

An Ecological Reading of John Donne’s Poetry

【作者】 孙蔚

【导师】 李正栓;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 约翰·邓恩是英国十七世纪的著名诗人,被后人誉为玄学派的鼻祖。其人、其诗自20世纪以来得到了人们的广泛关注。邓恩诗歌和布道文中的奇思妙喻得到了学界的一致认可,然而其作品中同样不乏丰富的生态思想和智慧,但至今尚未得到应有的重视。邓恩诗歌中的生态意识不仅展示了邓恩的“生态整体主义”观念,也批判了受历史文学和文艺复兴思潮影响的“人类中心主义”的反生态思想。在人与自然的关系上,邓恩拒绝一味压榨自然、主宰自然。他主张“整体和谐”的理念,主张建立人与动植物和谐共存的“生态之链”。本论文共分为五部分:第一部分介绍了邓恩的生平、文学生涯,梳理了对其诗歌的主要评论,并且对本文所采用的生态理论进行了简要的概括。第二部分提出了邓恩具有有别于当时社会他人的新型思维,即生态思维,并分析了其生态思维的来源。认为其生态思维来源于对“存在之链”的批判性继承,以及对人文主义和二元论的质疑。另外,摹仿自然也是其诗歌具有生态性质的一大原因。第三部分分别从解析爱情和死亡意象中归纳出了邓恩的生态整体主义世界观。认为包括圆形在内的、以显性或者隐形的形式呈现的各种富含生态隐喻的意象所代表的内涵不仅与生态整体主义思想不谋而合,也与生态和谐理念相一致。而从哲学层面来看,更是在一定程度上克服了“二元论”这种反生态思想,转向了“一体论”、“一元论”。此外,邓恩不仅化解了人们对死亡的恐惧,还倡导要遵循自然规律。此部分同时指出邓恩具有反对人类中心主义的思想。第四部分分别从邓恩对人类、动物和植物的态度中梳理出,邓恩意在建立一个人类与动植物和谐共存的“生态链”。第五部分是对全文的总结,并指出:邓恩的生态意识虽然立足于当时,却展示了如今的生态主义者倡导的思想,对生态文明建设具有启示意义。其超前的生态思维更是十分宝贵。

【Abstract】 John Donne, living in the 17th century of England, was the founder and the representative poet of The Metaphysical School. His poems have received much attention since the 20th century. Although people have already interpreted his poems from many different angles, the ecological ideas existing in his poems have not got enough attention.The ecological ideas in his poems not only demonstrate the ecological holism but also criticize the anthropocentrism. Donne shows his belief in the harmonious relationship between man and nature; man shouldn’t intend to exploit and dominate nature.The thesis consists of five parts.The first part is a brief introduction of Donne’s life experiences, his literary career and critical reception of his works. It also gives an introduction of ecocriticism with its development history and main theory that this thesis adopts.Chapter one is a tracing of the formation of Donne’s ecological ideas to the heredity of ideas from medieval time to the Renaissance times in which he lived. Under these influences, Donne showed his ecological thoughts in his poetical writings.Chapter Two first probes into Donne’s awareness of anti-anthropocentricism, and then displays his approval of ecological holism by explaining his images of love and death.Chapter Three, analyses Donne’s attitude towards human, animals and plants one by one through close reading. And it is concluded that Donne had a mind to establish a harmonious ecological chain among them.The fifth part is the conclusion of the whole thesis.


