进党政领导干部的责任意识、加强党的执政能力建设、推进责任政府、服务政府建设的重要规范作用。

【Abstract】 Our country party and government leading cadres accountability the system construction start to be late, But from 2003“SARS”, In china had accelerated the construction of the accountability system, From then years late, as some of major frequently sudden accident, from a system perspective on the accountability set more stricter requirements. June 2009 the State Council promulgated the“party and government leaders on the implementation of the Interim Provisions of accountability”is the party and government leaders a new milestone in the development of the accountability system, the“Interim Provisions”let the party leadership integrated the scope of accountability, so that the accountability system more in line with China’s national conditions and rationalization, as a starting point, the accountability system had a unified national basic principle and standard.The accountability for the leading cadre of the Party and the government accountable underwent a“crisis of accountability”to“accountability system”process, in the process, from CPC Central Committee and State Council to Provincial, municipal, county party committee and government, expanding the content of the accountability system, expanding the scope of the program continue to improve, gradually building a system of accountability procedures, standardization and systematization. Although the development process about the accountability for the leading cadre of the Party and the government is still a democracy and not enough public information not symmetrical, the content is not complete, there are still loopholes and various procedural defects, but the construction of the accountability system has started from“deal move”system to“act normal”system changes, the construction of the accountability system for the leading cadre of the Party and the government is more sophisticated system design, standardization, system construction in the system pay more attention to seamless docking, the implementation of the system the more efficient and effective, thus promoting accountability play a correction, warning, supervision, security and so on, and enhancing the system of accountability to promote awareness of the responsibility of leading cadres, strengthening the Party’s governance capability, and promote responsible government, Service-oriented government construction important regulatory role.


