

Spatial-temporal Change of Agricultural Biomass and Carbon Capture Capability in the Mid-south of Hebei Province

【作者】 胡乔利

【导师】 沈彦俊;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 地图学与地理信息系统, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 在人类活动的影响下,全球温室气体不断增加,给社会、经济和自然环境等带来一系列不利影响。为了控制温室气体、应对全球变化、减少灾害发生,诸多国内外专家学者进行了大量的研究。目前,碳汇、碳循环研究成为了当前研究的热点领域之一。在碳汇、碳循环研究中,人们对森林碳汇的研究较多,而对农田的研究较少。然而,农田作为陆地生态系统的重要组成部分,不仅是人类粮食安全的保障,而且在碳汇、碳循环中也占有重要的地位。目前,一些研究表明农田已经由碳源转变为碳汇。为此,对农田碳汇、碳循环的研究具有非常重要的意义,而且通过分析农田碳截获能力的时空分异特征,可以为气候变化和农田系统碳循环研究提供数据基础和理论支持。冀中南地区位于河北省中南部,它由西部的太行山和东部的广阔平原组成。它作为河北省乃至中国一个重要的粮食产区,下垫面比较均一,农田特征明显。本文选取冀中南地区的农田作为研究对象可以更好的对农田系统碳汇、碳循环进行研究。文中以4期(1980、1990、2000和2008年)土地利用数据和1984-2008年的粮食产量数据为基础,对农田生物生物生产力和碳截获能力进行了估算,并对其时空差异特征及其影响因素进行了分析。研究结果表明:自上世纪80年以来,农田生物量和碳截获量即生物生产力表现为增强趋势,地区内总生物量和碳截获总量分别达到0.065 Pg和0.025 Pg。农田地上生物量从1985年的600 g·m-2·a-1左右,增加到2008年的1200 g·m-2·a-1。尽管在2003-2005年间农田地上生物量受粮食产量影响有所下降,但总体上实现了高速增长。同时,冀中南地区农田生物量呈现先增加后减少再增加的时间变化趋势,空间上呈现低平原地区增加而山前平原及西部山区出现减少的现象。太行山山前平原区农作物的碳截获能力最大,碳截获量为700 g C /m21000 g C·m-2·a-1;而低平原地区较小,且相差约400 g C·m-2·a-1;山区和滨海地区的农作物碳截获能力更低,仅为150 g C·m-2·a-1左右。通过进一步分析发现山区农田和山前平原的碳截获能力均有下降的趋势,而低平原地区呈现逐年增加的趋势。这主要是由于农业技术和投入的提高增加了低平原地区农田的生物产量,致使低平原地区农田生物生产能力增强,而山前平原农业相对发达,多受人类经济活动的驱使,导致农作物种植面积减少,进而造成农田生物生产能力减弱。农田碳截获能力的增加或减少反映了其碳转换率的状况,所以冀中南地区农田碳截获能力的增加,加速了碳循环和碳汇的过程。另一方面,农田碳截获总量很大,虽然只是动态的碳库,但是如果能够合理利用必将增加农田的实际固碳能力。

【Abstract】 Under the influence of human activities, increased global greenhouse gases leads to adverse effects on the social, economic and natural environment. In order to slow down the global change and reduce disasters happening, many domestic and foreign experts and scholars paid lots of attention on carbon sinks and cycle research. In this area, more people study on the forest carbon sink, and fewer on farmland. As an important part of terrestrial ecosystems, farmland not only protects the human food safety, but also is an important position in carbon sinks and carbon cycle. At present, some studies showed that farmland had changed into carbon sinks from carbon source. So, research on carbon sequestration and carbon cycle in farmland is very significant which can provide theory support through tem-spatial variation characteristics of agricultural carbon capture analysis.The study area is located in mid-south of Hebei Province (MSHP), which consists of the west and east of the Taihang Mountains plain. MSHP takes important part in food producing with homogeneous underlying surface. This paper selected farmland of MSPH as a study area for the agricultural carbon sinks and cycle research. On the basis of four years land-use data (1980, 1990, 2000 and 2008) and food production (1984-2008), agricultural biological productivity and carbon capture capacity were estimated, and their spatial-temporal characteristics of different factors were analyzed.The results showed that:From 1980s, biological productivity and carbon capture capability increased and the total amount of biomass and carbon capture reached 0.065 Pg and 0.025 Pg. Aboveground biomass increased from 600 g C·m-2·a-1 (in 1985) to 1200 g C·m-2·a-1 (in 2008), though it was affected by the decline in food production in 2003-2005 And finally, it increased with a high speed in general. Meanwhile, farmland biomass of MSPH increased at first, then decreased and increased finally. It increased in the piedmont plains and declined in western mountains and piedmont plains spatially. he carbon capture capacity of cropland in piedmont area is 700 g C·m-2·a-1 to 1000 g C·m-2·a-1, and low plain area is smaller. Mountainous and coastal areas had the lowest capability of agricultural carbon capture. Further analysis found that the carbon capture capacity decline in piedmont and mountains, and low plains increased trend year by year. This was mainly due to improved agricultural technologies and increased investment in the low plains with higher biological yield of farmland, resulting in the low plains of farmland increased biological productivity. Developed agriculture in the piedmont, drived by human economic activities, resulted in crop production and the capacity of farmland reduced.The growth of biological productivity and carbon capture capabilities, accelerate the carbon cycle and carbon sequestration process. Although farmland is just a dynamic carbon pool , but it will increase the carbon sequestration capacity with reasonable use.


