

The Study on the Present Situation of the Single Sport Competitions in the After-school Time of the Vocational Colleges in Eastern Prefecture of Hebei Province

【作者】 王佳

【导师】 张聚民;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 运动训练, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 我国现阶段已经将学校课余体育竞赛纳入到学校体育中来,因为他不仅可以培养学生参与体育运动的兴趣、参与体育运动的意识、以及参与态度,同时可以养成良好的体育行为习惯和形成正确的人生观、价值观等,是学生在潜移默化中受到教育的关键所在。同时它也是我国青少年“阳光体育运动”重要组成内容,是积极落实“健康第一”指导思想的重要途径。高职院校承担者为我国社会主义建设培养大量高素质、专门化职业人才的任务,近年来,我国职业教育获得了快速发展,党和国家职业与技术教育的重视程度不断提高,体育教育在高职院校也提出了更高的要求。本文从发展学校课余单项体育竞赛的角度,对高职院校学生课外体育竞赛地开展现状和发展对策进行了研究和分析,研究结果对冀东地区乃至全省高职院校的体育教学,改革教学、课外竞赛组织和实施具有重要的理论和现实意义。本课题综合运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法、数理统计的方法等研究方法,对河北省冀东地区8高职院校学生课余体育竞赛的现状进行了调查研究,提出了目前高职院校体育竞赛举办各种类型的单项体育竞赛的频率较低,持续时间短,制度化水平不高,不能满足学生的体育活动,项目多样化需求程度较低、设施不足、缺乏竞赛经费等主要问题。本文通过调研分析,参考国内外高校课余体育竞赛工作的发展情况,结合冀东地区高职院校的实际状况,提出了更新学校领导和教师的观念,提高对开展单项体育竞赛的重视程度,将课堂教学与课余竞赛相结合、注重学生健身需求和兴趣的对策建议。

【Abstract】 Our country present stage has will spare sports competition into school school sports, because he not only can cultivate students participate in sports interests, participate in sports consciousness, and participatory attitude, also can develop good sports behavior habits and form the correct outlook on life, the values, etc, is a student in imperceptible education is the key to by. And extracurricular sports competitions in China is the youth "sunshine sports" the important composition content, as well as actively implementing the "health first" guiding ideology of important ways.Higher vocational colleges for our socialist construction fact-finding develop plenty high-quality, specialization vocational talents task, in recent years, China’s vocational education won the rapid development, the party and country to vocational and technical education value degree are constantly increased and the physical education in higher vocational colleges are also put forward higher request. This paper spare individual sport competitions in the perspective of work of higher vocational college students’ extracurricular sports competition situation and development countermeasures of research and analysis, the results of the study of eastern Hebei region and the province of higher vocational colleges sports teaching, teaching reform, extracurricular competition organization and implementation, and so has an important theoretical and practical significance.This topic comprehensive use of literature, questionnaire, interview method, mathematical statistics method, the exhausted areas of Hebei province 8 vocational colleges student class -odd single sports competitions conducted a study status quo eastern Hebei area, put forward the current higher vocational colleges single sports competitions held various lower frequency, duration and shorter, institutionalized level is not high, can not meet the students’ sports activities, the project diversification demand with low levels, facilities deficiency, shortage of contest funds and other major issues.This article through the analysis and research, domestic and foreign extracurricular collegiate sports contests reference work, combined with the development situation of the exhausted areas of the actual situation in higher vocational colleges, and puts forward the school leader and teachers update of concepts, improve the attention of single sports contests in classroom teaching and degree, will combine free competition, pay attention to students’ fitness needs and interests of countermeasures.


