

Research on the Current State and Dynamic Development of the Natural Wetland in Hebei Province

【作者】 杜鑫

【导师】 张义文;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 地图学与地理信息系统, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 湿地是地球生态环境的重要组成部分,与森林、海洋一起并称为全球三大生态系统类型。湿地生态系统依靠水而生存,具有很高的经济价值和多种生态功能。湿地能持续不断地向人类提供鱼、虾、贝、藻等水产品以及芦苇、木材、淡水等生活生产资料,而且湿地生态系统在抵御洪水灾害、调节地表径流、控制河流污染、改善小区气候、维护生物多样性、净化区域环境等方面起着其他系统无法替代的作用。河北省湿地在建国初期面积大,分布范围广,类型齐全。近几十年来河北省湿地面积减小,功能退化。本文利用地理信息系统(Geographic Information System,GIS)和遥感(Remote Sensing,RS)技术获得卫星遥感数据资料,通过考察、样本采集、资料收集、数据处理,实地确定了河北省自然湿地的规模与分布,通过对不同年代资料进行对比,阐述了河北省自然湿地近五十年来的退化情况,总结出湿地各因素变化的驱动因子,并提出了河北省湿地保护和恢复的建议。本文的研究成果及结论为:1、在湿地资源调查中,GIS技术和RS技术是重要的工具,可以提供有关湿地资源的海量数据,具有强大的空间分析功能和数据管理功能,为湿地资源的研究、开发、利用、保护和规划管理提供直观、准确和科学的依据。2、河北省湿地面积由上世纪50年代的近一万平方千米减少到了现在的二千多平方千米,减少幅度接近80%,自然湿地减少近50%,表现为水域面积大幅减少,滩涂被人为改造,自然生物量减少,水质下降,生态系统遭到破坏,内部结构被改变。湿地功能退化,主要表现为涵养水源、调节径流的能力下降,对区域气候的影响和控制力减小。3、湿地变化的驱动因子主要分为自然因子和社会经济因子两大类。自然因子主要有降水量、平均气温、日照时数等,社会经济因子主要有人口数量、国民生产总值、社会固定投资等。在各驱动因子中人口数量和降水量对湿地的变化影响最大,说明人类的社会活动对湿地的影响超过自然因素,占据主要地位。

【Abstract】 Wetland is the important constituent of the earth’s ecosystem, which is called one of the three global ecosystem types,with forests and oceans. Wetland ecological systems rely on water in order to survive, with high economic value and various ecological functions. Wetland can provide continuously aquatic products such as fish, shrimp, shellfish and algae, which can also provide the living production materials such as reed, wood and fresh water to humans. And wetland ecological system plays an important role in resisting flood disasters, adjusting surface runoff, controlling the river pollution ,improving area’s climate, maintaining biological diversity and purifying regional environment ,which can not be replaced by other systems.Wetland in Hebei Province has three characteristics: large areas, wide range distribution and all kinds of types. In recent decades, Wetland in Hebei Province was reduced in areas and degenerated in functions. This research gets remote sensing data from satellite by GIS technology and RS technology, which determines the scale and the distribution of natural wetland in Hebei province through the investigation, sample collection, material collection and data processing, which expounds the degradation of natural wetland in Hebei Province for nearly 50 years through the comparison of material in different years. This research summarizes the driving factors of wetland changing and puts forward suggestions in wetland’s protection and restoration in Hebei province.The research results and conclusions in this paper are as follows:1. In wetland resources survey, GIS technology and RS technology are important tools, which can provide rich data related the wetland resources, which have powerful functions in spatial analysis and data management, and they can provide direct, precise and scientific basis in the wetland research, development, utilization, protection and planning management.2. Hebei natural wetland area reduced by 80% ,from nearly a million square kilometers in the 1950s to two thousand square kilometers, which shows the water area’s reduction, beaches by artificial modification, natural biological decreasing, water quality decreasing and ecosystem destroying, internal structure changing. Wetland functional degradation shows the ability of water conservation and runoff regulation reduces, the influence and controlling force to regional climate reduces.3. The driving factors of Wetland changes are mainly divided into natural factors and social economic factors. Natural factors contain average temperature, precipitation and sunshine duration; Social economic factors contain population quantity and gross national product. Two of the driving factors, population and precipitation play the important role in wetland changes, which explains human social activities affects more on wetland than the natural factors, and they are in the most important position.

  • 【分类号】X37
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】174

