

The Early Days of New China and the Surrounding Social Changes in Regulation Hutuo

【作者】 邢建贺

【导师】 高冬梅;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 新中国成立后至六十年代末七十年代初,国家进行了大规模的水利建设,对全国主要的江河水系进行了力度空前的综合治理。本文对这一时期的海河水系重要支流滹沱河河北段的整治过程进行了详细考察。梳理了滹沱河整治过程中分阶段的水利建设运动,阐述了河流整治所取得的巨大成就以及其中存在的问题和不足,论述了滹沱河综合整治后引起的周边社会变迁情况,以期能对地区性河流的治理提供一些有益的借鉴。全文除前言和结语外,分为三大部分。前言主要阐述了论文的选题原因和学术意义,对本论题的学术史进行了梳理和回顾,介绍了研究方法的创新以及档案史料等情况。第一部分,介绍了新中国成立初期滹沱河整治问题的缘起。首先介绍了河北省的水系概况,指出滹沱河在河北省河流中的重要地位;其次介绍了滹沱河的地理概况,社会经济情况,流域气候特征以及历史上的灾害情况;再次考察了新中国初期的治水理念,包括中央政府对水利建设的战略性规划,以及河北省按照中央政策制订的一系列河流治理规划。第二部分,详细梳理了滹沱河流域三个阶段的整治工作:第一阶段,修复河道,恢复灌渠;第二阶段,在河流中上游兴建大型水库;第三阶段,结合根治海河运动,对原有水利工程进行大力度的改建扩建,对河流进行综合治理。第三部分,分析了滹沱河整治后引起的周边社会变迁情况,包括水利工程的防灾减灾效果;河流整治对周边经济的促进作用;水库迁建引起的一系列的移民问题及其解决措施;分析了水库大坝对周边生态环境的正反两方面的影响。本文认为,新中国初期对于滹沱河的整治十分必要,也比较成功,基本解除了流域周边的水患,但是也暴露了一系列问题,尤其在移民以及生态环境方面,产生的消极影响至今存在且日趋严重。在今后的河流治理水利建设中,需要充分吸取其经验教训,达到更加科学合理的水平。

【Abstract】 After the founding of New China to the late sixties early seventies, the state conducted a large-scale water conservancy construction movement, the major river systems across the country carried out an unprecedented comprehensive management efforts. In this paper, the important tributaries of the Haihe River during the Hebei section of the remediation process Hutuohe a detailed inspection. The process of combing the Hutuohe phased renovation of water conservancy construction campaign, described the river remediation as well as the great achievements made by the existing problems and shortcomings, discusses the comprehensive improvement of Hutuohe social changes induced in the surrounding situation.First part, before and after the founding of New China Hutuo River overview introduces the overview of the water system in Hebei Province, pointed out that the river in Hebei Province in Hutuohe important position; next introduced Hutuohe geographic profile, socio-economic conditions, watershed climatic characteristics and history of disasters. The effects of the initial flood of new China the concept, including the central government attention to water conservancy construction, and Hebei Province early in the new China developed a series of river management plan.The second part, detailed combed Hutuo River training works in three stages: the first stage, river restoration, restoring irrigation channels; the second stage, in the upper reaches of the river to build a large reservoir; the third stage, the Haihe River with radical movement, the original There were major efforts to the rebuilding hydraulic expansion of the integrated management of rivers.The third part of the regulation induced peripheral Hutuohe social change, including the hydraulic effects of disaster prevention and mitigation; river training on the surrounding economy, promote; reservoir relocation caused by a range of migration issues and their solutions. Describes the dam on the surrounding environment both positive and negative implications.This paper argues that the beginning of New China, it is necessary for the rectification of Hutuohe, but also more successful, basically removed the flooding around the basin, but also exposed a series of problems, particularly in immigration and ecological environment, the existence of the negative impact so far and growing serious. River regulation in the future water conservancy construction, the need to fully absorb its lessons, to more scientific and reasonable level.

  • 【分类号】K27
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】145

