

The Story the Love between Human Beings and Supernatural Beings Novel in the Wei Jin Southern and Northern Dynasties Period

【作者】 李明霞

【导师】 张蕾;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 人神恋是古代文学中的重要题材,志怪传奇,诗词歌赋等文体都有表现。学界对人神恋这一题材的研究成果虽有许多,但多以西方文艺理论为出发点,并且集中于《搜神记》、《搜神后记》中的单个文本,而对于六朝志怪小说中的这一题材,较少整体研究。基于此,本文在充分吸取前贤研究成果的基础上,以六朝志怪小说中的人神之恋故事为中心,探讨它的产生、类型和发展及其背后所蕴含的文化内涵,以期拓展志怪小说的研究范围,窥见魏晋南北朝时期的社会习俗风尚。全文主体部分共分为三章。第一章追溯了六朝志怪小说中人神恋题材的来源。其主要源自神话传说和楚辞。在神话传说系统中,人与神的意向性交往使后来真正意义上的人神相恋成为了可能。而随着神仙方术的发展,史传的相关记载和传播,女神的形象由最初的单薄粗陋逐渐丰满起来。在楚辞中,人神恋题材自《九歌》起,文人的模拟之作逐渐增多,神女对爱情的追求由《九歌》中的大胆炽烈,变为文人笔下的幽怨缠绵。第二章主要讨论了人神恋题材的世俗化特点。一是指志怪小说文体自身的俗文学特点;二是指小说所表现内容的世俗化、人情化。即情感表现的雅俗不同,女神形象描写的雅俗不同。另外就是神仙家庭的参与,使得仅仅有单纯的男女之爱的人神恋故事,染上了颇类人间的世俗人伦气息。第三章主要探讨了志怪小说中人神恋故事的文化内涵。人神恋故事中,女神主动降临人间,大胆追求情爱,无疑和魏晋南北朝时期女性的思想解放有关。即“情”在此时期的极大张扬;女子贞洁观念的淡薄;大量涌现的才女。“凡间男子偶遇女神—欢会—女神离开”这一结构模式,映射出了寒门庶族在门第婚姻制度压抑下,希望突破门第限制,却又感到难以逾越的鸿沟的矛盾心态。“凡男返家”是道教重视现世的思想在小说创作中的反映。

【Abstract】 The love between human beings and supernatural beings are the important theme of ancient literature is legendary. The verses novel style has such performance. Perspectives on people love this one theme of the supernatural beings,though there are many research achievements, but in western literary theories as the starting point, and focus on the display immortals in Soushenji and Soushenhouji ,while the six single text of this novel theme, less research as a whole. Based on this, the paper Senior scholar fully absorb the basis of research achievements in the six dynasties novel , the love story of the gods, discusses its produce center, types and development and behind the cultural connotation, contained in the research scope of collective unconsciousness novels, Jin and southern and northern dynasties period glimpse of social custom fashion.Full text body part is divided into three chapters.The first chapter mainly discussed the six dynasties novels are human subject novel the source of god. Its main from myths and legends and Chuci. In myth system, man and god later that the intentionality contacts in the true sense of love god possible. With the development of the immortals, eternal of historical-biography relevant records and spread, the goddess of image from the initial thin gradually plump rise to rough. Chuci, people in love theme from god Jiuge on, scholar’s simulation work to increase gradually, the goddess of love Jiuge pursuit of the bold blazing, into the writer writing lingering sadness fell.The second chapter mainly discusses the theme of secularization, who god characteristic. A novel style refers to the popular characteristic; their refers to the secularization of novels, the humanized performance content. Namely the elegance and emotional displays different, describing the goddess of different image elegance. The other is the fairy family participation, making only pure love of men and women who love story, took god of the secular world quite breath.The third chapter mainly discussed the novel middleman god love story cultural connotation. People love story, god goddess, bold initiative to condescend to pursue love, no doubt, and in the Jin and southern and northern dynasties period women’s emancipation of the relevant. Namely "emotion" the great publicity in this time period; Woman is weak; ideas of chastity The springing of prodigy. "Mortal man - the goddess - human encounter a goddess leave" structure model, originally poor ordinary repressed in family marriage system, hope breakthrough ancestry, but feel restricted the gulf insurmountable the contradictory mentality. "Every male returning home" is the thought in the Taoist attention earthly novels reflect.


